Well, who's better Yea Forums?

Well, who's better Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:



the duality of waifuism

Rei always

I haven't seen this cartoon

fuck netflix and fuck shills

There is only one acceptable answer.

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My dad said he's disappointed in me for liking anime



Asuka is based Rei is emotionally distant autistic and isn't he Adam a boy god or some shit?

Based and waifupilled

I think i need to have sex.

Attached: Have Sex.png (855x655, 234K)

this and only this
>fuck autist rei
>fuck cunt asuka

i only liked the older women
misato's the easy choice but i found her kinda childish. that blonde woman was intriguing. something really sexy about naturally quiet women

>misato's the easy choice but i found her kinda childish
I have a thing for immature drunks

Rei is cuter but she has no personality

The ideal woman would be a combination of the two

who has the better feet

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Why is the episode title always mid runtime???

It's the commercial break screen when it was airing on TV.

>wanting a mentally ill waifu

Mootle save us from this nightmare and buy back 4chim please

merge their personalities and with rei's body and with asuka's jumpsuit boobies

t. Retard

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Asuka is clearly the cultured man's choice.

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Daily reminder that Misatofags are reddit.

Nice opinion. Just one tiny problem with it. Inspecting your post, it looks like your opinion is different from mine.

Boy, let me tell you something.

I am the baseline for opinions, any opinion i hold is objectively correct and, as a result, any other opinions are wrong. And guess what? You happen to hold a wrong one. And I hope you know that your opinion is now illegal. I have now contacted the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Navy SEALs, the Secret Service and your mom. You'll rot in prison for the rest of your life over this, mark my words you'll be sorry you ever shared your opinions. By the time you're reading this, you're done for boy. Nature will punish you. Humanity will punish you. Supernatural beings will punish you. Space will punish you. Oh yeah, and we decided that just to make sure we'll nuke your house from orbit so there's no chance you can run away and everyone you know will die. It's a small price to pay for ethnic cleansing. May this post be a warning for anyone else brave enough to share an incorrect opinion; you've been warned.

>$1000 for privately commissioned nude set

im tempted tbqh

Misato likes /ss/ though. She couldn't be more patrician if she wanted to.

post the rest you jerk

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Start a kickstarted.
Not to be all pointy elbows and everything, but there's something really weird going on with her face that creeps me out a little.


Do it and post them here.

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rei because she's autistic and that's hot

misato for people who want used goods

asuka for submissive males

whoa wasn't quite expecting that

Asuka. Rey isn't even a human.

rei for eternity

>asuka for submissive males
No. Only a virgin would think that way.
All ball busters are closet subs. The whole thing about her relationship with Shinji is that she's desperate for him to stop being such a beta fuckboi and shrinking from her.

jealous. wish there would still be awesome shit for me to discover for the first time.

>Rey isn't even a human.
She's a clone of Lilith.
She's THE human.

>Well, who's better Yea Forums?

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How does that dismiss anything I said


How can anyone say rei, shes an emotionless clone with 0 personality. Unless you are just rating appearance.

>shes an emotionless clone with 0 personality
nothing is more real than nothing

Misatofriends* and no they're not

reddit isn't allowed to claim any eva waifu

Sayaka and Kyoko
EVAfags deserve the rope

Alternate reality Rei showed more personality in like 4 minutes than Rei did in the whole show.

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Most Misatofags like her because muh stronk womeme muh experience shes not le 14. They would be based if they liked /ss/

>muh stronk womeme muh experience shes not le 14
don't necessarily care about that, I just like drunks

>They would be based if they liked /ss/
I certainly do but I'm way too damn old

>Most Misatofags like her because muh stronk womeme muh experience shes not le 14.
Said literally no one on Yea Forums. Ever.

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rei forever

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Anyone who unironically waifuing any of the crazy bitches in NGE is fucked up in the head

>posting on a website literally created to argue about eva waifus
Get the fuck off my internet gaylord.

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Misato chads rise up

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Neither of them. That's not what Evangelion is about

>2019 and people still don't realize Asuka is the clear winner

Fuck off you pretentious little faggot

Fuck off you gimp

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I'm allowed to like a passive and nonthreatening girl

Stop acting like that makes me a fucking furry


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>Having a personality means screaming annoyingly loud

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nice reddit punctuation

Go back to episode 1 and try again

anno himself is an asukafag though


Rei is for trannies

gay or bi-curious?

