/trek/ general STDer COPE edition

Oh no oh no oh no


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Welp. That's that. Bury it.

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So that rumor was true? Damn, how bad are those first two episodes? That rumor dropped right after Frakes said he'd finished his, iirc.

The fuck is wrong with Chabon? The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay is absolutely kino. The Wonder Boys is a great book as well.

Is it just that he's a Jew?

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What's his Star Trek fucking pedigree you fucking pleb?

I don't give a fuck if he's a kike. Can he do Star Trek justice? Can he save it?

Maybe the Anons of Yea Forums are disappointed that it wasn't one of the other producers, like (checks notes) Akiva Goldsman... or Alex Kurtzman...

Or maybe nobody outside of Yea Forums actually knows who Michael Chabon is.

Wait, is this the guy that wrote The Yiddish Policemen's Union?

spoken like a nigger that doesnt know shit about trek or chabon

he took it up the ass

You must like J.J. Trek you fucking cunt.

nice retort. you write for Orville?

Where's B?

This is the executive producer who DIDN'T work on JJ.

If you were hoping for it to be someone else then you're the pro-JJ poster.



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Oh, so you guys cream your jeans for Spider-Man 2 but won’t acknowledge the man who wrote it as a great writer? WOW


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Come to qvarks it's fun don't walk!

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Jess and Kevin split up

For real? Fuck

Who's Jess and Kevin? Is this a discovery thing?

It just keeps happening. I can't wait for the shit show at Comic Con next month. I've heard that last year the room was empty until they started to give away free food and drinks.

The STD episode that he wrote was quite bad though. It was basically: "the ship's AI wants to get blacked".

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Jessica is a regular poster. Kevin is her boyfriend. Appearently they are no longer together.

Apparently he was upset about being doxxed by VF in the 1st /trek/ discord and she promised to stop posting but obviously didn't.

Have marriage

>/trek/ thread
>zoomers talk about gossip and other discord drama

B never promised to stop posting. She'll be back tho.

How many showrunners has Nu-Trek had now?

In a combined 3 seasons mind you (STD 1/2 & Picard)

Bullshit. Bash was doxxed long before the discord. She selfdoxxed drunk like a year ago. LEARN THE LORE IF YOU'RE GONNA POST

Bashirfaggot? VF? Who are these people?

Why don't you guys stay in your tranny discord instead of fucking up every /trek/ thread?

Love them or hate them, they've been an important part of /trek/ the last 2 years.

So they're not anonymous?

So is this some Victor/Victoria shit where it's a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman?

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Picard best captain but Kira is best no 1

That's Bashirfaggot. One of the tripfags. She's been here a while. Her pics from FB got posted.

Why slut B'Elanna Torres pick fuckboy Tom Paris instead of Vorik. Vorik was polite, well-spoken and highly logical ... dumb bich

Mr. Dater was a big deal in the 1990's, but I feel like the fandom in general has cooled to him. When the series was on I thought he was the most popular character, but now everyone focuses on the Picard speeches and Worf.

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Reminder that Tuvix was murdered and no one cared because he was ugly.

Actually, it's DAY-TAH.

the coward got what he deserved

>net result is -1 deaths
ha ho kay

2 lives > 1 ugly freak of nature
I hope he suffered.

Bash if you are reading this I love you. I will marry you but only if you promise to piss in my mouth every day.

>the face of a man who desperately needs a new yacht

What does this have to do with star trek?

>The one who wrote John Carter
top fucking kek

That picture is just great

Come on, dude. Let's just talk about the show

Make it count.
-G. LaForge

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Reading is for nerds. I watch Trek for the PEW PEW PEW PEW! That's why DS9 and JJ are my favourite Treks

*Beep boop*
This holodeck program may be disturbing to some viewers.

Data and Odo are similar in a few ways, but for me personally they were both character that I really cared about during my first viewing of their series and then basically gave zero fucks about them on subsequent viewings.

>tfw your fanbase is pedos and virgins.

>he thinks holorape counts

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They talk American but no fatties?

If STD is so great, why is the plot (or lack of) a jumbled mess?

