Post films only you've seen which puts you above the filthy casuals on this ''board''.
Prove you're now a bottom feeder like the rest but are a true kinophile
Post films only you've seen which puts you above the filthy casuals on this ''board''.
Prove you're now a bottom feeder like the rest but are a true kinophile
>the more obscure the more friggin superior my taste is
So you've never seen it then
>alfredo garcia
welcome to Yea Forums my plebeian friend
>Post films only you've seen
Sam peckinpah is not an obscure director
Wow check out my exquisite taste fellow patricians
>alfredo garcia
>films only you've seen
are you retarded
Is that from OP movie it look pretty good
>Le pleb ur Le pleb!!! lesmugface.jpeg
It's simply that viewers with superior taste have seen more movies, and therefore more likely to be aware of obscure ones
>Sam Peckinpah is now considered obscure kino by zoomers
ya just keep digging yourself deeper newfriend
Thats a shitty movie
The aguriree one.
Worse than the boat one
Fucking borrring
Yes. OP posted a movie that used to be widely discussed here before the board went to shit.
>thinking you have good taste in film
>posts movie about spics
So Yea Forums is simultaneously filled with film buffs who have seen every film AND people who watch no films whatsoever?
well what did you expect
>post a good movie
>post a modern movie
Is there any way to win here?
The whole August Underground series.