
A man moth?

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There's this thing in it

It could be yer brother Steve

Listening to the XFM shows ruined the podcasts for me. They repeat some of the stories but pretend they've never heard them before

London's shit ennit

even though i know they are basically playing characters, Steve mad me quite uncomfortable with some of his arguments with pilk. felt very real

Yeah I can't listen to them either, they are everything Ricky and Steve purportedly hate, watered down, anodyne and overly-scripted. The radio shows are so much more candid and it makes them a real joy to listen to.

Yeah, the first season of the podcasts they retell a lot of old stories, but back then the podcast audience didn't necessarily listen to the xfm shows.

I do enjoy the later seasons and the audio books.

>are basically playing characters
I think only in as much as we ham it up when socialising with our mates and would do so even more if out in front of a mic. I think they're still being true to themselves and their disagreements have a root in reality, especially things like Steve being kicked off Karl's pub quiz team.

I mean Karl is being overly retarded so they can dog pile on him, i don't think hes like that.

I was more obsessed with russell brand podcast as a kid, Karl was the producer in some very early eps, and stood in as co host when needed. He seemed very normal

You should also consider that the podcast thing was new to them, a lot of space to fill in comparison to radio.

Even during xfm they repeated some stories.

I was at the mcdonalds in Leicester square when Steve ordered all the cheeseburgers/hamburgers for the eating challenge. was funny

prove it

There's an episode where they read out some quotes from some newspaper or magazine opinion piece arguing that their show is fake and that Karl is a character created by Gervais and Merchant, and they argued back with how obviously unscripted it is. But they were missing the point of what that guy was saying - Karl IS a character crested by Ricky and Steve in the ways they poke and react to him. Behind all that, he's an ordinary bloke nobody would look twice at. And you can tell even Karl realises this and is playing it up by the end of season 2.

But I think they probably knew what that columnist meant anyway and we're deliberately deflecting.

turns out... little chimp

My brother was at a scout jamboree when a Lanky DJ played rage against the machine

Now I'm not having a go steve

I was walking below a cliff edge when some manc twat threw a rock off it and nearly killed me.

Karl is definitely an ordinary bloke. Hard working, working class, quick witted, funny, and street wise. But he is also definitely stupid in a way that stands out there n radio especially next to academics like Ricky and Steve. He definitely begins to play a character even in XFM but there are little glimpses of the genuine idiot behind there from time to time. He sometimes gets lost in simple conversation in ways that just elude me, here's an example m.youtube.com/watch?v=7lAsq42J-fE

On one hand that is true. On the other it was literal years between some of those stories for them, so they don't necessarily remember them

>academics like Ricky
Shut the fuck up Ricky, go pretend that you're smart on your new podcast that nobody listens to

Turns out it was a pork chop she'd sat on five years ago

it would be spiteful
to put a jellyfish in a trifle

They clearly scripted what stories they were going to talk about in the podcast.

It lost the rawness of the radio shows.

dun like 'avin me 'ead squoze

I don't think it's deniable. Everything about the podcasts is less natural, from the conversations to Ricky's laugh to Karl's stupidity. They knew they had a cash cow in a winning formula and decided to milk it at the expense of quality, which is something both Ricky and Steve are very vocally against hence only 2 seasons of The Office and Extras.

The Virgin Rock n Roll DJs vs The Chad Pilkie's Makin Music

I don't like jellyfish, they're not fish, they're just a blob.
They don't have eyes, fins or scales like a cod.
They just float about, blind, stinging people in the seas,
And no one eats a jellyfish with chips and mushy peas.
Get rid of 'em

sick of it

Why was Steve so beta lads? He had it all, award winning scripts and 7ft of height

>every boy's dream

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Too tall

If you had to imagine who was the cooler DJ back in the day, you'd have to say Karl, Steve knows this and hates it about himself.

Hates the midge irl ..

Holy shit she really does look like Lemmy.

kek, was that the actual photo?
never seen it before.

he fucked christina ricci, one of the biggest waifus of the 90s. thats far from beta.

He was dorky but far from beta. I imagine he had far more luck with the ladies than he ever let on.