Bryan Fuller
Aaron Harberts and Gretchen J. Berg
Alex Kurtzman

Along with half a dozen exec producers in the mix stirring up shit.


thank god Kurtzman is heading out the door. Even if Chabon isn't very good, I'd rather chance it with almost anyone else at this point.

It's really obvious where STD changes producers because the storyline will jump tracks out of nowhere. It happened in season 1 and it happens in season 2.

Just go with your pessimism


>The STD episode that he wrote was quite bad though. It was basically: "the ship's AI wants to get blacked".
He wrote that? Yeah it's ogre Im afraid. Maybe they'll learn from their mistakes after Picard becomes stillborn and find a way to make a kino Sisko series after all of this.

The mirror universe seemed like a huge diversion from the Klingon War arc, which really didn't seem like a war.


Season 2 had it worse. The Red Angel thing was supposed to be about faith vs. science, and then out of nowhere it's about the Section 31 not-Borg trying to kill all life in the universe because (?)

Epic picture.
I wonder if they take it with humor and if some fans ask out of pity for autographs.

Imagine going there and staying in a line so you can pay a guy to write his name on a piece of paper or something. Redditors are pathetic.

Spock - Tech like that has to be from the future
Section 31 - Your sisters mom invented it like 20 years ago bro

But in STD, EVERYTHING must be about Michael Burnham.

>everything must be about the characters
this is different from other treks how?

Three times already in only 29 episodes the fate of the entire universe (and multiverse) depended on Michael Burnham
>b-but Sisko was a Prophet and no one called him a Mary Sue!!

>it's okay when Kirk saved the universe
>it's okay when Picard did it
>it's okay when Janeway did it
>it's okay when Sisko was the chosen one
>it's not okay when Micheal does it because I hate women and she is black too!!!

No-one complained about Sisko being a nigger you fucking nigger. STD is shit because the actors are shit, the writing is shit and the continuity is shit.

Is sg1 close to trek levels of comfy?

If not, what is?

Babylon 5


Legend of the Galactic Heroes

>No win-scenario
Life sucks, what's the big deal about this?

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As if you could pass the Kobebryant Maru

Why is /r/startrek just people saying "you know ENT isn't as bad as people say (+32623 upvotes and gilded)"?

zoomers, alt-righters and similar garbage

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ENT isn't as bad after you've watched STD

>The Red Angel thing was supposed to be about faith vs. science
Yeah I remember that. Before they had to reshoot the first 5 episodes, nuPike was written as a christcuck. He would pray before making any decision.


Forget that other guy, Bash be like a mother to me!

drinking piss isn't as bad after you eaten shit

Because ENT is good and the anti-ENT narrative is crumbling

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>t. zoomer alt-righter

>good amount of people like Janeway even though she's a woman
.most people like Sisko even though hes black
>almost everyone dislikes Michael

Maybe...just maybe...the writing in STD is awful

I'm a boomer leftist

Everybody dislikes new things because they are new. News at 11.

>People like Janeway

Who are these people? Psychopaths?

>when all treks were new everyone HATED them please believe me this time ;_;

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sure, zoomie

What exactly is the implication here?

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Speaking as someone who watched Enterprise when it came out, I'm proud to say that I hated it then and still do now.

What? You never hung out with your bro in his quarters?

>Levar Burton: The New Spock

Quality article there. I'm sure it accurately represents the feelings of everyone at the time

Garak hitting on someone who was straight

ENT was clearly made to be "American".
You watch all the other shows they have this universal feel to them where anyone can watch them.

Meanwhile ENT clearly panders to americans, from the intro implying they were the only ones doing exploration, to the dynamic in the show with the American Captain and the snobbish Vulcans who were clearly a stand-in for how AMericans see Europeans: arrogant, treacherous and ungrateful.

In short it's a good thing 9/11 happened.

Spotted the faker. Enterprise was comfy. I looked forward to it every week.

Chaos Theory - SPOCK
untitled Discovery ST - NUMBER ONE
Q&A - Q
untitled live action ST - ???
untitled animated ST - ???
untitled animated ST - ???
Will the new Short Treks probably be out this year?