>Look at me, I'm so deep and clever
Once again, fuck off.

also, it's Asuka

bi :^)

So what’s the fucking show then...........

We here doing real shit

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epic big robot fights

awww it's not as cool if you're actually attracted to men. seeing shinji get insecure was what made it good.

need to find a gf like this

Got it, thanks

Where can I find the translation patch for NGE 2 PSP version? I can only find for that girlfriend vn shit

also depression and spirituality

>need to find a gf like this
get in line

despair, but also despair

Attached: Eva-01_holding_Kaworu_(NGE).png (640x480, 257K)

What the actual fuck are you basing that off of? Do you have normies living in your head rent free?

buzz off

asuka if you're not a little bitch who takes women seriously

>he choses a slut slob post wall slag

This. She’s got the face of a girl with a shit load of degeneracy

The cloned young version of my mom, obviously

I'm post wall too though so I don't even care

There's no wall for men reddit

I can't speak for others but I had one.

Do you really have to ask!?

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Neon Genesis Evangelion. Do not make the mistake of watching the shitflix dub and do not watch the shitty "rebuild" movies.

Yall already know tf im talmin about

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If we take a Kantian approach to the question, the answer becomes obvious; a world filled with "Asuka"s is an absolute hell, while a world filled with 零s is an absolute heaven。

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She's a clone of Yui, dumbass

Mundane: Rei
Initiate: Asuka
Novice: Misato
Ascended Master: Shinji's Mom

>faggot jannies deleting Eva threads with legitimate discussion this morning
>leave up a waifufag thread
lel, what a bunch of retards. at least they get paid wel-

Go fuck yourself tripfag

>deleting Eva threads with legitimate discussion this morning
Probably because anime is fucking off-topic on Yea Forums.

>implying Yea Forums wasn't designed so people from across the world could argue about who's waifu is the best
Your newfaggotry is showing.

its literally a television show we have animated movie threads all the time whats the difference? Also why not bitch about the Gen Z thread thats almost to 200 replies

>its literally a television show
So is sports and the news but we can't make threads about them because there are boards specifically for that.
Just like anime.

Yui is the real mommy choice, not used goods Misato

yui was always ded though

Huuuh? I have absolutely no idea what you are on about , silly user.

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I actually had a thread about a show Warwick Davis was in and people were actually discussing it but janny assumed it was a midge hunting thread and deleted it.

Why not both

Skeleton pussy is best pussy

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Don't be so absurd.

Are they drawn like they are best friends when in reality they got zero friends

Because its a Ginger/Mary Anne, Velma/Daphne situation.
You can't like both, but they're scientifically designed so that you're always going to like one more than the other, and whatever tips that scale defines you as a Man.

Was that supposed to be a question? Learn to speak English you foreign cunt.

>the Asuka no.2 standard anime female personality
Where the fuck did she get that personality? Who are her parents? Are they also albino like her?
This makes no sense at all

Why are they drawn like friends when in reality they got zero friends

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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Ever since there were waifufags, there were anti-waifufags there to make sure they know how worthless they are.

Pot calling the kettle black

Jesus I can't even imagine being enough of a brainlet to think this

>alt world is Shinji's wish fulfillment
>shinji wants to grow up with Asuka then bump into Rei
>but in reality Shinji met Rei first
>and Shinji wants Rei to be Asuka no. 2


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Get out.

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What a failure

you know it in your heart

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in the manga that girl wants to fuck shinji's mom
what the hell she do in the anime?

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Rei BEST girl


I bought the 2.22 bluray

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Beyond based

i watched the first two episodes on netflix and i feel like i would enjoy it more rewatching a torrented version but feel obliged to continue


the original dub is iconic and somewhat better than netflix's, but isn't really amazing.

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>any of the crazy bitches in NGE
so any of them?

As anime grils go, both are shit options.


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Get out of here faggot, before you get told by some jerk that the evangelions are biological creatures powered by the souls of the pilot's dead mother, that kaworu is an angel, rei is a clone, humanity is the last angel, kaji is killed, ritsuko is betrayed by her mother whose dead soul runs the computer, and IT ALL COMES TUMBLING DOWN.

