>this is my body, which is br-
>Simon!...did you have something to share with the rest of us?
>no no, go ahead, I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation
>if you're finished, I'll continue
>are you finished?
>this is my body...
This is my body, which is br-
Just ate Jesus's cock, AMA
what's your fav breakfast food?
Jesus's cock
where are you from, originally?
My mother's pussy
what, in your opinion, is the coolest dog breed?
have anything to drink? I'm pretty thirsty. just had some ziti and jalapeno poppers.
do you like guac?
Just drank Jesus's blood
can you do a split?
Replies: 12
Posters: 2
are you an organ donor?
what kind of phone do you have?
would you rather be 5'10" with nice smile or 6'2" with a fucked up gummy smile?
would you rather your neighborhood become 40% mexican or 10% black
Would you rather catch your wife getting fucked by a violent crew of Danish vikings or mike strahan?
would you rather be 5'8" or 8'11"?
GUN TO YOUR HEAD- would you rather go to jail or pay alimony?