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Enterprise was good. It should have gotten its full 7 seasons. I would have been rated third in the best trek lists it had.

Yall a bunch of get off my lawn boomer faggots

>mommy captain
>no missions/don't have to follow orders from starfleet
>barely leave the ship and spend a lot of time on the holodeck
best trek

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What exactly is the implication here???

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There were extremely vocal fans who hated TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT when they first started airing. In fact, the only series other than TOS which people didn't hate before it started was VOY. But then it was shit and people started hating it pretty fast. The difference is, prior to ENT, most people were looking forward to the new series, and the people who either hated the premise or hated the actual episodes once they began airing were a small minority. A lot of people (at least among the online communities back then) hated the fact that ENT was a prequel, but I don't know if it was a majority. And some people came around to ENT.
STD is unprecedented in how poorly it was recieved both before and after it started airing. If you don't think STD stands out as exceptionally bad and hated more than any other trek series, you're delusional or too young to remember, or both.

>I was a kid back then and loved it!!

Trekfags arguing about and because of other trekfags

>TFW: Cannot into escapism one night and normie into society the next day

Season 1 of ENT was actually decent, but Season 2 is a lot of samey, recycled feeling episodes and there's no real sense of direction. What went wrong?

Siddig enjoyed talking to Robinson more than he enjoyed talking to Farrell.

What? You never thought your bro was really good looking and though, "What the hell? Why not go for it?".

Isn't that kind of...ya know...gay?

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All Star Trek series are made to be American. TOS is one of the most American sci-fi shows ever produced. Star Trek is just American cultural colonialism in space.

Nope. Not possible. It was a trick. We made it up.

Not if the balls don't touch

>someone disappointed it's not Kurtzman
said no one ever

>New Short Trek is called 'Q&A'

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is Q back?

You're welcome.

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Star Trek Discovery is hot fucking garbage.

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The Q are back but they were created by Michael

What the fuck does late 2019 even mean? What's the range for that for Picard's show?

cringe and tone deaf.

No no no. They worship at the perfectly beautiful and fierce feet of Michael

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I love the characters but i don't want to see OLD Data & Q and the fucking guaranteed to be lame ass explanation for why they look like shit!

>USS Enterprise
>United Federation of Planets

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I'd worship Burnham's feet so long as they were clean.

UFP is a retcon, canon is United Earth Space Probe Agency

Degenerate. Why worship feet if they are not dirty then its just like a hand.

>they've been an important part of /trek/ the last 2 years.
Literally the cancer that killed trek threads on Yea Forums.

Hands are good too.

>United Earth Space Probe Agency
That was the prototype name for Starfleet. Not the Federation.

Starfleet, UESPA, and UFP are all totally different and separate things

If you watch the show doesn't matter your country it feels like you could have a place in it. Same for TNG, DS9 and VOY.
Meanwhile ENT is clearly more americentrist

>[Chaos Theory] with Spock and Number One from 'Star Trek'/'Discovery'
>[Q&A] with Q from 'The Next Generation'/'Picard'
>[???] with a live action character
>[???] with a live action character
>[???] with an animated character
>[???] with an animated character


>TOS isn't americentrist
Nigger, have you seen the episode where they run into some cavemen who somehow randomly parallel-developed an America and they literally pledge allegiance to the fucking flag?


When is the next big event where they usually announce important Star Trek shit?

>Short Treks

Yeah, I'd only want to talk to Jeffery Combs, too

>In short it's a good thing 9/11 happened.

wow so edgy

I never said that it isn't, I just stated that ENT does it more.

Same as Voyager: Wasted potential by refusing to buy into the premise fully. Voyager should have been a complete mess by the end of the show. Enterprise shouldn't have waited to season 4 to start showing the beginnings of the Federation and should have really explored the founding races.

>the fat black dude and the short little white dude standing over there trying to look important and authoritative with their lanyards
Jej, why does every person of mild importance so full of themselves?

>Americans literally clap and cheer when something bad happens in Europe or other countries
>omg don't you dare say something edgy about us tho!