Theyre both shit. The anime sucked why the fuck do people even talk about it?

*laughs in PenPen is a FAR*

based and shill-pilled


Because a man would dick her down and not be a faggot about it like Shinji


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bordeline manface

All of you have such shit taste

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The mechs were better
Waifu faggots burn in hell

dumb whore

of course

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Childhood is Rei
Adolescence is Asuka
Adulthood is back to Rei again

it subverted my expectations

She is actually moot's favorite too. At some point it became a meme he liked asuka and he just went with it

My dad got me into anime

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For me, it's Maya

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I remember that hentai where Shinji becomes and angel
it was so well written
to the point sex wasn't even the main thing about it
it explained everything so well and he and asuka lived happily ever after

asuka literally justs wants you the whole time while rei is cold.

Misato. Easily.

So why didn't Kaworu merge with lillith to start the third impact?

Because he feel in love with Shinji.

14? episodes in, Asuka is the most annoying character I’ve literally ever seen.

Mommygfs always win.
In this case yes, it’s Misato

Mari, of course.

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>Do not make the mistake of watching the shitflix dub
Nobody cares, we be really out here imbibing the shits on Netflix
Stop being a purist dweeb, you give the impression of humping a Rei body pillow while you type

Dor me its Asuka

She drinks too much malt beer. That means she is constantly farting hot stinky farts


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Casey Mongillo could fart into a microphone for two hours and it would be better than Spike Spencer. Defending the dub seems more like a recent thing since the cast spent so much time sucking off fans at cons.

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You have no idea why misato-fags like misato.

>asuka for submissive males

or breaking her like a horse.

The only sensible choice

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Quality choice confirmed by those quads.

>rei or asuka? yeah, i'm gonna have to go MISATO!!!!

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A complex character and lightning for for bondage porn.

I think Misato would find Asuka's face a more comfortable seat.

I want to see an NGE parody where I the mc is an alpha chad who fucks up all the angels and fucks all the female characters. Like make NGE but with Rance as the protagonist.

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Misato. You guys are stupid pedos.

If forced to pick a kid, Asuka. Have Reifags even watch the show? That is so creepy on a ton of levels.

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does anyone get to fuck that floating isohedron from like episode 9 or whatever

if this is to scale then this man is extremely short.

>Have Reifags even watch the show? That is so creepy on a ton of levels.
thats the best part

anyway Rei is obviously best girl, she is the only non-roastie


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actually a good answer desu

I'll post the rest later, okay?

> Meets Asuka
> She soaks her panties
> Whereas Shinji was getting bullied like a little bitch, his Chad counterpart would be making Asuka his bitch.

>go to the mall to buy new shoes
>divinely beautiful teen redhead is on a date with some lanklet

I fucking wasted my life, no goddamn accomplishment will make up for missing that teen affection when it wasn't creepy to receive it. Fucking fuck I almost wish I risked snapping a pic of her, like Sophia Lillis but better curves.


always hated the mogudan rei doujins because they capture absolutely nothing of what makes her attractive

And also let it be Shinji.

Quit being a faggot here and go have sex

this guy gets it


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Human form Yui or eva form yui?


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imagine thinking that you're funny for posting this


Getting teen affection (18, 19) is perfectly fine into your 30s.

how old r u?

Uhh, what makes you think I'm trying to be funny? It genuinely isn't fair and I bet you're one of those haters. Evangelion is a masterpiece and it's deep, there I said it.

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Evangelion is a masterpiece and Yea Forums approved anime!

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27, never had a gf.

Give us your breakdown on why EoE is the greatest piece of kino from the past 30 years

I just want to say that End of Evangelion moved me in a way you couldn't possibly understand. I was crying all the way through.

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yikes. Are you ugly, short, fat, or just autistic?

>sneeding this hard
fuckn lol


An Evangelion Thread?! On Yea Forums?!!!


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Evangelion is so deep, there's no way my family would ever understand.

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Do you fuckers on here just hibernate after high school or something? How do you go almost a decade without having any kind of relationship?

Stop I can only get so hard

Probably just autistic but maybe ugly since I never have had a woman show any attraction to me or hint of it since elementary school.

What is wrong with you?

Pretty much yeah, college was Class-Homework- Home Entertainment and after graduating it just became Work all day - Home Entertainment at night.


