Is it midgekino?

Is it midgekino?

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That Asian girl asking what kind of fuck he gave her lol.

For me, its Tiptoes

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Why didnt they just have Warwick Davis to lead the film?

god that was stupid

what a shitty poster

this movie was fucking boring. Only lasted up to the party scene

>directed by the guy who made Sideways and Nebraska
what was he thinking?

Nebraska is comfy

They had like 5 different plots going in different directions in a 2hour movie. It was a good idea, but horribly executed

The chink chick was turbo cute

What the fuck were they thinking


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I still have no idea if this movie was pro-environment or actually making fun of the hippies. What a shitshow

They did absolutely nothing with the shrinking thing. It might as well have not even been a part of the movie. What was the fucking point?

Just wanted some vore

Only a couple of jokes. I bet that's what they had in mind and designed the whole movie around it. I bet it started with the whole explosion joke, too

Is this midget kino?

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God I'd love to step on a midge colony.

Whats good vore kino bros?

only midgekino is freaks and even dwarves started small

If that town was real I'd eat some real nasty, spicy bean meal, and some jalapenos for dessert. I'd go over to the town and drop this huge pile of semi liquid shit all over this tiny fucking doll town. I want them to lose their minds because they cannot escape the scent of this godforsaken mountain of hot excrement. It will fill their homes, their food, their cars. They cannot escape. They wouldn't reach the outer gates.

dude wheres my car


brothers grimm
doom patrol


>less than five mins into the movie, you see a naked man's penis
for what purpose? why is alexander (((payne))) obsessed with graphic full frontal male nudity?

weren't manlets trying to get some new term to catch on? I think it was like Short King or some dumb shit like that, definitely had King in the name

I pity foreigners who didn't see the best midgekino ever

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The trailer misled me into thinking it was going to be a fun, awe-inspiring movie. But it jumped the shark with the breakaway civilization plot

>It was a good idea, but horribly executed
this desu

Imagine seeing Warwick Davis shopping at the mall before Christmas. You run into him on the third floor, carrying dozens of bags that are far too heavy for his stubby little arms and puny fingers. He's struggling, sweat is pouring off his deformed little forehead as he tries to get his gifts home for his family. You feel the rage build up in you, looking at this decrepit little gnome pulling all these bags, making little grunts in his stupid little high pitched voice. Unconsciously, you find yourself striding towards him, with venomous intent in your eyes. He catches sight of you approaching, his tiny freak head lifts slightly, you can see the fear in his eyes like a zebra looking at a lion on the hunt. In an instant, you grab him by his tiny legs and begin walking over to the balcony that overlooks the mall floor, Warwick too weak to fight back, only whimpering. Three floors up is a good height to a human being, but to this imp? It might as well be the Grand Canyon. You lift him over your head like a sack of potatoes and you toss the little midge over the edge, and you hear his goofy high pitched yelps as he falls. He smacks his head off a cupcake kiosk, his tiny brains splattered all over a group of Chinese tourists like a Jackson Pollock painting. In this moment, you feel triumph

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This. I was surprised when I found out it was only 2 hours long because it felt way longer when i was watching.
Downsizing is a legitimate 2/10 movie and I hated every minute.

what is this and dose tiny man go inside her pusy? please i Wouuld very much like to know

>dose tiny man go inside her pusy?
Not as a tiny version, no.
But he walks over her giant ass and maybe boobies, I don't remember

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It's like they had this great premise only to fuck it up 20 minutes into the movie because they did not have an actual story.

The shrinking had almost nothing to do with the movie.

He was too short for the part of the downsized characters
