Gen Z

What kind of films and series does the Gen-Z/Tik-Tok generation prefers to watch?
Do they watch Chernobyl, Euphoria?
Do they like films like Drive, No Country for Old Men?
Or just bland shit?

Attached: anneris.webm (576x1024, 2.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:!Uao1AIqQ!sO9whD8mUFdI40-3MzSpOw

more like Gen DD


they like chucky and marvel and add approved anime like one punch man. they snapchat eachother nudes and fuck and suck constantly. not meming I work with a bunch of them.

Mostly Youtube, Twitch and capeshit. The more "refined" ones watch typical "teenage cinephile" stuff like Tarantino, Fincher, Leone. TV is going out of style and rightfully so because it's a fucking garbage medium.

mmmmmmmmmmm big milkkkkk
baby boy so thirst mmmmmmmmm

wtf i love zoomers now


How is it possible to get more bland than Drive?

can't believe anime is "more" mainstream now.
Watching subtitled anime isn't seeing as geek, dork and weeb as years before

They don't have the attention span

>hiding her massive gut behind the table



>tfw checked ahead in case there was a jump scare or ricardo

you actually think Leone isn't accessible. Cute.


wouldn't do this to you, my Yea Forumsirgin friend


Attached: 1545813636257.png (1280x715, 782K)

>fake her
>fake eyes
>make up
>same angle in every video
>clearly fat

>they snapchat eachother nudes and fuck and suck constantly

She is 14 you mongrels.

>>clearly fat
how is that bad

>50 year old slow burners with no special effects, political messages or quips
Yep, definitely what zoomers like to watch

source is myself, I work with 18 to 25 year olds in a department store. it's depressing because there's a 25 year old guy that has his pick of the litter and because I'm slightly older he cockblocks me by being tuned in to their zoomer ways. it's my own fault for being a tremendous loser though.


Fuck off fatty, no one likes you.

Hey it's pride month, don't be a bigot.

woah thats a big problem!

I know, a bit too old for my tastes as well.

It sucks being into slim girls.

Friends show me these thots with cowtits all the time, expecting I be impressed or something. I feel nothing. Maybe some cringe for the stupid things these hoes do, but thats it.

For me, it is slim girls.

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why are you telling me this? I'm not your therapist lol

you asked source, it's anecdotal but I have to imagine that it's common. it's not seen as weird to casually hook up/cheat amongst younger people.
maybe in rural alabama or some place.

>tfw have quantum test levels and like both

I hate fat people so much.

Attached: 1451882173413.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

>Leone movies
>slow burners

Attached: 1557706073475.png (685x844, 140K)

She was for real 13 in her earliest tiktoks, and the one OP posted ain't that old.

t. chestlet
imagine not having sex appeal oh nononoo

Would bang
She confirmed being 15 on instagram

Attached: 438330115087_instagram_2019-05-04_16-11-24_61127716_355793041807394_3495499886301982310_n.jpg_nc_hti (1080x608, 93K)


Why do I love tiddies so much, lads?

Girls like that are untenable for most, guys pretend to like fatties to cope with that.

too big

>that gut

Attached: girl-vomiting-.jpg (1024x717, 64K)

Here's a super tip for you guys: if you "heart" videos with chicks with larger breasts in them and "not interested in vids that don't, you get more vids on the For You page of big tit chicks.

Why is tiktok allowed to exist? It's literally all teenagers posting softcore pornography of themselves


>you need to be fat to have bewbs
cope harder, fatty

Attached: 1547857281745.jpg (851x1380, 183K)

Where do you live

imagine her carrying your baby and having even bigger tits

And boomers with big tits

What are these mentally challenged motions she is doing?

That’s exactly why it exists. To further encourage degeneration and degradation of the traditional family unit

the washington dc suburbs which are very libcuck/pozzed/diverse

>that gap

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hey guys when im using an electric razor am i supposed to use shaving cream and is it okay to wash the top of the razor with water?

don't make this kind of threads when i'm in no fap goddamit!