Season 3 of ENT (the Xindi arc) was kino.

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Fuck off redditor.

Zoomer pls

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>Americans literally grab their guns and rush to aid when something bad happens in Europe or other countries
Fixed for accuracy. Your welcome.

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>redditor using zoomer speak accusing others of being zoomers

>americans pretending to be important over some monument in the ass end of Bavaria or Westphalia or some shit

>gets dabbed on by Japan

I was in college you fuck

You don't say

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Oh, we'll put some Q in A if you know what I mean...

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It's called Midnight's Edge

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Bashirfaggot is fucking hot garbage

VOY's second season has a lot of kinos in it (Meld, Deadlock, Death Wish, Tuvix, Dreadnought), but ENT's second season is a snoozefest (The Communicator, Singularity, The Breach, I don't even remember these ones) the only good episode is Carbon Creek

Stick to the topic, tourist.

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found another redditor

I hate Summer...

Why the fuck did they retcon Lore out in Nemesis?!? They acted like he never existed which eliminates a bunch of plotlines in the show. Did I miss something in TNG?? Am I stupid?

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>Am I stupid?
You betcha

it's that episode where deanna gets raped by a ball of light

Picard has a line of dialogue about how Soong always gives his androids faggy names

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>Liking Voyager
user, have a seat. We need to talk about your wrong your opinions are.

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Good. Fuck that cunt.

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>Hating Voyager

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Based Marina

Her co-star, Michael Dorn, was a Star Trek fan before he was cast and Dorn is a Republican.


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Share your pain, /trek/

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>say the truth
>it triggers people
>a nigger is a republican
It says a lot about republicans

>you can enjoy fictional universe A if your political beliefs are Y
God, Marina really is just a bimbo like Troi was.


Has the fanbase come to accept the original Enterprise opening theme was great?

Post proofs

Dorn is a based black man

I think people who like DS9 as their favorite series are bad people.

Some person here wants me to pee in his mouth daily. What should I do?

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This coming from people that can't enjoy STD because it has a black main character and "feminism" and "sjw".
Your lack of self-awareness is astounding, also n you can't enjoy something like Star Trek and being a Republican unless you like being shitted on constantly and seeing all your ideals being ridiculed.

>memeing about sam raimi being a nazi kike hater is the same as "creaming your jeans"

You seem unusually interested in that poster's proposition.

I'm an honest to God fucking Marxist and I think Discovery is pretty much a hot dumpster behind a sperm clinic.

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Any Riker fatfic?

You are an attention whore who faked being a tranny to get more attention. Your opinion doesn't matter.

TERFs get the phaser

Fuck you I wrote some like three days ago and nobody cared and some dude started talking about the Federation and being a Libertarian or some shit. I fucking hate nu/trek/.

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If humans in the Star Trek future are all equal, how come Michael Burnham gets talked down to by white men in positions of power?

it's been a long road

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I unironically love you and want to cuddle with you

>I wrote some like three days ago and nobody cared
That's because it wasn't very good

Fans literally protested CBS' offices
They mentioned it in Chaos on the Bridge documentary.

Remember the phrase Kirk or Picard? It was a huge autistic 90's thing

I'm rusty and your scathing criticism has left me genuinely hurt. ;__;

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Repost it

you're such a fucking faggot defending that shit show that you got dabbed on by an actual Marxist rethink your life choices

Based Weyoun still bringing em in while DISC is utterly ignored.

This pic always makes me smile.

>implying star trek needs saving

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Mexican girls don't date logical nerds dude, they fucking HATE them.


Find me one post where I said I was actually on HRT or a transexual.

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Oh it's you again.

Tom was the biggest chad in the delta quadrant

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post a selfie we need fresh content

Why is /r/startrek so faggoty?