Pure KINO coming through


Imagine being "the next big thing" and now being at some shitty radio station in Arizona

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Steve was definitely hamming up the "awkward lanky freak" angle on XFM, but you can clearly hear some real hurt slip in when Karl hits the mark just right

When was this?

Steve was beta.
He played second fiddle to Gervais and lucked out with office and extras.
He was at the top of his game and still let Pilkington walk all over him.
Money and fame is the only reason he's somewhat less of a beta now.

What happened to Magic?

Karl never got enough credit for being a legit comic genius. Ricky and Steve constantly trying to push that he was baffoon that was only funny by accident.

What are you on about? Karl would take the piss and attack Steve's looks out of nowhere many times. And he always had a go at me, never Ricky. You have to remember, Karl is basically an aspie. He made Gail Porter cry. He's far from an innocent angel.

Ricky is off on new tour an said * His , Lil HAMPSTEAD HEATH CUNT ! is ok now, cos He is ringing telling Everyone/Anyone he sued some Board cos they said nasty things ,LMFAO . *
In later Euro interview he said asked about about Goblin Man ? , he Joked an said *Some Tadpole WAKE .. an some stop Being Godly cos you tiny /small blokes who amounted to Nothing til Stephen an I , gave him a lift up to the front door , LOL*


He still wrote and directed a shitty box office bomb of a movie about something he has no interest in just because The Dwayne asked him to

>And he always had a go at me, never Ricky.

Hi Steve

>box office bomb
>made more than triple its budget

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These were hilarious. I wish they made more.

Please don't mention "Hello Ladies".
Steve has been insulted enough.

Based schizo bot poster

ricky and steve are sophists who think themselves very wise, but have no expertise in anything. they're very much like the wikipedia-educated pseuds here

After Life>Hello Ladies>Sick of It>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Derek

How do you even write like this. I don't even have the creativity to spew such nonsense

shyness and social avoidance. looks like he got over his beta anxiety and cleans up pussy now. let that be a lesson to the rest of you

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He was a virgin until 26 iirc

So there's still hope for me, I just need to grow another 1.3 ft

>think themselves very wise, but have no expertise in anything
This hits too close to hone. I wish I had the swagger of someone like Karl to be an expert in a couple of fields and not give a shit about anything else. But I'm not an expert in anything, just mildly intellectual to an extent that's completely unimpressive to other intellectuals and only mildly impressive to your average person. I chalk it down to growing up in a working class area, you go through primary and to an extent secondary as a big fish in a small pond but learn very quickly when you get to university that you aren't smart at all.

where do you get this information?

>you go through primary and to an extent secondary as a big fish in a small pond but learn very quickly when you get to university that you aren't smart at all.
I know what you mean.
It fucked me up for a while when I realized that I'm not the smartest person in my class like I was in High School.

Consider this:
The episodes with Clair Sturgess are some of the best. Ricky and Steve are plenty funny on their own and dont necessarily need Karl to bounce jokes off of.

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Derek is Wiseau-tier cringe kino born from a breakdown Gervais had over a twitter fight regarding his love of the word 'mong'

The episode when Karl is ill and they start revealing his phone number is pure kino

One of those Hollywood gossip things where people tip reporters off

That has to be the best episode out of all the radio shows and podcasts

did Steve and Sturgess bone?

They're very funny, and a refreshing change of pace. But I'm not sure how funny they'd be without the context of Karl's shows existing. I don't know if they could carry 3 seasons, and Claire just isn't entertaining.

Side note, was Claire the one Karl interviewed about the supernatural stuff? Seems to have the same accent.

>Side note, was Claire the one Karl interviewed about the supernatural stuff? Seems to have the same accent.
No, the he interviewed said she wasn't on crack.

Fuck I just spit drink all over my keyboard

Thats true enough. It is a good change of pace but I dont know how hooked I'd be if that were the lineup from beginning to end. Claire is a good punching bag but she never really retaliates. Still makes me laugh like a chimp when Ricky gets offended over being spoken over.