I don't know bros, some tiktok chicks are pretty qt

She's thicc

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Attached: a13~2.jpg (666x641, 60K)

>that filename
Holy fuck, what a boomer.

lets hope this cow will end up in the porn industry so i can buy her one day to suck my dick

Big tits but fat and small. It's literally the worst combination. Would still fuck, but not date.

She's going to bloat like a fucking whale by 21

Attached: 1558695229120.jpg (758x866, 73K)

Every single streaming service is a gold mine of child and teen porn.

she's fat

>I am onions: the post

she looks like she's 40, absolute state of hispanic shitskins


This so much this. We are at the end of western civilization now bros. Shit is going to hit the fan real soon. Patriotic Americans won't tolerate this shot that much longer.

We can only hope


That mutts tits are gonna sag to her knees before she's 25. Fatty worshipping thiccfags btfo

have sex

Drive baby

fucked a 17 year old with tits like that. sucks our age gap is so much i would date her tits in an instant.

>shitting on a 15 year old girl with big tits
>bigger boobs

>She is 14 you mongrels.

Attached: 1561237775218.png (644x790, 59K)

Where the fuck are this childs parents?

>im a tremendous fsggot
Go fuck men you homo in denial

>tfw Kacy was raped during her first week in LA
I wish I could've saved her

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She's Spanish. What the fuck are you talking about?

So? People shit on zoomers with weird haircuts. Why should tits be different?

Someone post a non disgusting tik tok girl that's equally as slutty.

Do you only see MUH HUGE BEWBS? Her figure looks like shit, it's so unappealing.




i didn't know tiktok had a web viewer
are there any good accounts of fitness whores with 6-pack abs?

t. low-test betas, seething roasties and chestlets

What i would give for just an hour with her MASSIVE MILKERS

>birth control in the water isnt a proble-

just think about it

Attached: Merry.jpg (200x247, 13K)

Why do they do this weird dancing stuff?

perfection blocks your path

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those >fatposters are retarded

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She looks like she fucks white boys

To pretend that they aren't just making softcore porn.

She's spaniard, so yeah

what's her name?

she cute

Attached: (639x960, 727K)

>dude I'm so socially awkward Lmao
>moves to LA to be a model
>fucks her neighbor
>he wasnt a Chad but an ugly old dude
>"I was raped"

Why are women such a meme?

>this isn't fat in burgerland
she's not morbidly obese, but she's still chubby

This. I'm not and never guilty of it but I refuse to believe the alternative.

she's sucking in her gut and leaning forward to pretend like she has a flat stomach. how dense are you?

DD to the D power

>seething this hard over big boobs

>tfw dated and lost my virginity to big titty cute as fuck teen girl in high school I met when we were at swimming practice
>tfw we broke up when I left for college and she ended up marrying some fucking loser and has two kids with him and got thicc
>tfw still fuck her when I go back to visit because I honestly love her even if she is thicc and married to a pill popping soiboi with two shitty kids
>tfw fucked her last week and asked her to stay and she said no because of the husband and kids
>tfw back to being forever alone and tinder hookups because she is the only girl I have ever felt emotions for other than lust
>tfw it's an abstract kind of feel to be Chad who can do better but has oneitis like a fucking loser

I wish I was a permavirgin, everything would be so much easier.

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>She is 14 you mongrels
Just kidding, seriously

Attached: This is just a joke please dont get me.jpg (460x574, 44K)

Why does Gen Z girls all have huge tits?

My niece just turned 12 and she is at least a DD and she isn't even fat.

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I masturbated to the memory of an elderly woman accidentally spitting on me yesterday. I think you're doing a bit better than I am.

Women should be denied rights and be used for breeding, prove me wrong.

Generation Z doesn't care about anything. They're the most detached people I've ever been around. It's actually quite tragic. Everything is a joke or a meme and they really honestly don't care at all. Not about tragedy or success, not about accomplishments, death, life. Everything is a big joke to them. So to answer your question. They watch whatever. And that's all the thought that goes in to it

Hormones in the food. For reals.

fookin tits mang
by why do people like piercings so much

since the 60's, each new generation is statistically developing bigger breasts in average.
Dunno why but thanks

nah thats millennials. trust me bruh take it from one. genz actually cares more about every little thing so much. social media is their life and how they are perceived is the most important thing to them.

