ITT: Kino haircuts

ITT: Kino haircuts

Attached: Prisoners.mkv_snapshot_01.52.47_[2019.06.27_20.37.09].png (1920x1036, 2.52M)

Other urls found in this thread:

You mean kino hair.

>tfw hairline receeded to far and you'll never achieve this level of A E S T H E T I C

Attached: Blade Runner 2 Screaming 2.jpg (177x176, 5K)

Neo-nazis have ruined this hair for everyone

>tfw have had widows peak since childhood

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-15-09-11-31-101_org.mozilla.firefox~2.png (1081x1080, 852K)

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post pics

Tfw if you get a Buzzcut you have a huge forehead

this type of haircut really only works if the rest of your head looks good enough to pull it off, if you're weird or goofy looking it's better to just get a normal haircut

desu this cut still looks good.

el justo staysafe

What the fuck does "kino" even mean? Because I know it doesn't mean 'good' or 'quality'.

This, it's all dependant on head shape.

Attached: jake.jpg (600x450, 173K)

If you have a wide head then you should put your hair up to compensate for it.


this, these types of haircuts work if you have a good hairline, a good thick hairtype and the wind doesn't blow. if all 3 aren't working for you, just get a normal haircut and you can't go wrong

This. I have the fucked up situation where my forehead is substantially big and my hairline is far back and I have a moderate to smaller sized jaw and chin... I’ve grown a lumberjack beard and side part my hair to cover one side where my hairline is far back... but I’d give anything to be able to have a biz-cut and not look like Fredo from The Godfather. In fact I look exactly like him facially but with slight better hairline

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jakey g in the op has a widow's peak

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Non man bunned flowing mane. It was literally the most kino hair on tv

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Attached: Alden Ehrenreich fluffy hair to block the losing fight.jpg (3000x2129, 511K)

Its hard to appreciate his hair when his face is so fucking ugly.

It means kino retard


Seething baldlanklets detected

The Kit filter is real

>look very similar to him
you MUST rock that haircut then

Cooper has a 10/10 haircut in this pic IMO

Attached: featured.jpg (2938x1653, 618K)

Indeed, the medium length is kino

Also kino

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Imagine doing damage control for Kit Harington. I didn't insult his hair or body. I insulted his face, which is something Yea Forums has been doing since season 1.

do wigs count?

Attached: fifth-element-masculinity[1].jpg (633x356, 35K)

a widow's peak is a real thing and your mpb is not it

note to self: grow hair out and sweep it back

>Literally leading man in the biggest television show of all time

Listen it’s ok to hate the guy but stop making shit up

>be a fag
>get called a fag for being a fag
>lash out and call others names

Yes he is ugly. Just like Arya is ugly as hell too. All the Stark kids ended up subhuman.

and Kurt Russell

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Fuck off with this shit you retarded manlet. Not everyone has hair and is willing to get a hair transplant.

>Poster count not going up
>Saying someone isn’t ugly equals gay

Seething and dare I say it, havesexpilled

lanklets seething

Attached: karl.jpg (615x409, 34K)

Cooper got a hair transplant, dummy.

I can get surgery for my hair.

What can you do to grow?

Attached: a0a0d78d8ff683f814591dd4b07ef946[1].jpg (800x1073, 112K)

just wait a bit longer and you'll have sci-fi tier hair transplants available to you

when you have seen one of these threads you have seen them all

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That isn't a widows peak retard that's a receded hairline

Also get surgery if were being technical.

Fren, they've been saying this for 40 years

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>All this seething

It’s ok guys don’t worry, toupees are cheap

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Of course the poster count didn't go up; I'm responding to you when you quote me. Why would it go up? He is ugly as hell.

I can have sex

My surgery won't take years off my life and put me in a wheelchair for 6 months (or put me in a wheelchair at old age). Yours will.


Do your job sub slut who has no voice twat

>He...HES UGLY!!

Attached: F05EDD0B-3B58-459E-A16D-AB555E0FA5EA.jpg (700x368, 48K)

I'm not that guy, I'm just making sure everyone is appraised of the facts.


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Dude they are actors, being paid to do these things you realize.

at least I've had sex

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Find love.

How much length do you need for something like these? I'm always afraid of growing it out and it possibly looking too weird on me. I think the longest mine has ever been is like 6 inches.

Definitely haven’t had sex

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Honestly I’d say maybe 10-11, with the back tapered a bit so it gets the desired look. It’s really all about hairline and top length and a good barber to take care of the sides.

Growing it out from an undercut like OP pic gets this desired look as well

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Depp used to be a hairkinosseur

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I’ve done that hairstyle in the pic for a friend’s wedding. I hate how I look though. I literally look like a reject mafia brother. I suppose i should just accept that i’ll Never look like Bradley Cooper

>tfw tight, frizzy, nappy, thinning nigger hair
It's not fair.