I could write a thesis on the dynamics of this podcast, and how a variation of it is essential to any three-man show. BUt I'll leave you with these three FACTS:

Karl is actually fucking stupid and does not have any "hidden points" that he has trouble expressing

Ricky and Steve are fully capable of recording an interesting session by themselves without Karl

Steve is the only one who can take a joke on his own expense - both Karl and Ricky are too egoistical to handle that. His betaness is legit but also played up for the show, and he has really underated anecdotes.

>he has really underated anecdotes.
Weird that, I always thought Steve had some of the best observations on the show. But then I saw his stand-up and it was shit. There was a small bit towards the end abiut Venn diagrams which was kind of funny but the rest was nowhere near as funny as you would expect.

>and he has really underated anecdotes
this x100
steves anecdotes are severely unappreciated
>starts crying because his car got wedged on the road
>wears a bowtie and reads zen and the art of motorcycle maintenence to try and impress girls
>gets cucked by random fellow on a train

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Extras was okay. The office was okayish. Everything after that is shit. All Gervais movies are fucking awful. He has the charisma of a retroviral stomach bug. Karl's alright though.

How was Sick Of It?
I heard it was pretty whatever which upsets me cuz I truly believe Karl could come up with some genius television.

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The train story is relatable. Seeing good looking girls on the train but never speaking to them for the entire journey

You'll be pleased Ricky

We've had another email from Dicky Anderson

>That isn't a real game. That's just, "What am I thinking?"

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Karl is stupid in a sense, but a lot of the time he has a good and interesting point and just lacks the formal education to express it well. If you are familiar with his bizarre reference points you can often easily make out what he is trying to get at. In the cases when Ricky and Steve should clearly be able to understand Karl and still claim that he is talking nonsense, I think they just use the opportunity because they think it is funnier to play up the Idiot angle.

I always wondered at what point did he stop being real or was he never real?

I think the first email was real then it was Steve

>a variation of it is essential to any three-man show
Who are the Ricky, Steve and Karl of pic related?

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short little fat man
lives with a cat man
he eats lots of chips
that's why he's so fat

A haiku by user


This just reminds me of this excellent outtake from the office

The New Years balloon story is such an incredible and impossible to make up vignette of someone being completely destroyed socially that it borders on a religious experience. It makes you half believe the universe deliberately messes with some people.

Stories about the wider public reflexively abusing and humiliating Steve without even trying to or paying him much notice are one of the real cornerstones of the show.

Ricky = Clarkson
Steve = Hammond
Karl = May

That’s not a haiku


haha yeah what a l-loser

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The one where he is being made fun of by his new flatmates and the cleaner is too depressingly real to be fake

A lanky goggly-eyed freak and his skeleton

jesus christ his dress jacket looks like a fucking trenchcoat

Rikki is a cunt
Always has been a cunt
Always will be one

There. Better?

you can have both breadth and depth user, they aren't mutually exclusive

He's a bit of a creeper. Also, west country accent is one of the least sexy accents imaginable

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It wasn't what I expected, it started off kinda awkward but once you get into the flow of it it's pretty wholesome, still pretty off beat

What did Steve mean by this?

>C L I V E W A R R E N

rumor has it if you view her from a certain angle she completely disappears.

Some people can, I don't think I can. Being mildly clever seems to be my limit.

Eyes bulging with imagined riches

It just comes off as effeminate in a way, I can't blame people for picking Steve as "the most likely to turn out gay" in one of the XFM broadcasts

crazy to think that hes slightly below average height now

He was real. People have contacted him. He's a childrens author now.

Randy Anders is absolutely based and I hope he's doing well with his life.

>Based schizo bot poster
I going to sort this as I TOPCat , Everyone Knies me , Lil Hampstead Heath Cunt , thimble
Bigger the man obv ..
I will have swat cops on me But Care Team wanna KNOW Why Keep Having a Go Midge, ..
when He Kept Joking slip up yer mum an her arse .. ..

Hampstead I Heath I know where you live ..
Dont chan an .. maybe I will Pop around your house an daughter a date ? ??
Christ I dont I just .. but .. LOL

Get bowel cancer , *blow* Die badly .. or open mail . an that itchy an pass whole senpai , an then nieghbhoured

You are that shit bag .. LOL

Sad to see Sturgess has relapsed.

