Euphoria General Thread

Jules is cute edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

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poast legs plox

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Jacob Elordi (who plays Nate) and Hunter Schafer (who plays Jules) are the two stars who socialize the most on set according to Zendaya.

Gotta wonder if they're getting kind of serious.

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There was a cute video of this photoshoot. Hunter Shafer (jules) tried to walk away and Jacob Elordi (Nate) pulled her back in and wrapped his strong arm around her.

he has that look in his face that reads "She's mine"

is that bonbi?

Attached: what was that.gif (270x480, 2.45M)

what does a tranny bj feel like brehs

amazing since they have a better perspective for how to suck dick properly

No no whats that chad doing?!!


probly amazingly good

lol he likes hunter, hunter is pretty cute tho


Is this show any good?
I'm willing to watch anything good with Zendaya in it.

>a tranny is the 2nd hottest one ur show

they are in love

Attached: jules_and_nate.jpg (1024x683, 348K)

yea it's good. a lot of low iq /pol/tards will say otherwise but the writing is impeccable, especially when it comes to Zendaya's monologues

hottest women in the cast is a trans women lool

what the fuck kind of suit is the black man wearing?

has this motherfucker ever heard of a tailor?

>find a tranny who looks at you like this

>that fucking jaw and chin

>this nigger doesnt velour

to be fair, a lot of women have jaws/chins like that, especially in scandinavian countries

Nobody actually watches this show besides weird "furmamas" and tranny porn addicts

I hate to say this, but yes. I started watching because of the whole "Zendaya doing drugs" keks, but it goes down surprisingly easy for something that tries to be a 90's indie.

incorrect, the viewership has been pretty high and the digital view count has surpassed Game of Thrones

Imagine cucking Zendaya and then writing a song about how you couldn't help it because they sent you nudes

Attached: zendaya-trevor-jackson-31-compressed.jpg (396x398, 38K)

No you tranny lover faggot, they don't
It looks like a man

Zendaya's fanbase is fucking rabid dude, they're watching every second

Really? No wonder she went the beard route.


Imagine kneeling between Zendaya and Hunter and savoring the subtle differences between the black and white girldicks being shoved in your mouth

do ya think black girldicks get ashy too? asking for a friend.

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nah not really it don't matter

>i just got another pic and she's next with her friends saying boy come through
>she's built like amber rose, it gets lonely on the road what would you do (the shit was lit!)

Bro, you were saying the exact same shit in the last 4 threads for this satanist indoctrination. Who do you work for ?

oh if only

Men are better at being women than women are.

Cunts are so worthless.

The most unattractive cast that I have ever seen

>here's your """woman""" bro

Attached: how-old-is-hunter-schafer-1560787179-view-0.jpg (460x374, 30K)

You're being ridiculous. Even the men? Jacob Elordi is the king of chads.

The black guy is handsome too and very alpha since he's a manlet and still manages to cuck white dudes with his BBC

once again, trannies benefitting from angles and lighting
it's a dude

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I wasn't looking at the dude's asshole. The fuck is wrong with you

even in your cherrypicked photos with the motive to try to disparage her, she still looks beautiful and feminine.

back to /pol/

It's a super hot and fuckable dude though

It's a paid shill for this tranny actor

yeah but its more of a hot twink sorta dude, and that suffices. add a layer of femboi on top and a reasonably existent pair of tits, and you got yourself a stew baby.

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Exactly. That shot with him on the bed was lit perfectly. Im sure even females were jealous on how innocent and feminine that freak looked. Bored married men are suckers for teen bait that look that innocent and fresh. The dude was even surprised how clean that freak was

uh im just a normal person who loves hollywood gossip

you're that weird right-wing extremist who keeps spamming these threads with your 1950s backwards propaganda


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why is everything paid shills with you people maybe some of us just think hunters cute? ever think of that

and yes have sex too

looks kinda like /ourfaggot/ here, doesnt he?

speculations for ep3, how much more degenerate will it get?

>being a pedofile and posting bonbi

Wrong shill. I was mostly silent. Just notice the exact same message with the exact same picture. If they are paying you just admit it. Don't hide behind you being some type of fan. You come off as desperate and pathetic.

>still trying to spam this ugly zoomer bitch

that poster is a pedo simple as that


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You post 5 of these of days and you tell us to "have sex" lol nigga please. Fucking loser

not wanting a hot tranny to zuck ya dick


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that's not me posting that its the other poster idiot

That's your pivot? Assume I want an STD for commenting on the light on which anyone that knows photography can see what was going on. This is why we are at the end of western civilization.

holy autism batman, have sex

Whatever you sounded like that shill for a minute. My bad

Jokes on you I would fuck both Hunter/Jules and Ezra


theres a man goin round taking names his name is chris hanson

Seems like you and your dad had plenty together. At which age did he first touch you?

Great continue doing so! We don't need you passing your genes to future generations.

once again another autistic pervert question control yer sex drive sick faggot

i guess this gif with a clear view of her face is just a satanic magic trick as well?

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>tell strangers to have sex
>promotes degenerate sex between two males

See where you lack in logic but make up for it with hypocrisy. Kill your self asshole. Please make this world a better place

The gender binary is over

The whole show is satanic brainwashing. You dopes are just too stupid to know. They already got you.

Who is /ourfaggot/?

don't be scared. just admit it. she's beautiful

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this guy
already recognized it and covered it w/ a spot on pic

So how is this show, I've watched like 5 minutes of it so far, but the trailer looked mildly interesting.


