Cast him

cast him

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I know this sounds like reddit crap but that's my fucking spirit animal

Seth Rogen

christian bale could probably pull it off

I'll play him.

Yo what the fuck is this my friend :^)

oh god oh fuck what the hell man

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Nope nope nope

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How much more harm could it cause to just pull the worms out at that point?


kys my man

What the fuck was posted?? Actually wait I don’t wanna know

What was it?

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Same question. Post that Webm again

jonah hill

how they make spaghetti

some things are better left unknown

>not using 4chanX
Enjoy your 404'd threads and deleted images!

It was a webm of some dog shitting out a fuck ton of extremely long worms.

Can't spell cat without fat

a cat shitting out worms

dog trying to shit out a turd of worms that was wiggling from its anus

Why would you neuter an animal in a wildlife park, wouldn't you want it to be producing offspring

>all females are whores fellow lynxes
>even that cute kitten at the back of the obedience class is a massive whore

they're lying polska user posted cheese pizza again


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cast this madman.

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What is the fucking point of these shits? Do they even pollinate?
Same with wasp. Why do we need em?

>tfw no elephant fren

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where is he going?

To the bottom then back up again weee eeeee :^)

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Elephants have always been my favorite member of the animal kingdom. They are hella smart super based and geniunley dong give a fuck cause tgey can just mogg the fuck outta lions

Most of this board doesn't pollinate. Does everyone have to be useful?

>What is the fucking point of these shits? Do they even pollinate?
Do you enjoy carcasses piling up?

ants and worms

I'm a based phoneposter tho!

>it's another "user doesn't know anything about the topic but still needs to reply"

>I'm a based phoneposter tho!
Then use Clover, etc.

Clover doesn't let you view deleted posts, unless I'm retarded and using an old version or something

cast literally me

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bugs ... easy on the carrots. . .

am i banned

>Leier says Rufus is still "the boss" despite his size, stealing meat chunks from his family and lazing about afterwards.

You're right, it does sound like reddit crap.


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