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Do you take anything to manage the pain or do you simply live with it?



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Imagine being so pathetic to not only have an entire folder of wojaks, but to think that spamming them in a thread of something you don't like proves anything.

Food and maybe 4 tylenol in a weeks time. Mostly just distract the lonliness with escapism like anime, but when you see how hot women can be in the world it fucks with you.

Only truly intellectual minds like myself can appreciate the masterwork of Hideki Anno

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The only thing I'm proving is what a masterpiece Evangelion is. Get fucked asshole.

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Because, even allowing this, Asuka is still worse because she's a horrible cunt.


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You're not funny user. Onions wojak posting has never been funny in any context. It's as embarrasing as those mexicans who still use ragecomics on facebook unironically

Asuka is my bitchfu 4 lyfe.

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Some semi-chad wisdom for you; women are a real pain in the ass and a heartache so you're equally missing something bad as something good.


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>Y-You're not funny!

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>It's as embarrasing as those mexicans who still use ragecomics on facebook unironically
Why would you reference this specifically? Like everyone on Yea Forums would know?

Way to give yourself away as a disgusting spic who uses facebook, Pedro. Trust you to be this dumb.

This is dishonest filmmaking, Rei and Asuka were never friends

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misato of course. she's the best written and most realistic character by far. to me its fairly obvious the show creator based her off one of his ex gfs.

have sex

That one scene, where Rei and Asuka are in the elevator, and it's like one long shot, is so deep and meaningful!

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>you don't flamboyantly show your emotions so you obviously don't have any

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The Patrician choice

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Evangelion makes me feel so intelligent, I wish more people watch this masterpiece!

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literally the first gay thought I have ever had about a fictional character

Thanks, it's late as fuck but I think I'll at least download some dating app. Meeting someone outside obviously isn't going to happen and I'd like to try and get some experience now that I realize how much it really bothered me being alone.

Good luck. Just make sure your photos are decent and your bio isn't cringe and you'll do fine.


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>gets 14 minutes of screen time
>in this time he wins the Shinjibowl
>cucks every other female
>becomes one of the most famous Eva characters
>spawns an archetype of pale white haired bishonen
>Eva is rebooted ten years later, possibly at his own bidding
>the same thing happens

He can't keep getting away with it!

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based redditman

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Shinji's character is so deep!

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>tfw just realized misato's hair is purple to represent the middle ground between rei and asuka
man I'm dumb

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For me it's Asuka.

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Help me! I hate anime fans, but they've taken over my board! My precious, beautiful board for shitposting and pedophilia. Something must be done...

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Wait! If only there were some way to spam images loosely based on a Polish meme. But that would have to distill all of my social anxieties and lack of creativity into a few bold lines! Is that even possible?

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>only a true fan knows her

Attached: 349585.jpg (2000x2630, 924K)

We can't know until we try!

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The appeal of bossy women comes from "taming" them, like Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew". Since most women are into hypergamy, you want to prove your worth and superiority to them, shove it in their face, and then they can either reject you or confess their feelings for you. At that point, you know it's genuine since that personality always wears their emotions on their sleeves, and usually that of disdain, so their affection is an actual accomplishment on your part.
Or you can go for Rei, a potato that goes "meh" when you test their feelings for you.

Patrician taste Adolf

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This is the best post ITT

eoe Asuka was based af

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I like Kaworu, but why the fuck is he so popular anyways? he only appeared for like one and a half episodes.

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fuck yeah

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Because he essentially served as an end to the show, ie Shinji finding love and care from someone who isn't just trying to exploit him, something he has been looking for since episode 1. He's the so called "good end" of the show, if Anno hadn't killed him off for the sake of going to the Tang end.

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he's a beacon of light and love in this clusterfuck of misery

Angry females are unattractive females.

Smiling females, on the other hand...

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R*ddit couldn't waifu anyone on nge if they tried
Asuka is best girl btw

There's nothing wrong with believing Evangelion is the greatest anime ever!... there isn't!

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anime is for girly men

Finish the series. I didnt like her my first watch either.


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He doesn't think Evangelion is a masterpiece?


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I'd make asuka smile

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I relate to Shinji on a deep and personal level.

