What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It was made after Lucas cut ties with everyone who made Star Wars great except John Williams


Lack of linearity, which was already beginning to filter in through video games, but it doesn't play out well in a film.

It wasn't made by the people who made Star Wars.

Jarjar not revealing he was a sith lord

Except Lucas tried to get the Empire/Jedi writer to do a redraft of his script and he declined, so... no, he didn't.

>Lack of linearity

What does this mean? Too many characters and subplots?

Nothing, phantom menace rules
Screw u haters

villain was never introduced or developed, midichlorians, jar jar binks

Absolutely nothing. It was kino and people won’t realize it for at least a few more decades. Ahead of its time.

>obiwan relegated as side character and giving the role to quigon
>poop and fart jokes
>anakin being a slave, viring mother and not being brother with Owen, aslo being a kid instead of a guy following Obiwan in a crusade like he said in the first movie
>killing maul
>showing too much of sithious
>the treaty plan making no goddam sense
>no jedi or republic soldiers helping the queen and starting the war right there

That’s still a cut tie though, idnit?

Nothing. It was the second best Star Wars movie

Not Lucas' part, though. It's not as if he deliberately pushed all his old collaborators away.

>>the treaty plan making no goddam sense
That's because you didn't understand basic politics.

The casting of Obi Wan and Qui Gon was fucking inspired. The score, art design and world building are incredible and the pod race and duel of the fates action set pieces are phenomenal. Just needs the kiddie elements fixing.

Take out Jar Jar and make Anakin a bit older to get a better actor and make his crush on Padme make more sense. Also make his slave life for him and his mother more bleak to make him having to leave her more heartbreaking.

There fixed.

It could have been better if it introduced Anakin earlier and Anakin wasn't a stupid kid. The first movie should have had Anakin be in his late-teens and Obi Wan a little older than him. The two could have hated each other at first, maybe Obi Wan felt threatened by him, and then over the course of the movie their friendship grows and they begin to respect one another.


Yeah, Kasdan really knocked it out of the park with TFA and Solo.

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Nobody reigned in Lucas. He had a lot of retarded ideas for A New Hope too, but the studio and his friends told him to take out all the confusing and unnecessary stuff he'd come up with and the final film actually ended up having a very elegant simplicity to the plot because of it, which is a big reason why it ended up being so great.

None of the ideas for TPM got refined into the same cohesive product. Nobody told him that he could have just had some evil army invade Naboo to conquer it rather than coming up with a bunch of surface-level bullshit about trade routes, blockades, and treaties. Compare that to A New Hope, where they cut a two minute explanation about how the Empire was nationalizing land and turning people into sharecroppers for being unnecessary, and you can see the difference

Honestly this. It came out at the worst possible time, CGI still looked goofy and people were very crititical of it. It also had a child play one of the leads, that rarely fares well.

Lucas kept trying to hire people to direct it, like Spielberg, but they all declined because they were afraid they wouldn't be able to meet the expectations so Lucas did it anyways.


Based retard

This movie sucks the rotten asshole of a roadkilled skunk I rather drink the diarrhea fountain from Uwe Boll's anus then watch this piece of AAAASSSSSSSSSS

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Why did he shill for TFA?

Not much its still better than any Disney SW film

But he didn't cut ties with himself.

It's literally structured like an RPG. People say that it's political but as soon as they show up on Tatooine it's all about the podrace. They're still connected tangentially by the negotiating structure but we're constantly changing perspectives from Obi-Wan to Padme, to Anakin and it's more loosely structured than seeing everyone through Luke's eyes for example. So the prequels are structured on pedestrian contingencies or divine coincidences

>boring cinematography
>stilted dialogue
>excessive CGI
>cringy comic relief Jar Jar and droids
>insufficient background worldbuilding to clarify and give weight to the plot
>miscast Anakin (should be at least four years older on paper, six to ten for actor)
>midichlorians and Jedi Jesus
>underwritten villain

Other than that TPM isn't that bad. It's far better paced than AOTC (even if the ending battles drag on a bit), the visuals and aesthetic are excellent, score is superb, it's fairly cosy kino on a rewatch. Plus it's been memed to fuck.

Another problem is that when you have several 'lead characters' (read: no lead character) you can only end up making another humanist allegory. A drama of 'the human condition' in general. So it shows you fragments of things that happened to various characters, but it doesn't show you a lead character. So Lucas shows you things that happened to Anakin and the decisions he makes but it's seen very much from the outside.

People talk about the Hero's Journey but they rarely define the nature of the heroic protagonist. It's worth mentioning that Luke is a Classical hero (self-possessed and particular), while Anakin is more a Hamlet (he views himself constantly from the outside and in very general terms).

Attached: Heroic+Archetypes.jpg (960x720, 90K)

You can see how clever it would be if Kylo went from being a failed warrior to a romantic hero. It would be a kind of inversion of Luke's journey.

mm no, if maul go the queen to sign the traty palpatine wouldn't be chancellor