Reads more like poo in loo than schizo not



Take care an we can Other the Best ok

REMEMBER WE ALWAYS OPEN.. Discount on Cos . Respect ok . xxx

stop being a cunt ok HERE.

Now there's a happy Merchant

For me its Paul "The Party Animal" Parker

Ricky , posted as said .
an just Remember he said it a JOKe .


Do people outside the UK actually listen to the radio show? I know they did the animated series for the podcasts but the XFM shows were so much better just cos they knew hardly anyone was listening.

does you bother you steve.. that you're going to die alone?

They definitely do in recent years. There is a certain brand of amerifriend that gets our style of humour and likes this kind of rubbish and I'm glad to know they exist.

literally just started the XFM all over again this week. Why is it so comfy lads?

>Gerald Preston

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Is this the same episode with the Men in Black 2 incident?

Think it's because they just act like 3 friends fucking around. It's what a shitload of guys in their 20's and 30's do this day but before it was widely available on the internet.

Must have been a great find back when you had to actually tune in to radio shows by accident.

very nice; nice dubs as well, well done

Fucking kek


Karly Pilkboys

Absolute funniest moments lads?

Goes without saying mode: No 'great big eyes, that pop out of their head... Steve' .

For me, it's when Karl is getting annoyed by Steve, and says 'I wasn't gonna say this, Steve, but if you're having a go...', and he explains how he was on the tube and overheard two women looking at a poster of Steve, Ricky and Karl. He says how they see Ricky and are like oh yeah that's Ricky, but when they see Steve, Karl demonstrates this hilarious noise of shock and disgust they make.

What specifically does everyone hate so much about Derek? It has very ugly characters, especially so if you're not working class British and used to it, but anything besides that? Is it because it's too on the nose with its lessons? I liked it a lot, but in hindsight, I think what I actually liked was just Dougie and sometimes Kev. But I don't think it's dog shit I thought it was decent.

>Dave Suckling

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Jamaican guy swingin a fish round his head
De trout spinners

i love the moments where Karl is bitching about how he doesn't want to be there and Steve and Rick laugh at him

Have you got a ruler, Rick?

>always has been a cunt
Only 6 syllables not 7
Still not a haiku

>Tom McGibbon

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personal highlights:
>8 minute sequence of a funeral interspliced with Derek hobbling down the road while a cold play song plays

Never mind the beard - WHERE'VE YOU BEEN FOR THREE DAYS?

Camp David and Ho Lee Fuk always crack me up
Karls worry combined with Steve's goading and Rickys stifled laughter make the whole bit perfect
>Im changing the name of the gay fella to "Gayvid Gray, the Bent Pianist"
>record break

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Oooh, you're muscly

The one with A Christmas Carol fucking kills me every time. Karl's timing really is impressive.

They were purely Karl's work.

I'm a Swede and have been listening to their XFM stuff for a long time. Wasn't aware of it when it actually aired, but still.

Can we talk about this guy? What the fuck is this? A bot?

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Yes, that's the one. He was too sick to go in from putting wet pants on.

I think it was also part of his standup

it's SO good that episode. Nothing like anything I've heard on radio since.

>outtake from the office

Karl isn't stupid by any means, he's actually pretty sharp, he just isn't educated enough to hold his own on certain subjects and doesn't articulate his point of view properly. Intelligence and education aren't the same thing. In terms of sheer bran power I'd argue that Karl is actually more intelligent than Ricky. Ricky is a learned idiot who can quote things he's read but can't challenge an idea he's been taught on his own steam because his mind is completely closed. Ego plays a large part in that as well.


Who the FUCK is Clive Warren?

I’m American and I’ve listened to the entire radio show a couple times over. It’s nice to fall asleep to and have on in the background while you’re doing shit. Very comfy

tfw just turned 26. there is still hope!

