YMS Childs Play review
Dogs. He fucks them.
dog rapist
Does he make anything other than 3 minute videos about how much he hates shitty mainstream films?
>there wasn't nearly enough graphic bestiality for my liking, 2/10
what did adam mean by this
Is that Adam Johnston from yourdogsucksmycockdotorg who is a bestilaity loving hipster fuck?
Efficient and based
reminder that this was said by someone who is payed to review movies
Yes but it is illegal in most jurisdictions.
this might be worse than the dog fucking desu
red pill me on this ? what are you talking about
>still hasn't finished his series on Synecdoche New York
>releases an 8 minute review of a okay-ish remake of a Disney animated film
Looks like someone who fucks dogs
Kibbles and Bits and I'm off my tits
he pointed out some points about zoophilia and now people say he literally defends dog fucking and fucks dogs. it's one of the most retarded bullshit things going on in here these days
He talked about beastality while drunk
>t. fucks dogs
he fucks dogs
>this guy fucks dogs
>what could that mean??
Jesus Christ
hello Adam
is that the guy who fucked a dog?
Listen adam, you've literally said that there's nothing wrong with fucking animals since we eat animals anyway. You've admitted that you're a furry. One and one is two I'd say. You have sexual intercourse with animals.
citation needed faggot
>everything is the same because 1+1 = 2
Fuck you.
Fuck dogs
he already have
Do it again
underrated comment
have sex with dogs
>everyone ITT eat meat and dairy
>an entire industry that revolves around slaughting animals so you can get a cheap burger
>b-but don't try to fuck them!
Yeah, that basically sums it up. Got a problem, furfag?
you sound like certain washed up e-celeb now.
I agree, that problem is your attraction to animals.
if you eat meat or consume any animal food you literally do not have the moral authority on this topic
Yeah I do because I don't rape dogs.
>he thinks older movies are bad and that newer movies are better because they are newer
jesus christ...
Go fuck a dog adam
There is literally nothing contradictory about this you degenerate, how about you don't fuck dogs
>murder OK!
>sex bad!
Dog rapist.
killing an animal isnt murder, faggot.
Synecdog new fuck
and what is wrong with killing to eat than fucking something that can't understand human consent or penis? this level of whataboutism is shameless and should be punishable by death
Kys faggot
>killing something that does not want to be killed
>not murder
ay ay ay
pigs are smarter than dogs and feel fear, pain and distress throughout their life because you and others dont want to eat green
meat eating is part of a healthy diet and has been a part of human behaviour since we figured out we could do it. animal fucking is a sign that you had a troubled childhood and have a courtship disorder.
>gets called out for knowing nothing about pre 40s cinema
>okie dokie i'll watch some 60s directors and a single meme silent film to make up for it
>murder is okay because we have done it for a long time
>meat eating is part of a healthy diet
[citation missing]
I hate dog fuckers
let me guess
it's actually embarassing how few 'old' films he has watched
damn this review makes me want to blow a dog
Are Ralph Sepe from youtube.com/ralpthemoviemaker
and the britbong faggot Alex IHE aware that their Sardonicast cohost would fuck a dog.
Well yes
What are you fucking disabled?
That's so crazy. I'm sure he's at least seen a little more than that, but holy shit
Is there a decent film reviewer on youtube who actually knows their stuff?
>meat provides nutrients to the human body
>omnivore diet is much more effective when compared to vegan diets
>Sexual intercourse with animals provides neither option and at best only produces benefits to one party and in worst cases can create new STDs and viruses (a theory about how HIV was created was due to Homos fucking monkeys)
>b-b-but muh false equivalence
Go away Adam, you cannot justify your degenerate fetish
Didn't he say he was gonna watch M in
do you have some evidence to back your claim?
If he doesn't fuck them, he's an apologist for those that do.