Is this show actually good or is it for women?
Is this show actually good or is it for women?
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I found all the characters' stories tolerable except for the Mom & Daughter. Didn't give a single fuck about theirs. They were still tied up nicely at the end.
pretty good but basically the entire cast is unlikable save for maybe Keith
The mom made me laugh for the first few episodes but im in season 2 now and shes just annoying
Way better than the leftovers
It gets a little too soapy toward season 3/4 but pulls it back a bit for 5. Honestly it's all worth it to get the full effect of one of the best finales/final sequences in TV history. I mean really just pitch perfect
The Leftovers AKA Carnivale2.0 AKA if it looks kinda nice and doesn't make any sense and has religious overtones that means it's good
This. Still the best ending to any series I've ever seen.
One of the best shows ever.
>tfw people used to say I reminded them of Nate and then I realized he's kind of an asshole
The first season starts pretty slow but I'm at the end of the second now and it's gotten much more interesting. It's also fairly peak early 90's if you're interested in that vibe.
david is /ourfaggot/
I watched it every week as it aired and now I'm afraid to rewatch it because it was absolute fucking perfection that could not have ended better. I'm afraid my becoming a cynical miserable piece of shit will ruin it somehow if I watch it again so I just keep it in my head the way it was and refuse to possibly screw it up. So yes, you should watch it.
i mean early 2000s
It's early 00's late 90's ya filthy zoomie. Early 90's everything would be neon then plaid.
you mean early 00's when it came out and is set?
the ending of the leftovers was such shit
Be my friend. Hooooold me. ;_;
Reminder that Familia is hands down the best episode, and no I'm not a beaner.
it has the most hateable group of characters ever
literally zero likeable characters....I honestly wished for everyone of them to die.
the first two seasons are decent, it starts dragging a lot after that. the mother and claire are the worst parts of the show.
nate = based
nikolai = based
david = based
keith = based
dad = based
wild card = the guidance counselor
I liked the gay guy.
>Women are horrible and annoying
Yeah, it's really quite realistic.
dont really like david or nate but rico is based
yea well realistic doesnt mean good
The women are the only annoying ones, even the gays ones are interesting.
>literally zero likeable characters
not even keith or rico? they all have moments of being cunts and others of being more sympathetic and that's honestly my favorite part of the show. felt pretty realistic imo.
Claire is okay compared to Brenda. Brenda and the mom are insufferable.
women have good taste so it's good
brenda may be the worst character i have ever seen in my life. there is not one good thing about her, she's not even hot, she's utterly repulsive at every level
Help. I have done it again.
I have been here many times before.
Hurt myself again today.
And the worst part is there's no one else to blame.
Fuck it's so good.
it's good although i wish season 4 never happened. the lisa subplot in season 3 was so fascinating to me so the 'resolution' that was revealed in season 4 almost ruined the whole thing. i'm talking about us finding out that lisa's suicide was actually a cringey fucking murder. i was ready to drop it but i'm glad i stuck with it since the last season was really fucking good
In this case it does. The show is extremely realistic and didn't rely on characters being likeable due to bullshit, they were realistic in that deep down they were all extremely flawed people.
But Carnivale IS good, pleb.
>kind of
Frankly I'm amazed we were supposed to empathize with him. He's brilliantly written, just insufferable. I'd say I feel bad for you but Nate got laid on the regular so you're still less of a loser than me
its for generation x and millenials. Its not for zoomers
i fucking hate the actress that plays lisa. i've seen her in a couple movies and she's always playing the same airhead wannabe hippie character.
Don't get memed by faggots who think it's cool to hate on it because they weren't old enough to watch it when it came out. Six Feet Under is legitimately good and has some of the realest portrayals of certain personality types put to screen.
rico's a fucking loser and i'm still ass-sore i'll never get my time wasted watching his dumb fucking filler sideplot where he was cheating on his wife back.
I don't think women would like such a depressing show
I didn't care for the fag storyline
and rico was like a comic relief until somebody though he needs to have "a character" and he started cheating, and in that time he became annoying.
The last perfect show. There are no bad episodes and the finale is perfection. I wish I could watch it for the first time again.
no, it doesn't mean it's good. ruth is absolutely insufferable and there is nothing interesting about her story, she's an annoying garbage character.
post based soundtrack moments
>even the gays ones are interesting.
Not really. Keith was incredibly likeable and too good for David but even his screen time was kinda boring.