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You and that creature is fucking disgusting. Just being honest man. Not everyone is down with your bullshit programming. Just know very powerful people put in a ton of resources to see degenerate shit like enter the mainstream. They got the youth already. What's going to happen next is inevitable. Can't hide in your sex, social media, celebrity obsession, and drug binges when it happens

brehs I want to fuck that little girly faggot but remain straight, wat do

Comrades, there will be a day when the State prohibits any entity from enforcing binary ideas.

Chop off your dick to prevent the spread of your DNA.

It's funny how all the right-wing idiots argue that Jules only looks good in cherrypicked angled still shots. motion she looks even better lmao...

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Does anyone know what Hunter's ethnicity is? This phenotype with the nice jawline is usually German.

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Is there a tranny in this? If so is she actually a tranny irl or just playing one? Or am I thinking of a different show

>Does anyone know what Hunter's ethnicity is? This phenotype with the nice jawline is usually German

definitely something Germanic (West German, Dutch, or Scandinavian most likely)

In motion you can observe even more that she's a man

Extremely cute in some photos tho, but still a man, ultimately crossing that line is all that seperates a faggot from a normal person, i'd still say he could easily pass and he's the 2nd cutest girl in the show

Don't forget the nose...disgusting

Delusional fag

He's cute but he aint passing as a girl.

I've seen tons of ppl mention they were surprised she's not a cis female

the homophobic slurs are not arguments. if you're just going to behave like a petulant child, please leave the thread

When Comrade Ocasio-Cortez becomes the President of the United States, that will be the beginning of a revolution.

After the revolution, the State will not tolerate homophobic and transphobic hate speech from right-wing extremists.

The joke's on you, I'm as right-wing as they get and I would wreck that little faggot. Make him grunt "kill niggers kill jews" while I have him bent over. Take pictures of him wearing a MAGA hat and ahegaoing while I choke him.

Not the user you were talking with but who the fuck are you to police this thread? This aint reddit man.

this is probably the kinoest political opinion to have

this. so much this!

wtf is that on her feet

look at the bulge in Nate's pants

i bet he whispered to her, "can't wait for this photoshoot to be over so we can finally go fuck"

She's really tall and has no tits and ass. How can any straight man fuck her more than once, NO TITS i'ts like fucking a man
the tranny in the show has more tits

The show is doing great, just look at the subreddit it's pretty active
For me Zendaya is the worst part but I'm enjoying the tranny and the football player storylines

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as a straight man, I'd rather hang out with Jules out of all the cast members.

the other bitches look so materialistic

This is disgusting

Your personality is disgusting.

How about that Mouse dude? He is one scary and alpha crazy motherfucker.

The white dude was straight up cucked. He coughed up $600 for something that should've been half the price.

total beta. Mouse could've demanded him to suck his dick and he probably would have complied

Your entire biological makeup is disgusting. Fucking freak

forgot photo

Attached: mouse.jpg (300x168, 3K)

I hate this gif. Fucking appropriated ass. Black Pander was trash

Is the tranny played by an actual tranny or a girl?

actual tranny. she's on the far right with her three younger siblings

Attached: hunter_and_family.jpg (640x640, 44K)

She cute!

is this a spoiler image, who is she kissing here?

>pretending this is good.
Stop Yea Forums. Just admit you either like Zendaya and want to fuck her, or the tranny plot is alluring to you because you like tranny porn.

Bet you they got the younger boy on hormone blockers and the two biological born females have been tricked out already.

The got the kid on hormone therapy to turn him pretty too. The two females females probably sat on few laps by now as well

Exactly this. This is clearly soft core porn for tranny lovers.

Why tv even discuss it? Looks like shit to me

It's typical teen drama shit that isn't even that entertaining. Oh well.

I was gonna guess Nate since it seems likely they're gonna hook up, but the guy just seems a little too short to be him.

>tfw when no junkie qt gf

I never denied this, i think the show is awful and degenerate but somehow Junkie Zendaya turns me on.

I hope Mouse gets a lot more scenes. The dude is an absolute psycho. I just wanna see him fuck shit up.

yeah taller than z in heels but i'm used to see her with the manlet
was this part of the sneak peek?

Attached: D-FQasDXYAEzPnE.jpg (622x1105, 104K)

probably. someone else originally posted it here.

Since she got on hormonal therapy at a young age, her development was hindered and she probably has a very small penis.

I bet it looks like a cute clit.

jacob's rock hard cock is between her legs and hunter is feeling ecstatic about it

Naked Hunter


I mean I'd also rather hang out with another dude if im not planning on fucking him. Men are just better company than women.


those are pretty decent

also since Hunter is a man/tranny and not an actual woman, posting her nude without the NSFW filter should be fine right? Mods wouldn't imply that she is an actual woman right?

>those are pretty decent
I'd expect them to be considering it's plastic surgery.

I don't know, you post her lmao

That picture is not naked in the way I wanted it to be

Based Sue show you how it's done:

Hunter can pleasure men and women
I know many women that want to try sex with a tranny

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I can't wait for the next episode.


she ain't got no titties

what titties she's got less than the tranny


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Is this show fappable? Only way I'm gonna bother watching it.

yeah especially the first episode

Based Dropped poster keeping it fresh with the new charts

lol Judd lets this be his daughters first big role

>maude apatow
I'm assuming that's Judds daughter and she got into acting from nepotism?

you could see her pokies in the 2nd episode

No she's just too talented
