>Natalie Portman had her hair shaved on screen for the film. The footage which was shot in a single take as her character cries while being imprisoned in a concentration camp. When asked later how she felt, she said that the tears were real since her own grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
Huh, I never knew that.
Natalie Portman had her hair shaved on screen for the film...
wtf I want to pay reparations now?
So many jews survived Auschwitz youd think only Germans died there
What Holocaust Deniers Think
>A council of centralized Jewish leadership that has no documentation or evidence to ever existing decides to fake "the holocaust" as part of a plot to take over the world and enslave the Master Race
>Plant the seeds for decades (centuries?) in advance long before WW1 even happened (/pol/ often uses the old "six million" references as evidence of a conspiracy)
>None of this is ever discovered or found out
>Somehow orchestrate in the middle of WW2 the mass disappearance of 11 million people including 6 million jews and 5 million non-jews
>covertly relocate these people secretly to ??? (Israel I guess?)
>build all these complex facilities and phony camps that were actually resorts with theaters and swimming pools and etc
>falsify thousands of documents, photographs, etc
>create thousands of fake mass graves and fill them with fake bodies in the middle of nazi-controlled territory
>pay off millions of witnesses of dozens of nationalities, none of whom EVER break the silence that they were in fact in on a gargantuan conspiracy
>Pay off every single historian to have existed at the time or has existed since, they're all in on it too and none of them ever blab
>All the nazi's are in on it too as not one of them denied the holocaust took place at their trials, just their individual responsibility.
>The leaders of every country in the world is in on that, including both sides of the Cold War
>Jews coordinate all this despite no real method of communication at the time. Moreover not a single document exists of them communicating so it was all psychic I guess
>No paper trail of this MASSIVE unprecedented operation that has spanned now many years exists.
>Somehow THIS is more believable than the nazi's killing the people they said they always wanted to kill
wtf I thought Jews were supposed to be clever
>ywn cum in her scalp
She survived the gas chambers? What, and the Nazis were just like "lol, you are a lucky jew! Guess you can chill in the work portion of the camp." Were they using cheap gas that day? It wasnt cyainide in the gas, just almond scent (I don't know if cyianide was the active ingredient in zyklon b, but whatever)? Haha, too funny. Life in the concentration camps, what an unending riot of fun and laughs!
It's pretty fucked, right? If you deny the holocaust, you might as well deny most of human history. There are so few primary sources for things like Roman or Greek history, yet people will take those as fact, while the holocaust, one of the best documented events in human history, is so obviously made up....fuck me. I used to argue with deniers, but they are so damned retarded, and have no grasp of how historians come to the conclusions they do, and think their moronic theories in any way make academic sense. Of course, then they attack academics, and you can't possibly win.
>"while the holocaust, one of the best documented events in human history"
Where are these documents?
>fake movie trivia for replies
better get deport-man
They're here in my bed :3
the guy shaving her head looks like a jew, tho.
They probably just threw her hair away ;_;
Can someone explain to me why the Nazis specifically used gas?
I get why they'd want to kill the jews the Grand Mufti told Hitler to , but why not just starve them? Why waste supplies to keep them fed, and then spend more money producing poison gas? It's not even a matter of logic, I understand that people would be willing to do all sorts of illogical things to their hated enemies...but I don't understand the logistics of it all happening during an on-going war.
FYI I'm not a holocaust denier, I'm just confused.
Pretty much everywhere in any involved countries's national archives, universities and even a few museums, you illiterate dickhead
Because the final solution in its gas chambers form was devised be ayse Germany was starting to lose the war and realistically wouldn't have time to starve the jews. They didn't spend any resource giving food to any jew or anyone else who was going to the gas chambers. You think the trains that brought them here had a restaurant wagon too?
Neonazi /pol/lutors incoming.
Better yet, why not the quickest and cheapest solution: systematically gunning them down and burying them in mass graves, rinse and repeat?
Would have taken a matter of weeks. Rwandans murdered 1 million of each other with machetes and hammers in 3 weeks, I think one of the most efficient killing organizations ever could have managed better. Little fishy huh
But wouldn't that mean that the gas chambers weren't actually built as part of the camps originally?
I mean, other than the gas chambers used for delousing that /pol/ always likes to go on about? but I've never heard anyone argue that those were used for extermination anyway.
Maybe because you're a sheltered little incel who has no idea how other human beings behave, but there are very very few men on this planet that will willingly spend an entire day murdering innocent people at gunpoint. There's a big difference between herding people into a closed off room and pulling a lever compared to standing in front of hundreds of people, pulling a trigger over and over again while they cry, piss their pants and beg for mercy.
But this is pointless. Holocaust deniers are just racists who don't want to accept responsibility for the atrocities committed by their beloved race.
you pay them every day by letting them destroy your country and undermine the family unit
They specifically developped industrialized death camps because gunning them down took too fucking long and made the units carrying those orders a bunch of inefficient broken methheads
Why don't you open a fucking book?
Are you also seriously wondering why a bunch of niggers killing each other pretty much indiscriminately (again, open a fucking book) seems to be quicker than identifying jews with contrived rules for determining their status in a bureaucratic apparatus over occupied countries with different languages, apparatus that was barely functional in the first place?
Read a book
>industrialized death camps
>lower death rates than POW camps in the US civil war
Depends on what camp you're talking about because they were far from all working the same way or having the same purpose, but even the original ones around 33-34 for handicapped and political opponents had some facilities for executions by gas so I don't understand what you're trying to ask
I just know this scene made me fap, several times
[citation needed]
LOL what a retard
Not either of them, but you are retarded.
He's completely right though
good post.
Pretty fucked up that the Holocoaster ride at Auschwitz killed you in the end. Not to mention the rape barns.
>>Jews coordinate all this despite no real method of communication at the time. Moreover not a single document exists of them communicating so it was all psychic I guess
That's why their elaborate stories never line up. They're all using it for their own personal gain. It's not that hard to think about.
Seriously. My grandpa was killed in the holocaust when he was six years old. They put him in a cage with a bear and an eagle and the bear mauled him to death while eagle plucked his eyes out. It makes me sick that people wouldn't believe my story. In fact, I'm still traumatized by it because the trauma was passed down genetically, but only to jews who had ancestors in the holocaust, not to anyone else who had ancestors that lived through traumatic experiences.
Show me the autopsy report for a single corpse that was 'gas chambered'.
JIDF raid lol
The bear was the real victim
>look mommy, I cherrypicked a few obvious made up memoirs, that means the entire thing was a giant elaborate fake spanning several decades, dozens of countries and literally involving millions of people
Must really suck being retarded
I’d have thought because they were vermin
Zyklon B was also used to kill rats
My grandmother got gassed 3 times.
What the fuck are you talking about you anti-semite? Are you trying to tell me that my grandpa wasn't actually killed by the nazis? Fuck you.
Hues did it first
No I'm just trying to tell you that you're retarded. I thought it was obvious.
Goodbye sweetheart, hello Viet-nam
All of you please fuck the hell off back to /pol/
You've all been reported. Suck my fat schlong Faggots.
>Nazis are evil and need to be stopped before they kill everyone and take over the world
>There's very very few men on this planet willing to spend an entire day murdering innocent people
You're twisting yourself in knots you stupid kike
>you must trust hearsay from people who have everything to gain from manufacturing extremely elaborate stories of how the germans killed millions of their people every hour
ok rabbi
they didn't have vaginas and they didn't cry.
Fuck you nazi.