Do friends really do this?

Do friends really do this?

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I wouldn't know

Do performance reviews really go like this?

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>tfw can't make friends because it always feels awkward to talk to people
>add people on Steam and delete them when they invite you to play something
What the fuck is wrong with me? Whenever I talk to people it just feels like I'm waiting for the conversation to end.

No wasn't he dead the whole time, or were they brothers?

gay ones do

Yes if roommates with one bathroom

>Do friends really do this?
Talking to people(even girls) is unbelievably easy. All you have to do is ask them questions and be genuinely interested and listen. That's it. The only difference with girls is you have to be nonthreatening or attractive.

What if people never want to talk about anything interesting and only ever ask you "have you seen [latest popular series] on HBOflix Prime"?

Are you a girl?

imaginary ones do

what if i look threatening and unattractive

I don't mean girls. I'm already married, but I simply can't make friends. It feels odd talking to other people, at least here I don't have to make a commitment to contact you every X days or anything. It's uncomfortable and feels like an obligation, I just wish I could banter with people like I do here and occasionally grab a beer or something.

Say yes and then talk about everything you hate like weather convos and how hot/cold/windy is is right now. Ask them about their hair or nails in a manly way. Tell them you have a Bonner and you want to ram it in her pusy

Well the thing is most of the time real life is uninteresting. So when people ask about movies it's because they want to talk about the interesting things that happened in it and how they interpreted or related to it. Most of the time anyway.

be honest, say no, and tell them about something you did watch or did enjoy. then you can ask them what it's about, why or why it doesn't seem like your kind of thing, or ask what they liked about it.

Just go up to the first woman you see and tell her that she makes your cock hard. Will work 100% of the time.

be my friend user

this also applies if you are trying to make friends, or interviewing for a job.

no, Tyler was the idealized, hyper-masculine version of himself

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