Keith is legit so fucking likable it's unreal.
ricos wife was even worse than rico
It was the most amazing show at the time. But considering you sound like a moron, you should probably skip it.
the writers got bootyblasted he was better than the main characters so they sabotaged him
I disagree with you.
>It was the most amazing show at the time.
lol no, sopranos. six feet under is just a soap opera
>one of the best finales/final sequences in TV history
Seriously this. I cry like a bitch every time (Ruth reminds me of my mother).
rico talked so much shit to nate and david, he was always whining about muh baby, muh time off, muh give me a loan.
god I hate that little beaner
>the entire family gets emotionally poignant death scenes
>keith just gets shot
i'm still mad about it. he deserved better.
It's a brilliant show and Lisa is best wife.
It's post-modernist nihilist bullshit, brought to you by the same core of people who brought you other post-modernist nihilist bullshit like Westworld and The Leftovers.
I thought the end was corny asf.
that's, like, the point, bro. death is often sudden and tragic and always meaningless. sometimes shit just happens
I ended up at a party with the guy who played Claire's first boyfriend when the show was airing. I want to say his name was Eric, it was a long time ago though so I can't remember. Nice dude though, and pretty surreal seeing him irl when on the show they were looking for him.
LORD have mercy!
agreed. i hate this hard-on everyone has for """"""authenticity.""""" this is supposed to be fucking entertainment and the laziest thing you can do is go for realism to excuse how very unpleasant it is to spend time with these characters
best character is nate's dad, i don't know who his actor was but he was perfect. wish we had more time spent on his insights.
How did Carnivale not make any sense? You gotta be pretty fucking dumb.
what? Alan Ball did this and then did True Blood, the sexy vampire soap opera
this is the show that started the whole hbo gay agenda thing. its funny watching people defend it. after this show, every hbo show had to have a fag in it
>weren't old enough to watch it
not an excuse to disregard their complaints. even as a diehard fan of this show i know it wasn't flawless. stop lording your seniority over everyone like a crybaby boomer bitch
You're confusing bad person with bad character. Brenda is a terrible person but a very well written character.
That's because you're a canoe skulled brainlet zoomer. Your generation will never make anything on the level of Six Feet Under because you're a bunch of drooling morons glued to your phones. I'd suggest you kill yourself but chances are you would fuck that up just like everything else.
go watch Big Bazinga Theory then you dumbass
she's a well written waste of time, i dont care if you identify with her
You've taken so much from my post that was never implied, m8.
>sometimes shit just happens
i know and i hate it
Cancer shit
>Obvious phoneposter is an idiot
Imagine my shock.
omg she's a slut that jerks off her customers how amazing
lmao this worthless slut who cares
>stop lording your seniority
Where do you think you are? Fucking kys newfaggot.
>tfw Claire should've played the long game
i am 30
asf is a common abbreviation
This show was unanimously loved on here since the board started then a few years ago, around the reddit invasion, you would get morons hating it in every thread. Same as with Frasier threads. It shows what a decline in the intelligence and age of the userbase this place has gone through. Thankfully I don't care about the opinions of retards so I can ignore the mongoloid shitposters and continue to love the show without worry.
The difference is that the gays in Six Feet Under felt like real people and were portrayed well.
You are stupid. I just want you to know that.
Holy shit Russell looks like THAT?
He didn't say she's the worst written character, just the worst character. It doesn't matter if you make a precision crafted turd in a test tube, it's still a turd.
to be fair it's hard to have threads about a subject when people are in near unanimous agreement. contrarian shitposters are a sometimes necessary evil.
the only people who like brenda are women that can identify with her
i wonder why you like you so much?
Not for 30 year olds. It's embarrassing you posted "asf" now. Do you also hang out with junior high schoolers and say things like "How do you do fellow kids?" While wearing a snapback?
You are stupid.
Am I not supposed to do that? How else am I gonna get a gf? Women my age can buy their own beer.
whats that smell lads?
S1 is good.
S2 is OK.
The rest is shit until the finale.
Probably you. Fat reddit9k permavirgin moron. I'm a man in his 30's.
thats very surprising, you seem to have the mind of a woman
In all seriousness Ben Foster aged magnificently well.
I hated it. It was shit and the characters were mean so I was ANGRY when I watched it on my iphone.
I actually loved it but I play a contrarian faggot on Yea Forums.
The last couple seasons weren't great, but stick it out to see one of the all time best finales. The final 5 minutes is an emotional gut punch.
You are stupid.
I thought Brenda was a realistic portrayal of the average American roastie desu
I did not even say I disliked the whole show.