Buy on ferry...

what was up with "animal expert" gervais constantly saying that chimps don't have opposable thumbs, on multiple episodes
like even I knew that was wrong and I'm an idiot

Pilkington is unironically smarter than ricky gervais and the other twat.
He's always right about some shit and they laugh at him because he sounds funny.
He's a good lad.

did anyone else recognise literally everysingle story/joke that ricky told on After life as being from the radio show. desu it was comfy

>Karl: almost says 'shit'
>Ricky: "He almost said 'shit'
>Steve: "Thank God he didn't"
This exchange always got me.

it's fucking hilarious watching Ricky shit on religion but you know for sure he has that same blind faith towards science.

extras borrows a lot from the radio shows as well

Or how he kept calling those Russian antiques *iconoclastic" in numerous episodes

hover hand superstar

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>ywn have another radio show where the hosts see what shit they can get away with since no one is listening on a saturday afternoon

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>It's a Ricky shows up drunk episode

honestly the best radio show I've ever heard. Opie and Anthony comes in second

Yup, Season 1 was the only genuinely Karl... Then you had the made up shit, Auntie Nora .. horse in a house etc all made up and played for Karl. He's real but milked like a cow

oh really I dont think ive rewatched it since I really got into the radio show. got any examples?

to be honest, it's been years and years since I watched it too, the only bit I can remember off the top of my head is
>getting caught masturbating to a pen
but there were definitely more

eeeiiiiiiiii, did ah tell yeh about me auntie flooora, who shat erself for five hours?

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What was Derek even supposed to be? It was so fucking melodramatic it was embarrassing

i liked most of the supporting cast of derek but it was very saccharine and subtle as a brick
far too much unironic use of coldplay
only watched the first series

I was busy returning dvds of the office I'd been given over the holidays

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There's this shadow in America...

that is what we call a "beard" in show business

Based Steve

who are you call sad?
at least my mum still dont cut my hair

Karl's laugh is precious

90s howard stern > xfm pilkington

>I made Karl laugh!

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>fucked christina ricci
>nailed hayley atwell
he's just pretending so faggots let their guard down

>Steve: She hangs around with a dog.
>Ricky: Do lesbians do that?
>Steve: Well have you seen some lesbians? They're right dogs. Goodnight.

Best exchange in the show for me

>publicly seen with escort
doesn't mean they fucked

Having a tv that is so large that you instead watch tv on a little portable tv instead

For god's sake, me belly ache
my doctor says it's me kidney
he says he's gotta put a tube up me knob
I said you gotta be kiddin me
For god's sake

His poems were magic-tier

Fucking women doesn't mean you aren't beta. I'd bet good money he apologised when he was getting close and asked if it was alright that he cum.

>awkwardly kissing
>she'd leading everything
>laying back, nude finally after Steve stopping her after removing every individual piece of clothing to ask, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"
>looms over her like slenderman, trembling hands hovering over her tits, licking his lips
>"man alive..."
>she has to jerk his cock for twenty minutes because he's too nervous to get hard
>"I'm ready, it's ready!"
>after another twenty minutes of prodding at her perineum she has to guide it into the hole for him
>"Oh, sweet Jesus... Man alive..."
>she's bucking her hips to meet his awkward thrusts
>"Oh, watch that, you'll make me shoot my load"
>his face locked in a grimace, thinking about Auntie Nora in a desperate bid not to cum
>"Oh, Christ... I think... I think I'm gonna... Oh, man alive I'm gonna cum - is it okay if I cum?"
>blows his load, immediately begins profusely firing off apologies
>"It's been a while, you see. And you're just so darn pretty I couldn't help myself. Could I have your number? Man alive your hair looks pretty. Actually do you mind if I just text my mate to gloat a bit? Could we get a quick selfie together? Rick's not gonna believe this; this'll really ruin his day. So, can I have your number?"

Karl | Steve > Ricky

>man alive

>look of frightenedness

>its a steve finds out for the first time on air that an event happened that everyone he knew attended and random celebrities were there but he wasn't invited episode

if only he was taller, so close yet so far from the 7 feet cutoff.

Split tennis ball..

its enjoyable up until the part karl literally gets cuckolded by a black guy then its all kind of retroactively ruined.

Simple Jack in a care home



Have sex

is this pasta? because its great

>I saw Stephen Merchant at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Mars Bars in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first, it's not money for old rope.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any interminably electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me, or atleast that's what it looked like, it was hard to tell with those bulbous eyes. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly and saying "man alive".

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