>lmao Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra where the walls fell
>Picard is le best captain
>cancel STD and give us BASED PIKE
>Picard is gunna be the best show ever because PICARD
>I refuse to pay for product unless product is free or pays me - fuck you CBS all access
>Have an idea or break the circlejerk? I'm going to kill your fmaily
>no one likes you, Shatner
>ugh does anyone else find Angel One and The Code of Honor SUPER offense?!
>Homosexual Vulcans would be gay and not reproduce because it's logical (seriously saw this post before)
>you know Enterprise isn't that bad - this gets posted daily but here it is again
>Ever character on the Next Generation ever should be in PICARD
>I drink tea earl grey because of Picard
>Kirk is too offensive
>did you realize darmok predicted MEMES?? XD

Lying by omission.
Watch Law & Order.

We've seen your pictures. You're Ben Shapiro in a dress.

>still seething about Picard
seek help

It's my first time in this general please explain what you're getting on with so I can laugh at you.

Don't forget about covered in tiny zits even with professional makeup artists.


superior show desu

>Based Weyoun
Not only that, it's Jeffy Combs; there's, like, 3 characters whose portraits you could have him reasonably autograph.
Jeffy Combs is bae, ngl.

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more like reddit combs

Mr. I Just I Marathoned Voyager for the First Time. GTFO


Because Vorik tried — and failed — to make rape. Based Tom Paris made rape on Janeway as a alium and that got B'Elanna's d'k tahg holster wet.

>Andy Dick
Ruined a great episode. I wish Jon Lovitz would have shown-up as a Romulan and beat his holo-ass.

Tom Paris got laid the most during the course of Voyager's journey.

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More like you're the one who deserves ridicule, because Star Trek was owned by Paramount and was filmed on the Paramount lot during TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT.

You mean the CBS lot?

Best characters per series. Undebatable. Don't @ me.

>Spock, Kirk, Mudd
>Data, Q, Worf
>Garak, Odo, Kira
>EMH, Janeway, Neelix
>Phlox, T'Pol, Tucker
>Tyler, Lorca, Mudd

She was such an insufferable cunt on the show. I loved that episode where she loses her powers because it demonstrates what a fucking piece of worthless shit she truly was, that she's nothing without her ability to snoop on people via sampling their minds and emotions.

Post your...
>Current Age:
>Birth Sex:

And your favorite...
>First officer:
>Medical officer:
>Science officer:
>Engineering officer:
>Security officer:
>Tactical officer:
>Reoccuring character:

>Current Age: 21
>Birth Sex: Male
>Nationality: American
>Ideology: Paleoconservative
>Captain: Kathryn Janeway
>First officer: Spock
>Medical officer: Phlox
>Science officer: Data
>Engineering officer: Miles O'Brien
>Security officer: Odo
>Tactical officer: Worf
>Reoccuring character: Garak

>>Current Age: 34
>>Birth Sex: M
>>Nationality: USA
>>Ideology: Incel
>And your favorite...
>>Captain: Kirk
>>First officer: Riker
>>Medical officer: Bashir
>>Science officer: Dax
>>Engineering officer: O'Brien
>>Security officer: Odo
>>Tactical officer: Yar
>>Reoccuring character: Garak

Attached: Tasha_feels_sick.jpg (1440x1080, 372K)

>Current Age:
>Birth Sex:

>First officer:
>Medical officer:
>Science officer:
>Engineering officer:
>Security officer:
>Tactical officer:
>Recurring* character:

Attached: 1540426677039.jpg (599x450, 52K)

Are they still going with the #refugeeswelcome plotline?
Because that will kill the show. It will be another shit cycle of belligerent millionaires that still can't cope with 2016 fighting with the audience.

They're going with BREXIT but with Vulcan who is reuniting with the Romulans after their demise. It was predicted on /r/startrek and then removed by the mods at the request of CBS.

>Engineering officer: Miles O'Brien
>>Engineering officer: O'Brien
>Engineering officer:

>Reoccuring character: Garak
>>Reoccuring character: Garak
>Recurring* character:


>your actual height
>how tall you wish you were, and why
>Ezri or Jadzia, and why

>5'11 because I'm good with how I am
>Jadzia because Ezri is just proto-Tilly

>Ezri is just proto-Tilly
Even though I'm on Team Jadzia, I still request that you delete this offensive and inflammatory post immediately.

