>that bit where JJJ accidentally shows he's watching Captain Marvel porn in his phone.
That bit where JJJ accidentally shows he's watching Captain Marvel porn in his phone
>get JK Simmons to play JJJ
>still fuck it up and now it's just JK Simmons doing a JJJ impersonation
Bravo Disney
Whats your favorite captain marvel porn?
For me, it’s Amusteven’s Lust Avenger
Kek, how shit was the movie?
ikr, how the hell did they manage to make him look so lame
Is this movie worth watching?
>J. Jonah JUST-eson
> bald JJJ
I fucking KNEW marvel would fuck it up
The man is balding for fucks sake. And this isn't the Raimi universe, he had to look like a modern regular journalist, not a 60s newspaper stereotype.
/tvpol/ btfo yet again. have sex
>mcu alex jones
>played by simmons
I kind of dont mind the cheesy raimi look
kys marvel faggot
we wat pic related
They can't give him some sort of hairpiece with all the budget they have? What's the point of casting him again if he's just going to be a "modern regular journalis"? Talk about wasting potential.
Everyone here’s so whiny. At least we got something, this is the best case scenario if we actually wanted to see JJJ in cinema ever again.
Besides that it’s a 5 second clip. Nothing’s ruined or different about the character - it’s a glorified cameo.
Yes, because these marvel movies are all about down-to-earth realism.
if he doesn't look like JJJ then it's not worth it anymore, simple as that
Dr phil lookin ass.
If you haven't noticed, the marvel formula seems to be: "realistic everyday life, outlandish goofy superheroes", which is to say, when superheroes arent involved, the world seems pretty realistic and down-to-earth. Homecoming is a good example of this and a sharp contrast to Raimis work, in which both the superhero stuff and the everyday stuff is pretty cartoony. I don't even like marvel movies, I just understand worldbuilding in film.
Well you ain't getting it faggot
Thugs were running around with alien cartoon guns in the previous movie. There was an entire SHIELD organization with people in jumpsuits.
So now that his identity is revealed will Peter be arrested and charged for vigilantism? He’s a minor, sure, but he should still be sent to juvenile detention
They turned JJJ into Alex Jones.
Why would crooks mess with Spiderman when they know he could beat the shit out of them. You don't see people coming to kick down Cap's door.
Those things are superhero-related. I mean regular civilian everyday stuff like schools, television, offices and the like. You're not gonna see people dressed like comic book characters there. Hell, not even the superheroes look like comic book characters when they're in civilian mode