White people have no cultur-

>white people have no cultur-

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>>white people have no cultur-

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Americans have no culture.

Who is this and why do you pedos keep posting them

>be me, a black man
>rappin to sum foine white ho at the gym
>white guy sees us
>makes this face
>i step to him and beat his cracka ass
>get kicked out of gym for life
>white guy looks at me from the window with a look like "heh, too easy"

fuckin raycissz

the I'm dissapointed in you and pity you but I'm trying to hide it face

Why is she so cute bros?

W-what's she disappointed about?

You are confusing have a superficial, low iq culture with no culture, now eat a dick nigger fag

your penis size

i want to be her toilet slave

>brown eyes
>brown hair
>light skin
worst combo

>fucks blacks

I don't think that's how this works.

>le sigh face
Fuck off rebbit

>white people have no culture
>white people don't exist
i don't understand these points can someone please explain

brown hair and light skin is the best but brown eyes are suicide tier

what do you mean? When people say "white people don't exist" it's a dog whistle for "white people won't exist in the future as we'll put them in genocide camps"
I'm excited personally

>i don't understand these points
Well basically when someone replies to your post in the traditional manner, you get a (You). By crafting a post that incites lots of people, you get more (You)s.

"White people" is an entirely American concept (that has gained limited traction in other western countries), born entirely out of the fact that Americans of European descent are mutts who can't make heads nor tails of their heritage. It means nothing in particular and carries no value.

This. White people in America actually unironically have no culture because with their 3% german and 5% Scottish genes they don't belong to any culture and literally have none. Even the negroes in america have a culture they identify with, mutts have none.

White people try turning little boys into girls. You’re the devil.

Wh*te "culture"

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Wait really? How do you know she fucks blacks?

my mom wanted this for me, my dad did nothing to stop it. White people (eldians) truly are descendants of the devil. But that still doesn't mean that we don't deserve to exist.

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>/pol/fag has never once gone to the ballet

>we have dna testing now
Yes, now you know that you're a mutt that has 10 different kinds of blood mixed together. Enjoy your "culture"

It's just a cope, Europeans are all mutts too. Our whole history is a history of sex.

It doesn't matter whether or not you know where you come from, when "where" is every corner of Europe. Being a mutt automatically means you have no ethnic culture to speak of.


why do faggot euros keep saying americans "dont know where their relatives" came from.
we have dna testing now and everyone that immigrated legally, ie white europeans, were documented and kept family records. I know exactly when and where my relatives came to the US.
look at this, you serfs will unironically find some way to say I'm not white or of european descent. go ahead.

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white pol people be like
>dude, mozart and science
those same pol white people
>gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci, gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci. Video games! Redpilled movies!

Ok juan

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Culture is retarded. What, do you just eat the exact same foods and do the same shit all the time? I'll just appropriate all of your different cultures and have a blast.

that's what being american is all about. only autistic Yea Forums larpers would reminisce over paganism or eating haggis.

You're a mutt. You have no culture.

it's Mogilko. a known russian entrepreneur. she has a history of fucking blacks, somebody discovered it on the russian chan.

You are undoubtedly white. You are undoubtedly of European descent. But guess what? We're not going to care.

It says there that you might have some Danish ancestry. Do you speak Danish? Because I do. I am from Denmark. To me, you're just an American.

I don't care if you're white. I don't care about your retarded Danish great-grandmother.

the fact that americans feel spoken to when white people are referred to is laughable in itself, but their unwavering impression that their country/culture is somehow the best that there is remains disturbing

>>>white people have no cultur-

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>white culture


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who is she?

white american culture is my culture. I have the history of the modern world to be proud of. I don't care that you wouldn't consider me german or british because I don't want to be those things, but superficially I would fit in over there and no one would know otherwise. eat my dick. I'm white.

White culture is the reference against which all other cultures are compared. It is so all-encompassing and ever-present that it has become internalized to the point where it's not even perceived as distinct from "normal life". fuck niggers and fuck jannie.

the scandinavian dna is probably from early scotland, because you know scots are also mutts that got interbred with scandinavians.

I was thinking about how America kind of transcends the idea of culture. If you look back in history, culture mainly consist of a certain type of food, people wearing funny clothes and funny hats, people worshiping elephants and guys with one eye, and now all those people look stupid as shit, looking back.
So in America you do whatever it is you want to do, and live your life the way you want, and if you want to be a part of some kind a culture you can, but there isn’t just one.
Really when you see an Indian in a convenient store and he has a statue of the elephant god, or you see people wearing hijab walking down the sidewalk, or you go to the store on Sunday morning and you meet a Christian in a tie and he’s really polite, you almost shake your head and think how dumb they are.
Those are old antique ideologies that didn’t work in the first place. We just live our lives and enjoy ourselves. There’s no difference between a Christian guy going to church on Sunday, and some Roman guy praying to Jupiter, except the Roman guy look stupid now, and the Christian guy will look stupid later.

>acting like you're too good for chebureki

White American culture is not your culture because white is not a culture. You're an Anglo-American, not a white American. White is never going to matter to me as a Dane. Swedish are white and we have historical animosities against them. Poles are white and I fucking hate these parasites moving into my country. They are as unwelcome as Arab refugees.

You would fit in Germany. You're not German.

You would fit in Britain. Why? Because you speak English.

Get it now, Angl*scum?

>why yes, my culture is english-scottish-irish-german-french, thanks for asking
Your culture is capeshit and call of duty, consume, mutt, you have nothing else.

*You wouldn't fit in Germany.

giving internet to niggers and kikes is the biggest mistake white people have ever made

That's a lot of words for just saying you are retarded.

>it's not a culture because I say it isn't
american culture is white culture, we don't care about ethnic groups once you assimilate here. you're an idiot.

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