Toy Story 4

did I see a different fucking movie? I didn't get the appeal of toy story 4 at all

>turning buzz from a loyal heroic character into a clueless idiot for a few cheap laughs
>completely throwing away the old themes of staying loyal to family and friends so Woody can stay with a sTrOnG iNdEpEnDeNt WoMaN
>completely ditching the classic group of toys and leaving them in the RV to do practically fuck all
>making Woody unbelievably dedicated to a stupid fucking spork that wants to die anyways
>shitty antagonist that we're suddenly supposed to have sympathy for at the end of the movie
>key and peele being a lot more annoying than funny

seriously, this isn't just a bad toy story movie, it's a terrible movie

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From the makers of The Last Jedi and Wreck it Ralph 2.

>Woody isn't allowed a tight porcelain puss to fuck off with and bang every night because he needs to be a slave to children and become a worn out toy in 2 years only to be thrown in the trash like virtually every toy in the Toy Story universe.
The amount of cope in your post...

after the course of three movies they were completely intact, with bonnie being virtually a female andy
woody threw all of that away to stay with a character who was hardly even a side character

>turning the character who’s actor is an outspoken Republican into a bumbling goof
Do you not know the pettiness of (((Hollywood))) by now?

Bo Beep was one of the original toys who Woody loved. Are you intentionally trying to be assmad?

Was just about to post something like this. Buzz never stood a chance.

tell me anything significant she did in the first two movies besides being a passive love interest
I would say three but she wasn't even in 3, which is arguably the most seminal of all the movies
fuck off reddit

what's the point of woody going back if he's just gonna get locked away in the closet again? he's served his time and realizes his prime years were with andy, and bonnie isn't gonna fill that void, so he might as well stay

>you rebbit if you disagree
She was sassy and opinionated in 1. I'm sorry you are a fucking zoomer and politically obsessed.

his whole spiel in toy story 3 was to still be there for andy, even it meant staying in the attic
woody was reduced to bonnie's closet, which is still many steps down from the attic
even if he wasn't played with, he would still have the old gang to keep him company, a point he made at the end of toy story 2

>Buzz is a Republican because Tim Allen is
You Trumpfags are something, you can't even watch Toy Story.

>sassy and opinionated
She made a few offhand comments about being impressed with Buzz and making passes at Woody before trying to cheer him up about Andy.

so was potato head and hamm, what's your point reddit?

My point is, she was his love interest almost 3 fucking decades ago. So crying that it "comes out of nowhere" makes you look pathetic.

>Buzz is made into an idiot because his voice actor is an outspoken Republican who had his show pulled from ABC, a Disney subsidiary for the very same reason. The fact they had to use Tim Allen is what probably made them write Buzz this way, after his Spanish mode nonsense in 3.

That's some astromical reaching you are doing there.

Why did they even do this movie ( Yeah stupid question i know). Didnt 3 have the perfect ending to the series allready

Look at his character arc from 1-3. Now look at him in 4. There is zero reason to sideline him and write him as bumbling comic relief.

it's more so the fact she was always on the sidelines, and nonexistent, until the fourth movie
the entire rest of the crew was put on the sidelines for her, which makes no sense
you're still getting your paycheck from Disney regardless, no convincing you at this point

I ju$t $eem to think that thi$ movie i$ a bit forced and that no one really a$ked for it.

>Toy Story 5: Buzz and that shark that wears Woodys hat for 3 seconds in Toy Story 1 leave the group and begin their lives as a gay couple, with Buzz reprising his role as Mrs. Nesbitt.

I wouldn't be surprised honestly

No, it must be because his voice actor is a conservative, do you fucking hear your ridiculous self?

>muh shill
I literally see no problem with making her a more prominent character. I'm not sure why that bothers you so much. It's not like they invented a new feminazi to piss off incels like yourself, she is an established character. It made sense what they did with her, it has a thematic arc to it with how Woody's attitude changed.

Based schizoid with a persecution complex.

>$2 has been deposited into your exclusive Disney Visa rewards account

>take established characters like Bo Peep and Buzz
>change them completely
Why are you complaining? These characters have been here from the start!

This is literally true. These people are far left idealogues that live near San Francisco. I work in Hollywood and even centrists are hated at this point.

>changed completely
Characters change, it's called an arc retard

Am I just not allowed to like Toy Story now?

My 8 year old sister came out of cinemas crying cause she was scared of whatever the antagonists

Problemos with this film:
>Lack of Buzz
>When Buzz is in it, he's uncharacteristically unfunny
>The ending didn't make sense, no matter how world-weary they tried to make Woody in this particular installment
>The ending also didn't feel powerful enough, considering the toys' leader of 20 years was leaving them.
>Lack of Jessie and every other mainstay character, sidelined in favor of new characters who could never be as lovable as the old ones
>Bonnie suddenly doesn't care about Woody despite Andy telling her how special he was
>The whole movie felt too short
Honestly I'm probably missing some more

You just didn't get it. Try watching it again when you're older

Nah, it was fine. It just didn't need to be made. I really hope there isn't a Toy Story 5. Let it rest.

>with Buzz reprising his role as Mrs. Nesbitt.
kek'd at that

No dont. After this shit none of it matter. Make 6 and fucking 7.

>Lack of Jessie and every other mainstay character, sidelined in favor of new characters who could never be as lovable as the old ones
This, best part was the flashbacks when they were saving RC

>Disney is "far left" meme
They are corporatists, user. They don't give a fuck about ideology as long as money talks.

>making Woody unbelievably dedicated to a stupid fucking spork

You know you need to be at least 18 to post here if you are watching children's movies and you are older than 12 there is something wrong with you

Dont be shocked user (they) are pushing an agenda its EVERYWHERE nowadays.

>"that guy didnt vote the same way i voted!!"
>"make sure to assasinate his toy characters mythos haha that'll show him"

These people are literally insane.

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