>you will never titfuck a pair of massive milkers

Just give your nan the ol lickaroo like I do lad. Me nan can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

>pretending only fat people have big tits

thats some pretty obvious COPE

It's really growth hormones they put in chickens and shit. Plus they get an overdoses of Estrogen because it's in the water everyone drinks.

>Everything is a joke or a meme and they really honestly don't care at all. Not about tragedy or success, not about accomplishments, death, life. Everything is a big joke to them.
Sounds like early Yea Forums.

It's really just weight
We've been getting fatter and fatter for awhile.

looks preggo




Nobody likes fucking white boys

Estrogen, women pee it out when they are on the pill and 50 years of taking it tainted the drinking water.

based slimposter

Who would have thought the pederast board that praises kstew and jenny nicholson gets really angry when you post big tits? Shocking.

mega nz/#F!Cvo2RKJT!QhXSG4nADvRZbNeja61AxQ

what is this haha

>will never tit fuck a 15 year old's massive milkers and then cum on her braces while her dad is crying in the next room because he's a beta cuck who can't do shit about it or his wife will leave him for being non-progressive


Attached: 1482239138996.jpg (561x696, 41K)

her tiktoks, SFW

Why don't guys have huge dongs then? Or do they? Fuck man I was born in the wrong generation.

Literally not even a tingle in the dick. Post better ones.

why is a 15-year-old taking so many pictures in her undies/bikini (AND posting it on instagram)? shes clearly sexualizing herself, but if you even look at her, you're 100% a pedo automatically

absolutely retarded

because unironically the hormones on food make dicks smaller

my peepee is tineeee

The estrogen, fuck man i keep telling you people.


Attached: (1080x1920, 659K)

nice fake, bro

Attached: Untitled.png (605x759, 129K)

>but if you even look at her, you're 100% a pedo automatically
Only brain damaged people think that.

Stop calling me fat, faggots

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>he thought i would post my niece on here
pic was just an example of how she looks

You think I would actually post a 12 year old girls tits on Yea Forums?

He never said that was his niece you fucking mong.

>that perfect fat distribution

JFC I'\m a pedo now

W-What have you done to me Yea Forums? ;_;

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reminder these women go on liveme to make money by selling nudes

>slim girls
>not slime girls

Attached: IMG_2758.jpg (849x1200, 523K)

based and check hummina hummina poster

oops, my bad lol

very nice

>tfw no milky 15yo latina gf

can someone tell me who this girl is?

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I don't believe you, whats her insta

that's because she will have 3 kids by then.

thats my wife!

a dad's biggest fear

girl's pretty. Shame about the log of shit next to her.

seethe more nigcel

Attached: 1540674339748.jpg (441x767, 36K)

Scroll up, faggot

Hello yes
Milk truck just arrive

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Its for teens in the first place, and it turns out (surprise surprise) females love attention

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Living in a third world country seems like it's mostly hell except that they seem way cheekier about young girls, and in the age of the internet you don't even need to risk getting hacked to death by her uncle.

Getting with those kinds of girls is degrading and I guarantee you will feel really really sexy at first and then feel like a piece of meat with no respect.

Attached: tfwnobrazilliandaughter.webm (1068x1080, 2.92M)

stop giving women so much power over you

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>but if you even look at her, you're 100% a pedo automatically
Not really, being an actual pedo takes much more than that. The reason she is doing it is simple, she likes the attention. This girl will start posting nudes, porn, have a manyvids page and a premium snapchat the second she's legal.

>Huff eet

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I just think a lot of anons are looking for love (even if they don't realize it) and when you encourage them to go after fetishists that they'll end up hurt.

god bless tik tok and little girls

Attached: 1550727263828.webm (540x960, 2.7M)

Shes abut 35 years too old for tik tok

She loooks less evolved than the nigger.


thats a boy right?

I'm Gen Z and I barely watch movies.
I just play vidya every now and then.

Does that say that she's 29? She looks 39.

the goat

Attached: ooc red heart.gif (300x300, 1.5M)

lmfao what zoomer watches spaghetti westerns?
Your reasoning is far off.


