This is fucking great. I have never seen this before, because all you assholes do is talk about feet and anuses...

This is fucking great. I have never seen this before, because all you assholes do is talk about feet and anuses. I hate you and I hate this board.

We should be talking about movies goddamnit

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Other urls found in this thread:

but this is the tourist board, if you're serious about movies you don't need Yea Forums anyway


ya it really stays with you

try not being a zoomer next time

well, it is an old movie. people tend to talk about current stuff

for some of us this is all we know

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I just remembered that I saw it on TV in 2005, while playing World of Warcraft. Leveling my human paladin in Redridge, waiting in line for that orc chief to respawn. Weird how memory works sometimes.

There's actually been a lot of threads lately (admittedly probably because of the EVA rerelease).
So who's the real tourist supposed to be here?

there are a couple of episodes of stargate that always give me video game nostalgia

nostalgia is a powerful thing

>I have never seen this before, because all you assholes do is talk about feet and anuses. I hate you and I hate this board.
Lurk more

We talk about movies. Try not clicking on threads with wojak or pepe faces.

I just checked an the only time it was aired in 2005 was mid june. I started playing WoW in february that year. That means it took me three months to level to around lvl25. Today I would make that in a week. In 2005, I actually had other stuff to do and only ocassionally wasted my time on crap like that.

Anyways, thanks for listening Reddit.

hey man we discuss capekino and reality TV kino too. on top of bitching/boasting about normie problems

I'm sad now

pull up dude

you're welcome bro

go fuck yourself nigger


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I've only seen that once but I'll never forget it

Lurk more. There have been plenty One Hour Photo threads. However, if you want to get a discussion going, you have to put more effort into it than just "dis moobie gud why no discus moobie?"

>Hollywood is literal political propaganda for at least 10 years

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How's summer break going?

Just go on reddit
it's unironically based
if you disagree you need to have sex dont even reply to me


I like to believe that the basedjak posters are just one single poster who's a huge faggot. Can you post more? Please, we need your contribution to every thread

is id gud mooby doh

i meen isit

isit rly


I unironically love how their algorithm keeps hate speech and xenophobic natonalist posts off the front page. not even baiting, fuck all you nazi faggots. DON'T HAVE SEX

Sometimes I play an old N64 video game just to trigger flashbacks of my childhood.

feet and anuses

Time to go back.

Somehow this board is still better at discussing movies than Reddit.

dis nod how we talk

the duality of faggotry

oof, you're the one that needs to go back

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Have you guys seen JLaw's anus? Her feet are pretty nice too.

Feet IN anuses. Black feet in white anuses, even better.

um, have sex sweetie.

Her cunt has more layers than her fucking films.

More like tiny black wee wees locked in chastity cages while white bulls plow thick ebony ladies.

>Romanek intended the film to be much longer, but the studio ordered it to be shortened, and elements rearranged out of concerns about commerciality. The beginning, for example, was moved to the end. Also, several of Sy's narrative monologues were removed, and several scenes were re-shot with fewer lines. The original version also has older musical scores that were not used in the final product.
>A director's cut is not available to buy, but was shown at the Sundance Film Festival

Fucking assholes

name a better reference in television and film.

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