/lig/ - love island general


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Brainlet general?

Be nice to 190cm in this one, yeah?

Bring back Chadam to charm Amber. She loves white boys

Also what's up with how white this show is?

Would it be that much to ask for an even split amount races?


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Or am I missing something? How do I enjoy this user?

190 and Moni for LI 2020

>Tom in the doghouse AGAIN
don't think he's coming out this time

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Why is there no gay couples in this show? seems very cis biased to go along with how white it is.

Need to see a BBC explode inside Lucie’s womb.

there have been gay couples in the show in the past

whenever 190's not here my first thought is i miss 190

BASED nameposters

Literally who no personality

Called a predator

Beta. Too scared of girls


Hmm really makes you think what ‘theyre’ trying to do

Tommy and Anton don’t count

Boring Tom is such a fucking moron

where's 190

>Maura can we please have a chat
>I'd rather stick pins in my eyeballs to be honest

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I'm again gay people on the show since it wouldn't really work with the formula but there should definitely be more bi people

We are all still here lads, ignore the nonce thread splitting

lig is nameposts only mates

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lmao it’s her accent as well


It's going to slide off before the ep finishes though, it's an extended one.

kicked out the villa for saying a naughty word that someone said on last years show with no repercussions

He kicked molly you dolt

Amber is the best looking in there

>thread splitting
>the thread is at bump limit and the show was only halfway done
we've got it right this time

Imagine staying friends with the backstabbing nignog kek

last night i bond burgered lucy

do i have to be a women to post in this thread?

Nah just be a deano

Wait what did he say?

Danny and Arabella are gone.

Danny will stay, Tom will go


he accidentally kicked molly in the vag while everyone was pissing around doing play karate and he said that he "cunt punted" her

Tom and Maura after that day. The islanders have ammunition now so they won’t be made to feel bad for it


>she bellowed inappropriately in front of everyone


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basically Maura

What books and philosophy would Deano read? I think there is something Kafkaesque about Deano's existence.


Maura is legit 30 years old and Kady is still much younger and not a slag.

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Go back to tumblr, you don't belong here

Amber's pissing herself

books by Jordan Belfort

Harry Potter and self help or business books


>Yewande gone
>quick inject more nogs, activate casa amor



These ones look proper peng though


mauras the least slaggish of the villa tho

for me, it’s 4

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Anton lad this is your last chance

I'm catching up, just got to where Tom fucked it lol

I coulda told ya Maura was all mouth from the jump though. Worst kind of slag the one who never shuts up about sex and then gets offended at the drop of a Willy hat.

Dwarven women are pretty hot.

2, 4, and 6 are the pengest

2, 4 and 5 do it for me

we need a new amazonian to replace arabella

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Unironically want to breed no 2 t b h lads.

>tfw trying to figure out which of these girls to propose to on the first date

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>yfw curtis stays in the villa to meet the new hunks

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Why not all of them?

Post the pics of the new people


the basketballer will get no action
he's 6'7".
once you get above 6'5" it starts getting awkward

it only gets awkward if they're lanklets. you can be as tall as you like if you're well built
yeah where are people getting the new islander images from?

Remember when molly nearly fucked off tommy for Danny because he was tall lmao

the absolute schnoz on this lad

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Not gonna lie lads I’m in love with amber. I’m white

Either called Benjamin or Anthony


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Anna's gonna be all over him I guarantee it


bye jordan bah ba ba

Arabian Princess

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>ey oop goys and girls
i knew a northerner jew when i was at uni who looked a lot like this dude, pretty based lad actually


gods Anton and Maura are just too pure

well fuck, i'm gay now

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Amber all over this

>Arab and Persian in the villa

make it so!

without the 600 quid hair do, three hours of makeup and probable plastic surgery she'd be a completely unremarkable slag anyone with a brain could shag on a night out in newcastle at digi mondays

Amber is going to be in heat in 10 minutes.

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night lads

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I have those shorts!

Also them waves be swimmin

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>what goes around comes around

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>MILF Island will never be real

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>In no order, my three would be Michael, Danny and the new Tom. He is beautiful. I also like Jordan.
So her type is mostly black guys?

Literally all half white/white


Isn't that Haram?

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>Who do you have your eye on in the villa?
>Amber and Anna - Amber is my type, they are the sort of girls I’d go for looks-wise and Anna is really pretty and she’s got a nice body.

>I have got my eye on Anton. I think he is cheeky and I think he’s misunderstood by the girls in the villa.
Oh thank you sweet Jesus

>All those Anton picks
W E W lad

>Anton, Anton, Anton, Anton, Not Anton, Anton.
Is he going to make it, lads?

Because he looks like easy pickings. I'll be shocked if Hitler's dreamboat doesn't do well

>all the girls want anton because of his popularity

They know that they’ll stay in for a long time cos he’s a favourite

He’s a builder too. Michael is shitting himself

Jesus Christ she's gorgeous

She is the sleeper here big titty girl in the center with the bikini

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>occupation: VIP host
literally one step above being a hooker

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nobody mogs tommy

>when they say shearer isn’t the goat prem striker

They just nog him.

ivan drago about to dab on are tommeh

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Is this a Deano show or Chav show?

2nd pic

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>23 years old

When you see it...

How come they found all these hot dark chicks all of a sudden. They actually choose Yawande over them lol

producers are redpilled

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How many of these girls will be from up north?

Jordan is a goner

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Nobody posted this guy yet?

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they cute

state of the uk

lmao she lives in my village. went to my primary school

What other shows besides Love Island are Deano core? The Inbetweeners?

whats wrong with us

What did she mean by this?

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Dye en ay phyur.

8 Out of 10 Cats
Top Gear

what does the lig general stand for?

Life is Good General

faggot general