Well things were getting hot in the bedroom. then she pulled out a... you know

>well things were getting hot in the bedroom. then she pulled out a... you know

a what George? I don't know what you're talking about

>well let's just say Kendra used to be a "Kevin"

so she had a...?

>yep. she pulled it out right there. All 9 inches. No warning. Just pulled it out and asked me to show her mine

so what'd you do?

>I walked out of the room. I couldn't couldn't look her in the eye after that Jerry. I just couldn't do it.

big deal George, girls have penises nowadays. It's not gay to fuck a tranny. If you loved Kendra you'd still be with her. Text her right now and apologize.

>gay? Jerry, I don't care if it's gay. I'm comfortable enough to know that she's a woman and I like women. In fact I might have would have enjoyed it... if it were smaller. That's the problem jerry! I couldn't go through with it. I can't let her know she's packing more than me. I can't bring little David out to fight when she's got Goliath. It wouldn't be right. it would be



[Seinfeld theme playing between scenes]

[George and Jerry are in Jerry's apartment, on the couch looking at their iPads]

>Have you seen this new baneposting meme?

Again with the memes, George?

>Well, have you seen it or not?

No, George, I haven't seen it.

>It's ridiculous, Jerry! All they do is write 'you're a big guy' and 'for you' over and over!

George, you know I'm not really into the meme stuff. I don't meme. I'm not a memer!

>Well, this meme has gone too far! Too far, Jerry! And I'm going to do something about it!

[Kramer bursts into the room]

>What's George yelling about?

He doesn't like the new baneposting meme.

>Oh ho ho ho! Looks like we got ourselves a hothead!


[George storms out of the apartment]

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kramer asks jerry for car
Jerry call Uber.
Kramer is Uber driver
"I'm not gonna pay"
"you have too"

Thank you for reminding me that Seinfeld was never funny.

the Seinfeld for Millenials is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

everyone who watches the show considers it the new Seinfeld and thinks the humor is similar

fuck zoomers


>uh uh Sneed Jerry...
>Sneed, Jerry! All the kid's are saying it now! Sneed! SNEED'S SEED AND FEED!
>...What's the joke?
>What does it mean? What's the joke?
>Well, ah, it's uh a funny word, it USED to be Chuck's Suck and eeuugh well you know?
>Who's Chuck?

Attached: 1532991229713.png (500x339, 261K)

Lel nice one.

Why does kramer look like the chad meme?

because he is a chad

I'm a Millennial (31 in a few weeks) and no one from my generation looked like that, only fucking teenagers right now do. How fucking wide is the term Millennial if it's including those fucks?

Jerry get iPad?

Why do "Millennials" (zoomers) all look like they smell?

For Americans*

I think op means "zoomer seinfield"

small worldview. go to a big city

got a chuckle out of me, good job user

millenial just means young person who likes things i don't. people will be calling teenagers "millenials" in 2040

Legit kek'd.

Do Americans really look like that these days?


>Kramer uses Jerry's and his apartment as an Airbnb and Uber eats "restaurant"
>Rents them to a furrycon group
>*As Kramer rushes to deliver his food we see jerry siting in the middle of two furries

>George gets attached to a masked camgirl, gives her hundreds of dollars.
>camgirl is actually Elaine
>Kramer owns the website without any of them knowing

Attached: 1537291003741.png (615x624, 20K)

Elaine's bf works at Twitter and has HIV but he doesnt tell Elaine because disclosure is not required by Californian law


Under 30? Yes.

all of these couls srsly work

>kramer runs a power cord from jerry's apartment to his, to run his Kramercoin mining rigs
>Later he tries to make all the neighborhood businesses use his currency

>No you wont Kramer
>"WAH....WAH... *Kramer shows jerry the screen of his smartphone* IM GONNA DO IT..."
>*Jerry pays him

kramer looks like he'd kill me

Pretty good..pretty pretty prettyyy...prettaayyy good

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do you guys ever tip uber drivers? because i never do. i 5 star em sure, but tips? fuck no.

>George gets mugged in central park by a black guy
>Goes to Jerry's apartment and rants about it
>Jerry is dating a black female news reporter
>She hears about it and offers to cover the story for George
>George ends up being interviewed the next day in central park for the news
>She asks george to describe the mugger
>George notices that both she and the news crew are all black people
>Tries to describe the mugger without mentioning their race
>"Well....you see...he had a...darkness to him"
>She asks for more descriptive details
>"I would say he looked...above average in terms of athleticism"
>She insistently asks for more and more details about the suspect
>George gets frustrated and finally explodes and screams "HE WAS BLACK! BLACK, OKAY? ARE YOU HAPPY? A BLACK MAN MUGGED ME."
>News crew and Jerry girlfriend look at george angrily


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