She isn't well known at all and doesn't really show much or anything but she has a seriously cute face in my opinion.

Attached: valentina_093.webm (540x960, 2.93M)

forgettable whore 12

15 going on 45

This girl and Mat.i
Which one do you prefer?

I-Is this legal?

Attached: sweating bear.jpg (480x542, 42K)

How do you guys post all this shit without getting perma'd

People ignore that teenagers are horny as fuck.
I lost my virginity with a 13 year old and she was fucking wild.

I really like this goblina too because she has such a distinctive "Indio" face. Not to everyone's taste of course.

Attached: jenniferurrut25.webm (540x960, 2.53M)

The mods are reading this, they deleted other posts but leave this. Maybe to collect IP's?

>VPNs, dynamic IPs, not living in cuckerica


Oh that's Gary Shoemaker

I have been banned for way less, and they deleted threads way quicker.

Well, she's a porn actress.

Only Europeans like skinny bitches, we Americans like BBWs.

How does this site not get shut down

How do you know she’s a DD? You creeping on your 12-year-old sister’s bras my dude?

Someone post the Asian girl with the fat ass who is dancing in her seat on the train, I know someone has it. I just apparently never saved it but I've seen it all over 4chins.

It's not that you have a choice, is just most of your women are fat, so if you don't like fatties, you are fucked.

Attached: 1535298138569.jpg (640x621, 56K)

Holy shit that’s even better

>barbaric journey to modern civbilization
Funny how every nation did this.
And funny that even the white slaves or poor workers get thrown into the whole white men club.

They read everything and ban across all boards now for posts they don't like. I literally got hammered for shitposting without any citation of which post and it was for 6 days. I actually welcome cancerous jannies slowly killing this shit site.

>doesn't really show much or anything
Isn't that all of them though. I assume actually nudity is banned on there. Although with what I'm seeing who knows what the fuck is allowed.

ew literally looks like beaner2345823

There is no way she is 29 unless she smoked meth everyday for all of her 20's. She is full of shit

I hate people who post threads with softcore porn or beautiful women as their OP. It never has anything to do with the thread, and is just there to get attention. Why do these threads stay up? You see this on every board, practically.

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and that's a good thing

Why does she just wave with her hands? And why does she thinks that is anyhow entertaining?

Guess this is just for thots and pedos. So it will make a ton of money or generated interest which equaös money in stocks.

Typical woman.

>children are innocent and are incapable of consent or understanding their actions.


Very carefully.

You mean BBCs

They are.
That's a teenager, though.
By the age of 12-13 you already know what you are doing.

I just meant the example I posted had a lot of tummy and such compared to most of her tiktoks. Also there have been lots of trends where the idea is more specifically to show skin like vid related:

Attached: 2.webm (540x960, 2.9M)

>You'll want to tap this

Still doesn't. Despite being chubby chaser. There is one thing about being sexy, even when fat, and being just a fucking sad blob of flesh.

It's true that confidence makes even mediocre people sexier. Even the basic thing like straight back makes women, like, 150% sexier.

Super low test

they love films about the ilegitimate state of Israel

Attached: DaHMQC0VMAEgImr.png (750x616, 369K)

PeruANO is that you?

>saving images of, making webms, and stalking underage girls across media outlets
Never change Yea Forums.

I've known about the estrogen thing for a while, but why are girls twice the size of boys in middle school now? My son is only 3 years old but my wife's sister had a girl and a boy the boy is 13 the girl is 12 and she's like 7 inches taller than him and she said it's just like that in middle school and that he's not really short but she's not really tall. Estrogen can't do that too.

Besides not wearing a shirt she doesn't seem to be as bad as some of the other thots posted.

You can see her bare dfc and cunny on instagram btw

giv thicc gf pls

Attached: 1544291290673.png (1276x1920, 2.13M)

>this is illegal

Wow feminists really take shit too far

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I dont think fully. They cant think what casulties come with their action and are very impulse orientated till 18-20.

she does have a really nice tummy
I do enjoy browsning TT one handed...

Give her insta lads

Girls always grow up faster than boys, but they grow up less overall.
A lot of girls back in school were taller than me, but in the end I ended up being a head taller than them.