>Jadzia, because dermal regenerators

Attached: Jadzia.jpg (1229x1881, 347K)

>all these americans
I can't be the only foreigner here can I?

>comparing ezri chan to that blob of protomatter

Attached: ezri.jpg (417x406, 92K)

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>that disgusting androgynous look to pander to LGBT sensibilities as the documentary explained

>your actual height
>how tall you wish you were, and why
Happy with mine because statistically it's the most desirable
>Ezri or Jadzia, and why
Jadzia because she's more confident and in-tune with herself.

She's hot as fuck but she's annoying

Post your
>Your highest attained education level:
>Which Trek series is the best:
>Which Trek movie is the best:

Didn't Frakes say that the Picard show had wrapped filming? Why are they just now naming a show runner?

Forgot image

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>Undiscovered Country

>Undiscovered Country

RIP Daddy Picard Show.

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>Your own people want you dead and you just accept it and run a tailor shop? My god, man!

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>RIP Daddy Picard Show.
Mental illness.

Those uniforms make everyone look classy.

Voyager is comfy. Voyager is sexy. Voyager is family. Voyager is life!

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Good times.

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>Computer, scan thread for redditors.
>One redditor identified.

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I'm a redditor too but that's only because Yea Forums is unreliable with being on top of star trek and wow news.

those uniforms are so bad, they look like cheap stuff made in some chinese sweatshop

Really? I would have thought it was Harry.

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Even though this was the worst movie with a shitty plot and a wasted opportunity to make something good, it had some cool moments and high production values.
And I love Nimbus III, because it's the least "Trek" planet and shows that it's not all generic humans in togas living on earthlike worlds.

>alcoholic Picard finds hope and faith in the Federation again thanks to a new group of cadets

First Contact was better than any of the TNG movies, Abrams movies or TMP.

>first contact

I mean Final Frontier

kill yourself, Shatner

If I do, it's because of Clinton :-P

He was a famous trombone man from out Alaska way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
He's in Starfleet now, a-blowin' reveille
He's the boogie woogie trombone boy of Enterprise D

They made him blow the solo on that Nightbird sham
It really brought him down because he couldn't jam
The captain seemed to understand
Because the next day the cap' went out and drafted a band
And now the company jumps when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie trombone boy of Enterprise D

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My mind to your mind
my post to your post

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I like Tuvok but he really didn't have a personality.

>Spock - Sassy Vulcan
>T'Pol - Bitchy Vulcan
>DSC Spock - Autistic Vulcan
>Tuvok - Vulcany Vulcan

Attached: Tuvok.png (1470x1470, 736K)

>hurr tuvok is a one dimensional Vulcan
Somebody didn't see the lon suder arc.

>I don't feel anything. When's it supposed to kick in?

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Or really any Voyager at all.

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>Who are these people? Psychopaths?
Coffee Enthusiasts

>Coffee Enthusiasts

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You're quoting a TABLOID? You've lost all credibility.

It's been a looong road
Putting Up with ENT's faggotry

EVERY episode featured either a physical fist-fight or a sexual rub-down decontamination scene or similar softcore bullshit.
Scott Bakula played "Captain KickMyAss"

It had a few good moments, but was overall pretty shit. Voyager was shit as well, again barring a few good episodes.

Janeway drinks american coffe, I can't take her seriously. Granted she is a woman so it makes sense she would have shit tastes but jesus christ.

>DSC Spock
Stopped reading right there. It's STD.

STD traded in comfy, and episodic for generic space lazer fights. Micheal's actor couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, and it's straight up distracting. Instead of a cerebral series of mini stories about exploring the nature of life in outer space, we get one drawn out war story with mirror universe shenanigans that breaks protocol with every other series. What made it worse was the shit fest in the modern "entertainment media" with all that shit about the lead being a black women, like anyone cared. Trek is being run by toxic feminists, sjws, and 70 year old business men who couldn't give a shit beyond profits.

A new Picard show that promises to give Picard the humiliating Luke Skywalker treatment is supposed to make up for a trash grimdark Michael Burnham show that spits on Roddenberry's grave, and Star Trek's legacy? I wouldn't even waste my time watching it for free.