Attached: Theo.png (512x512, 381K)

The Caucas-Afro

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I honestly fuckin love the Fredo look, people can pull it off extremely well.

The Great War Fade

Attached: Jimmy.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

I've tried to slick my hair back before and I just can never get it to lay right. I think it just naturally grows forward so it doesn't lay back. I guess I've never had my hair that long before though

oof kys

super fuckin defensive, baldy

wait what board am i on?!

The 'Cut That Saved Yea Forums

I have the jack black hairline

I pray it stays that way

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Kit is handsome and you’re ugly, not the other way around, buddy

I wish I had hair like him

t. guy that started balding in his 20s

OP you win

You’re not man enough to wear it if you bleat about Nazis.

I'm 6'4" and I say he's ugly.

Attached: 34E0970700000578-0-image-a-23_1464938977395.jpg (636x382, 61K)

Uggo detected

His Hangover hair is kino too

I’m sorry about your face, at lest you’re tall though , that makes up for it, right?

Not that user, but I'm 6'6" and a former child model. Kit is ugly.

Attached: Kit-Harington-867853.jpg (620x800, 82K)

>Cooper has a 10/10 in this pic
and you are correct. She's hot af.

Attached: irina.jpg (800x1200, 525K)



And bald

>y-you're ugly
>y-y-y-yyyou're bald!
The projecting cope. Kit is ugly. I think he does well to hide his face with the beard and hair but underneath it he's another victim of bong genes.

Man, screw Suzanne or whatever her name was for not letting him enjoy fake hair.

And bald


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you're all projecting. grow yourself some self-awareness since you cant grow hair on your head

I'm 6'9" and I say you're a faggot.

if u would be a lion would u brag about it

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I think the important lesson to take away from this thread is that hairlets are more insecure than manlets can ever be

6'9 here. Bunch of manlets

All right, you manlets forced my hand. This is me. Not the height. Note the hair. Note the mass.


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>That hairline


hair is gone man :(

>Your average bald tv poster

Quite literally based but also a tad redpilled

does it help that it wasnt my shit in the suitcase?

Roll with it, user

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This is what I have

I don't like it but my hair grows so fast I would have to cut it every other day to have anything different

Neo-nazis invented it

Let's bring the mullet back bros

this is redneck tier

>that one faggot wearing the baseball cap ruining the hair kino of the gang

he's a million years old, what do you expect?

summer of 1992

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How many months beard growth is that?

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the richboy mullet is kino

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My hair looks like that currently

Attached: bride_of_frankenstein_01[1].jpg (306x354, 21K)

Eh, dont like the curly tufty back part. As a guy with longish hair, I always hated that length

Attached: bateman hair.png (442x483, 308K)

Hows my hair lads ?
>tfw big forehead

Attached: Screenshot_20190627-230807_WhatsApp.jpg (1079x1416, 460K)

Mine looks like that after 2 months

Crazy example of how much more attractive hair makes you

Young Leo mogs everyone itt

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the hair was probably also fake in-universe though

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farrell has had both the best and worst hair in film

when did he have the worst ?

>no one posting based dolph

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*challenger appears*

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fuckin kike

>he left this for lady gaga

are you kidding?

Attached: colin-farrell-horrible-bosses-hair.jpg (490x290, 137K)


Also this.

Attached: latest.jpg (800x800, 280K)

Attached: f.jpg (550x400, 57K)

? i'm scottish mate

kek, forgot about that but its a bald cap with fake hair so doesnt really count

Kek I knew you beardfags were always compensating for shitty/weak chins and or jawlines.

you're a fucking kazaar jew

>ywn have Lynch's perfect hair at his age

Attached: kLvMDNv.jpg (970x1142, 455K)


fucking raylan has the best hair

Attached: 97aeb47031decde8863354703acd33ac--timothy-olyphant-season-.jpg (236x289, 13K)


Attached: Blade Runner 2 Red MS Paint.png (275x369, 8K)

There it is

this is my haircut

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fuck.. I don't even have his hair now..

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Attached: brad - legends of the fall.jpg (736x909, 102K)

based, women don't like faggots who put more effort in their hair than they do

Attached: 2aba1527b6369983b792261a25280ec1.jpg (620x400, 35K)

Attached: Hateful-Eight-Kurt-Russell.jpg (738x389, 31K)

Damn, he looks like Jim Morrison.