Man females love attention

Cause females physically mature faster then males. Mother nature is literally telling you when a girl becomes fuckable really fast


The growth spurt happens from 11-16, so its quite normal.

oh hi Yea Forums

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Kimberly Moss

What's wrong, Gosling poster?

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why are kids so hot, bros?

Attached: C52B323E-2E47-4D11-B9AC-AE51D31998DA.png (393x446, 162K)

Thank you for admitting that amerimutts aren't European or white.

Of course estrogen could slow down growth. Boys use testosterone to grow taller and gain muscles, estrogen makes them fat and small.

And guys love giving it to them. Thirsty betas are all over the net. I don't really blame them, attention is attention. If I was a moderately attractive female I would do this shit too. Especially if I was insecure or feeling lonely.

Attached: 343.png (2000x1163, 638K)

>orbiting literal who thots

immediately kill yourself

Attached: disgust.jpg (486x341, 42K)

9 of every ten kids is ugly as sin, is just that /tv posters have high standars and only post the best of the best


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Pedo means CHILDREN you fucking retard.

you look a little dry, Yea Forums, need some help?

Attached: spit.webm (368x640, 404K)

All they do is watch themselves on youtube and tiktok.

And capeshit of course.

>lines contouring the tit cleavage

Attached: yikes2.jpg (471x471, 25K)

>posting girls of age
Off with you.

Yea, I'm not about to click on that

Brosnan, please.

Attached: 1552396375967.png (1276x1920, 2.27M)


this is unethical

>he lives in a place where everyone is ugly
sucks for you pal

Okay, here you go.

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janny end this thread pls

oh boy
here we go again

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What about pregnant tiktokkers?

Attached: sarahmagusara.webm (540x960, 2.57M)

>9 posts
Yawn, she's not very good at this thot thing.

Look at that subtle side-roll. The tasteful thickness of it.

Most little girls are at least a little cute, most women are ugly.

Fuck you Mr. FBI why do you tempt me so much? :(

why are all the 30 year olds here so obsessed with zoomers

nice tits
too bad about everything else

I don't believe you.

She uses tik tok, it has a fuckton of vids retardo


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the architect bestows his blessing upon this thread

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it has even a stretchmark

What was it?

Janny on full alert rn

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I don't understand these sped up videos with lip syncing. Why do they do it? It looks ridiculous yet they keep on making them.

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I don't think they watch movies anymore.

They prefer real life meme shit and sometimes tv shows if they can binge

There are skinny girls too. Just not as many

blessed and based


It’s been a long week, I’ve been no fapping for a few now, and this bitch makes my peepee hard. I need more.

Fucking autocorrect I meant BBC, we Americans like BBC.

it’s zoomer “humor”

congrats. you're old. you don't understand the youngsters.

Of course you do.
Chubby girls like this are meant to be grabbed from their meaty sides and pumped hard.

Attached: 1551930515210.png (1280x851, 1.15M)

thanks for the material gentlemen, time to go troll pedos on the net.

shes no mati

see ya

Zoomer activities

i prefer to wank to big tits but fuck slim girls

Oh well, if that's so, I guess I have nothing left but to post this.!Uao1AIqQ!sO9whD8mUFdI40-3MzSpOw

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this thread is neutral ground

Attached: 1545486065128.jpg (2833x3288, 859K)

This. Boomers are just a bunch of blue collar / wagecuck earners that do nothing but complain.

Zoomers are the smartest gen yet. They know how to make money off marketing, social media, off YouTube communities, sponsorships, crypto trading, Twitch, camwhoring isn't shameful anymore, so many side hustles, doordash on bicycles, independent, no bosses around cubicles breathing down their necks. There are more underage millionaires in history than there ever was. They were practically raised on the Internet so they know it up and down. When they reach boomer age status they'll already be retired dabbling in real estate with passive income while the 1st gen boomers will be a bunch of miserable, slacker, entitled fucks wallowing in their debt bubble prisons still working in cubicles.

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no thanks, i'm on a cow-free diet

Fuck me I’m out of town and I’ve been after this chick’s nudes for days. How long is this link gonna be alive?