But I am not interested in some lame reddit pissing contest. Kill yourself etc amirite
No one likes her, you silly sausage. The argument they have against you is that she's a well written character, you're just too stupid to understand that you can like a character without liking the character as a person. You're legit the kind of person who argues that Janice Soprano is a bad character because she's a cunt in Sopranos threads and refuses to listen to reason.
she's not even well written, i dont know where the hell you're getting that from. a fucking child genius that had a book written about her lmao you call this well written? get some fucking taste and a brain
It managed to make me like a niggerfaggot so it had to have been really good. Seriously, the only time that has happened on any show or movie. Even Gayniggers From Outer Space.
she's a BPD weirdo, she's spot on if you've met the type
You are stupid.
>she's not even well written
You either haven't seen the show or you might actually be legit autistic.
outta my way incel fucking shits
lmao its so hard to write a cunty manipulative whore. its amazing you think this is good writing, im guessing you also love marvel movies
>spends his last dying breath complaining about woman who rejected him
incelest incel who ever inceled
You are stupid.
This. Couldn't even fuck his sister.
i thought he was more famous but hes just "that guy" tier
You laughably thick cunt.
Brenda is my tvfu.
I love her and her slutty ways!
its ok one day you'll have sex :)
What are the best deaths?
I have, and you obviously haven't. You are also still stupid.
did you lick to poo off his pp?
youre so bad at this btw, everyone is laughing at you right now hahahhah
This is my first scene I've seen of this show. That was pretty stupid. Autoerotic asphyxiation is such a played out cliche.
It wasn't when it aired.
One where the girl just falls from the bed and dies. The fact that these types of deaths happen very often in real life has always been scary to me.
Very embarrassing.
Well that episode aired like fifteen years ago so your point is fucking retarded.
>Very embarrassing
There should be a law that you have to have an IQ over 90 to use the internet.
It's one of those things that happens a lot more in movies than real life. Like swirlies and wedgies.
You are stupid and embarrassing.
you're fat and pathetic
he'd take up the whole room tho
Not fat, not an obvious permavirgin like you, not an idiot like you obviously are. I mean, it seems to me that you're just projecting and a very sad stupid person.
There is zero chance you are over 18 or have had sex.
S4E11 Bomb Shelter
where the kid loses his whole family at once, freaked me out
hahaha the level of butthurt
saw the ending and was left completely speechless
then i rewatched the ending sequence after smoking weed the next day and i was crying like a fucking baby
the magic is you could apply that ending to yourself and everyone you have ever known, everyone that has and will ever live
its so fucking real
Did Lindelof work on this show in any way?
dude my gf and i broke up a few weeks before i got to the last few eps and i was soaking my shirt while watching that ending scene.
they literally could not have picked a better song either
Did you get the stain out? Don't leave me in suspense.
>show literally has interracial fag couple adopting a teenage darkie
>you don't mind because the show is so good
It was a better time when liberals weren't full on insane
it's terrible melodramatic trash
anyone who likes it sucks
Sounds like you changed and they were always insane.
the acting in this show is top tier, prob even better than deadwood
Nah, just look at those e-celeb types like spoony. Hillary losing gave them a collective mental breakdown, and liberalism became so much more about militant antifa shit.
No, Hillary losing exposed those people for what they really were all along. Everyone was forced to take a side, so now you can finally know where everyone really stands.
I don't believe that. Looking at early spoony videos, he just seems so much less neurotic and more levelheaded.
Liberalism gets into peoples heads, suddenly you feel entitled to gibs and being a parasite. That dude's life woulda been so much different if his lifestyle wasn't built around internet donations.
It's because it wasn't shoehorned in and actually had a story to it. I honestly don't think the majority of people who complain about that shit are /pol/, they're just sick of seeing liberal pandering become the norm to the point that it's now literally a stable for every show.
>this is why deadwood threads can be so stale
Good thing boardwalk empire had memes and jimmyfags
People forget that at one point in history, this shit wasn't shoved in our face and shoehorned into almost everything. Some shows weaved it in better than others. For instance, even if there was some very annoying messaging going on with the plotline, Shameless is the type of show where a trannie character fits right in. It's a show about weirdos and society's outcasts. But Penny Dreadful? Less annoying messaging but made no sense.
Actually really really good. Watch it, don't be a fag.
Was there actually a tranny in Penny Dreadful or was that just for the sake of argument? It's been quite a while since I saw it.
definitely a tranny.