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Based and futapilled


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Because he cute

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Agreed, if only those normal people would understand... wait, if that happened, I wouldn't feel as special

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Snow White

>imagine not wanting to fuck this

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What the fuck is with his ear?

how did he get there without getting wet

this is the only acceptable answer.

he flew. Should have been an obvious sign for Shinji tbqh

based. there's always at least one hikarifag in the thread.

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>Nerflixfag thread

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i have never watched anime

Keep it that way

of you ever want to start, watch something actually good like KonoSuba or Darling in the Franxxx


fuck off normie

>Reddit anime

you ought to like them. you know what reddit watches and you use their lingo

Jesus can walk on water

>kaworu literally died for our sins
wtf I love angels now?

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unbelievably based

maybe I will. I don't know why I never have watched it before even though I have lots of time to do so.
thats pretty rude

don't post ugly girl Kaworu

Punished Asuka is best girl

based trips for basedgirl

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The Jesus symbolism was really in your face in the Rebuilds

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Asuka is super hot, but crazy
Rei has the personality of a 2x4
And Misato is a drunken slut

rei is the pinnacle of a perfect waifu for socially anxious teens. she perfectly embodies their soulless nature with her way of barely caring for anybody in her universe. people who have suffered from extreme anxiety will have more in common with rei than any other female character in the series. she is shy, quiet, and ultimately mirrors the personality of the people that will appreciate her the most. asuka is just another tsundere trashbag who cant apprefiate anything that is done for her. the reason people who like rei also hate asuka is because asuka is the perfect contrast of rei's personality.

Attached: 699858523023_plushes-rei-neon-genesis-evangelion-primary.jpg (364x600, 43K)

>And Misato is a drunken slut
hence best girl

Trips mean the truth

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I don't think Jung wrote anything about that.

Never watched the reboots: just the original anime (or, the Death and Rebirth versions) and EoE.

Are the reboots good? Who is the new chick? Does the story keep the same tone and messages or no? I can't even imagine what the point is when the original is basically perfect for what Anno seemed to be going for.


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My wife Rei is better.

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What? Do you have something to add to this conversation?

I completely agree with both of you. Kaworu is based as fuck.

Kaworu is so popular because he's the embodiment of decency in a franchise filled with characters who are basically shit people. That's why Shinji loved Kaworu so much.

>Nobody posted the best Rei

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Supremely based. Loli Rei is best Rei.

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Pls Kaworu is not for lewd.

based. intelligent.

her eyes are so spread apart

Why not

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True true

This is rather impressive.


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The REAL debate.

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Wait. I understand the sneed posters now. It’s the same on video game generals. It’s part of le grande crusade against status quo.

That’s a small titted girl with a boy face. Not even fair.

They like to think so.


The rebuilds are good, its debated wether they are remakes or sequels. 2 is the best one if your a Rei fag like yours truly


>tfw people can't even fathom not having been in a relationship since it's such a basic thing everyone does
This unironically hurts me more than the loneliness itself

>Netflix shill threads and anime thread posters which are a minority are "The Status Quo"
You suck cock at shilling. I've been hired before and I can sway and use semantics way better. Honestly how are you guys so much worse?

I prefer Rei's calmness. There's something soothing about her.

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He is a very pure and innocent angel, strictly no lewding

Official ranking of Evangelion waifus:

Untouchable: Mari
Barbarian: Asuka
Slave: Rei
Freedman : Hikari Horaki
Plebeian: Misato
Middle class: Ritsuko Akagi
Wealthy: Maya
Patrician: Yui
Equites: Naoko Akagi
Senex: Kaworu
Emperor of Lilim: Yui in Eva form

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Post yfw this plays youtube.com/watch?v=JYKlMdvZ6K8

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>She's not 14 is a bad thing
Podesta plz leave

In gonna lewd the innocent angel and you can't stop me

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Kaworu Nagisa

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As much as I hate Netflix... it brought the great debate of Yea Forums to to Yea Forums's attention.

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moot lied
people died

let me give you a quick rundown

a basic gestalt

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Fucking based

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we can go deeper

and I say that as someone who owns a copy of Girlfriend Of Steel

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>showing any emotion
You might as well look for a shooting star.

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Actually, I've been watching the ADV Platinum cut.
Haven't had Netflox since I moved out of my last apt with a roomate who had it.

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