Are these people the same DNA as modern Humana? Because doesn't look it

I don't see why it would go down.
A guy uploaded that a few days ago and it's still there.
If you are in a hurry, here's one of the galleries.

Attached: 1532470377538.png (1276x1920, 2.03M)

Architecture is a religion of peace

Oh god sweet release. Thank you, bless you.

Mfw I used to talk a lot with girl of OP and now she is just too famous

Happened the same with emily feld

>tfa good looking but not THAT good loking

>imagine thinking she's attractive

Women watch Netflix
The chads watch new comedies
Faggy losers watch capeshit
And everybody else watches good movies made in the past 20 years

Oh god she even has pit pics. This is too good.

I thought tiktok was a chink scam and the only people who used it were paid to

>jannies let this thread reach bump limit
wtf i love hot pockets now

>lmfao what zoomer watches spaghetti westerns?
Again, not really sure why you guys think babby's first western director is somehow obscure or inaccessible to zoomers. Pic related.

Attached: gbu.jpg (171x267, 41K)

It's the successor to Vine, a place for people to upload short, stupid videos of people doing stupid shit.
Although tiktok tends to be more focused on musical videos.

take the slimpill

Attached: tan.webm (480x948, 465K)

She's pretty cute, yes.

Attached: 1545101811600.png (1276x1920, 1.97M)

Mati has a bigger gut and smaller tits

Africans are brutal just to be brutal. White people are brutal as a means to an end.

canned ham

whomst is mati


so pedophilia is allowed on Yea Forums now?
I guess that's one way to cover for your abusing the kid from the alita general, APOLLO :^)

YouTube, TikTok, and vines.
The few with longer attention spans watch 15 minute shows on Adult Swim.
I know this, I have a teenage daughter and a teenage son.

Attached: millenom.png (297x493, 129K)

>milker and cunny thread gets 315 posts

Wow, if I wasn't broke right now I would gild this comment. Take my reddit silver my fellow scholar, bra...vo

Edit: wow thanks for the gold kind stranger!

15 stone?

Attached: Killy.jpg (550x746, 86K)

>fuck and suck

But it's true.
Western civilization was built on the blood of a ton of people, that's true, but Africa is also full of blood, and yet there's nothing there.
All because their inability to think of consequences.

do you sniff her panties?

how can a post be so wrong. matis overall shape is so much better

It's not true. Brutality occurs because of evil. You only think otherwise because you're a soft autistic slob of modernity who can't hold a moral position that is weaker than WE DINDU NUFFIN

yes, to check her health and menstrual cycle

why do like 90% of tiktokkers be like doing slutty dances popping out their asses and boobs and then they're like oh btw I'm queer
like that's bullshit, they can't all be lesbians

No, we did a lot of bad, but we did it for a reason.
And it's not because of evil, humans are inherently violent, but everytime it was used as a last resort.
In Africa?
Violence is just the law, just endless, pointless violence for no other reason other than petty shit like stealing from others.

This thread is a CIA glownigger honey pot.

The Belgium Congo was for a greater good?

>everytime it was used as a last resort

Think you got last mixed up with first yo

What race is that thing?

Sorry, not everyone is American like you.
We all know how much you love your military industrial complex.

100% American.

Attached: average American woman circa 2050.webm (300x600, 1.1M)

>le Gorgonzola

>No, we did a lot of bad, but we did it for a reason.
"You" didn't do anything, mutt. Neither did any random black person trying to get by without hurting anyone else.
Violence is not the same as brutality. Violence can be good. Brutality is using violence for evil.
If brutality benefits you, it is still brutality, it does not become "good".
The "petty shit" of stealing from others is the vaunted imperialism you seek to defend to justify and glorify your own personal petty existence, and a very shallow defence against the type of slander you deploy against other races' supposed "brutality".
Trying to claim it was every time used as last resort is brazenly stupid, because that's a factual claim that's clearly wrong, no wiggle room for petty subjectivity at all.
Read a book and stop huffing your own farts kiddo.

but why is this

You can't deny the results.
We've all seen what the attitudes of each have lead to.


Attached: le millenom girl.jpg (585x992, 74K)