Attached: leo.jpg (494x348, 22K)

>Nearing 170 replies
>Not a single mention of long hair cage
Holy fucking plebs

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Baldcels are annoying

What do you expect, the baldlanklets are in full damage control mode

Attached: 644A1393-E118-4361-9E42-0DE0F398D579.jpg (320x320, 22K)

I really like Ezra's hair

Attached: rs-17105-20121010-ezra-624x-1349892145.jpg (624x420, 103K)

But my haircut is slightly better

>What do you expect

Attached: next.jpg (843x1200, 95K)

Most kino jojo arc and character

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kek ok fair enough

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Same here I comb my hair to the side so every time I’d try to slick it back it’d naturally try to go to the one side

Attached: 8BAED32E-DCD9-4C8D-911D-ADEC927DF412.jpg (747x582, 59K)

Very true. It also looked excellent in Endgame.

Attached: Avengers-Endgame-Captain-America-Winter-Soldier-suit.jpg (1200x600, 54K)

Moustache chads report in

Real talk, how do i get the "wet" look on my hair? Gel doesn't quite look right.

The entire cast of Dunkirk

Attached: Dunkirk.2017.iMAX.MultiSubs.Blu-Ray.1080p.DTS-HD.MA-5.1.x264-DrSi.mkv_snapshot_00.50.32_.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

zoomers ruined this for me.

Attached: literally me.jpg (330x330, 49K)

and u JUST figured out, were you born yesterday? retard


Based mustache bro. New topic, post kino mustaches

He has great hair yeah

Attached: 1544395022998.jpg (3006x3600, 1.08M)

Should I get a hair transplant guys? I'm on the fence because I have good shaped head and I'm getting used to the no guard buzz.


This dude's hair is immortal

Attached: DZIRx7h.png (1199x899, 1.94M)

hairlet cope

Attached: Dunkirk.2017.iMAX.MultiSubs.Blu-Ray.1080p.DTS-HD.MA-5.1.x264-DrSi.mkv_snapshot_00.15.40_.jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

not bad huh?

Attached: MV5BNTMwZTVhZjMtZTM4ZS00Njg1LThiNWQtZDViOGExZDEyY2JiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjYyMDAxMTY@._V1_.jpg (800x450, 53K)

Attached: melgibsonmullet.jpg (600x300, 94K)

have sex

Keep seething baldy

If you haven't seen this doc, it's pretty interesting. I guess it's less interesting if you're black and already know half this stuff.

Attached: gh.jpg (426x597, 46K)

How can one man's hair be so kino?

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Dear God remember when Johnny Depp was handsome?

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The mustache + stubble look is so fucking kino

Attached: cavill-tasche.jpg (675x500, 41K)

what a gorgeous kino looking lad

Speaking of which

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Meant for


kevin nash is fat

I honestly almost forgot

Attached: Johnny-Depp.jpg (615x771, 81K)

Does he have aids or cancer or something?

>tfw blond and can't pull this off right

Based Cruise

I agree with this but its important you can only pull off any of the ''chad'' cuts if youre over 28. Also, no matter the condition of your hair, the most important thing is face, if you have a 10/10 face you could be balding and wearing chrischan tier clothes and youll be more attractive than 90% of men.

Attached: smug.png (531x559, 546K)

Grow hair.

Attached: 1522459852584.jpg (450x600, 38K)

good. good hair.

I just want him to spit in my mouth

Attached: timtim.jpg (500x323, 32K)

>t. Triggered no chin faggot
Kek! Kys you abomination

god it was huge

Attached: c2f90d4a3c4ab8dfa60e863e30a3c365.jpg (400x489, 25K)

>el goblino de escocia

>English are white.

This is the kind of haircut incels will get cause they think it makes them look tough and sophisticated but in reality, it just makes them look embarassing. Unless you have chad facial aesthetics it just further alienates you from women who will rightfully see you as a right-wing psycho or a square GOP drone.

jesus this post is embarrassing. sort yourself out m8

Attached: mfwanamerican.jpg (500x472, 50K)

Cut it a bit shorter and I mean a bit.
It's too 'styled' currently which makes look metrosexual.

He's not wrong

He fucking looks like the guy from Bush on the right

Are hair transplants expensive? Asking for a friend.

Attached: 1551370822014.jpg (209x241, 14K)

>Note the hair
what hair?

>right-wing psycho or a square GOP drone
One of my go-to icebreakers is "did you know I'm actually a Nazi?". Shit, I probably have more right wing female friends than male ones.

Attached: demographics.png (800x400, 69K)

This haircut really kind of depends on how your hair parts naturally. If your hair parts in a not so great spot (down the middle for example) this type of hairstyle is a pain in the ass since youll constantly have to fix it otherwise you look like a fucking goofball

I liked this haircut, it was based.