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Sorry I haven't been browsing Yea Forums as often because half the time when I search for /trek/ there isn't a thread. I will search for it on the archive because Riker fat fic is one of the only things that keeps me going in this life.

Say what you want, but Quark is the best Space Jew there ever was. They should have given him, and Odo their own spin off show called "Catch Me If You Can".

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I love weyoun!

Its not rape if they are programed not to say no

Funny thing is, all holo-characters are played by the ship's semi-sentient computer system, so you're fucking the same entity that opens doors, runs the warp drive, replicates your food, and translates bridge console button presses to phaser fire.

Jordie is disappointed in you.

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>he watches ds9 for the pew pew pew

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I prefer the "didn't read, lol" version

>playing the worst fallout game

>Season 3 of ENT (the Xindi arc) was kino.
AKA Lets sit around a fucking table and twirl our mustaches. Binge it, you'll see they barely do jack shit. It's only the break in the monotony of seasons 1 & 2 that cause people to hail this as something good, because it's only better by comparison, but still utterly futile.

You really do have shit taste, fren.

>Why the fuck did they retcon Lore out in Nemesis?!?

Because the movies are also aimed at the Normie audience who don't follow the show. Especially after the financial windfall of Save The Whales: The Movie, they try to keep callbacks to tv episodes at a point where they don't confuse the non-show watchers. That way your date or your parents don't bash the movie to their friends harder than you praise it to yours.

ST5: I lost a brother once, I was lucky I got him back (TV show fans wonder why no refer to episode where Kirks brother actually died? Changed in the comic book version for the true fans, while the film acts like he never had a flesh & blood brother)

Anything that does refer back to the TV show is going to be explained (usually awkwardly) so they keep it at a minimum when they can.

Is Sisco religious?

How did they retcon Lore?

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they didn't, that user didn't pay attention


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Did you know Martin Luther King plagiarized his doctoral thesis?

Attention to what?


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>it's time for the triggered Trumplets

Please stop. Please


And Hitler never wanted war.

Silly American not wanting to see people being shot by crazy people.

Did you know that you are on the wrong side of history?

isnt the nword and some other waman a repub?

about women or coffe?

>Why is /r/startrek so faggoty?

The /r/ is your first clue.

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just the tip.

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Dumbass, the 90's Trek was filmed on the fucking Paramount lot. Are you really this stupid?

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>based on FBI
stopped reading there

>Be-four? Doctor Soong's penchant for whimsical names seems to have no end.
Also, from TNG: Inheritence
>Creating a stable positronic matrix is very tricky. Your father lost several prototypes before Lore.
There's no retcon with B-4.

Reddit isn't that bad you elitist fart

First Episode: I Hate You And Don't Trust You
Second Episode: I LOVE YOU GUIZE!!!
99% of Episodes: Look at how comfy our ship is! Year Of Hell? What's That? Shutup Ensign For 7 Years Kim!

Voyager is only Comfy for those that get their scheduled nap time in Kindergarten.

>Reddit isn't that bad

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>pretending Drumpf supporters aren't redditors

make a nev thread pedos

is that some sort of pedo lingo

Are you referring to the censored or the uncensored parts?

Because they ban and censor opposing viewpoints, which is precisely why /r/startrek is so utterly ridiculous.

that would be communism
you have to make it yourself if you want it

go back to your base building user

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To be fair that's kinda ds9 in a nutshell.

>Generic WAR!!
>Muh Bajoran Holocaust
>We Bajorans are the chosen ones. All the real God, and prophets love only us.
>The US..I mean The federation MUST spend time and money protecting Israel .. I mean Bajor at all costs because . . . "reasons?"
>Drama!! Generic War!
>The White man...I mean O'brien Must Suffer.
>Dude, rapist, spoon head, space Nazis from outer space.
>Shoot them!!!...Shoot them!!!
>Pew Pew PEW!

Attached: O'brien Must Suffer.jpg (699x484, 85K)

so many things wrong with your post
for starters irish people != white