Attached: ragnar.jpg (750x750, 139K)

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Tfw really flat head so short back and sides makes me look retarded

3 weeks

How do you prevent it, though? Just grow it out even longer?

It's for a film role, ya dummy. The character has cancer.

>i like the JUST haircut
Weird flex but alright user

Nope. That picture was taken when he was on tour with his band

>tfw like hairstyles like in the OP
>hate how styling product feels in my hair
Guess ill just stick to really short dad haircuts

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i like his season 3 haircut better

Attached: ragnar.jpg (500x694, 56K)

Never noticed the neck on reeves

>TFW Been taking 1mg finasteride as a preventative measure since I was 23.

Why would you guys ever let yourselves go bald?

post original

Attached: potatoerys.jpg (640x640, 190K)

>literally still the JUST haircut

The chan embrace always reminded me of slick from heat

If you weren't going bald before, you definitely are now. You will have to take it forever, also enjoy impotence.

Attached: 42B9D51F-A2F3-46D5-8D2D-692C9B667FC0.jpg (1920x1080, 148K)

Is that emilia?

Do you wear hats alot? I always heard wearing hats makes you go bald. Is that true?

Jude Law did it

I've been taking it for years. No impotence.
Studies show it has like a 0.2% increase in erectile dysfunction over the general population.

>If you weren't going bald before, you definitely are now.
Fin in no way increases the chances of balding if you stop. If you were going to bald and stop, you will go bald. But you can always start again so long as you don't lose too much.
>You will have to take it forever.
Couldn't care less? I have great hair.

>This thread

Baldlets are pathetic

Have hair

Post your hairline impotent baldie

Grow follicles

>mfw literally have this exact hair

It doesn't look as good when you aren't 6ft7 with a chiseled jaw.

how so? hes not balding

I really hope he grows his hair this long again soon

Attached: 4eff50526031875.jpg (1280x855, 242K)

finasteride made my balls fucking hurt lol, stopped taking that shit right the fuck away

no it's a meme

>tfw i grew my hair for 2 years and it came down to my shoulders and was as silky as hair can be.
too bad i cut it this year before i went on holiday, shame.

Guys this is me pic related I’m 7’2 fucking manlets

My grandpa always wore caps and had a decent head of hair

My hair is like this. Have not got a haircut in 8 months.

That's a relatively old filename

my hair got all receded and thin like a needle in just one fucking year


Attached: 29A4AC51-B8FF-4D44-A2D8-5FD343A15FAF.png (500x533, 531K)

Sounds like something fucked up happened that year.

No side effects for me. Like I said been on it for years. Enjoy my cardigan.

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yung heath had some dope hair, too bad it went JUST-tier before he died

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LMAO BRUH LOOK AT THIS DUDE. Your fucking hairline is at the middle of your head

Post yours weakchin.

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it wasnt like this a year ago I dont know what fucking happened but I feel like Im gonna an hero soon cause all my life shit and the hair was the only thing I had good

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how do you get hair that thicc?

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that haircut is very annoying and impossible to look consistently good without pausing after every scene to adjust your hair

>not rocking a widows peak

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Be very young and have good hair genes. My hair looked kinda like that when I was a teenager and it hasn't receded back yet but it has very clearly thinned out to the point where I can make out individual hairs above my temples/at my hairline.

>dad is balding with the horseshoe bald spot right in the middle of his head, still has some hair though
>grandfather on my moms side had a full head of air until the day he died

im curious to see how the genetic lottery will play out for me. I still have a thick, full hair now but i dont know what id do if I lost it

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this, its greasy and your eyes cry looking at it, it's too tryhard

I have a pretty round face, what kinda haircut should I get

Unironically go to a barber and ask what's good

My dad is 55 and has all his hair except on the very front on the corners, and every man on my mother's side of the family has been bald for decades. Not looking good but I still have all my hair in my 20's, kinda expecting to wake up one day and realise I look nothing like what I used to.

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t. Kit Harington

>ywn fuck her prone bone and lick her bare scalp

almost got a haircut today, glad i didn't now.

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IMO the more hair on top the better, the shorter you go with a round face the more your head looks like a mushroom
t. somebody with a round face


New England. Clam. Chowder.

I liked S1

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Big Daddy bitch

Only good one in the thread

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>Haha bruh that ain't a haircut that's all you have left

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ITT: long hair = kino

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Oof, the balding 'fro

t. Baldlet

Chill Kit, i think you're a cool guy. Maybe lay off the coke a bit tho

Attached: kit-harington-rose-leslie.jpg (768x1152, 223K)

Ah the faux aloof baldlet, CLASSIC

whats a baldlet tho? a person that has small baldness?

A term for the follically challenged

>dat pic

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