"Paul Rudd joins next 'Ghostbusters' film"


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>Finn Wolfhard
>Carre Coon
>Paul rude
>the original ghostbusters cast
Yup, it’s gonna be kino

Based. I really hope they kick up the 3d3d3dd

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Hope he’s a ghostbusterb

Now RUDD i can get into

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>Paul Rudd

What a woman-hating piece of shit.

Honestly would rather have a feature length Celery Man than another reboot/sequel at this point

>fat black gorilla woman leslie jones calls for clarification
>director clarifies nothing and simply tells her how brave and courageous she is.

this could be good.

odds on that nerd black guy being in it?

Kino ye

>the original ghostbusters cast
Wait, Bill Murray agreed to be in this?

he even seems less pessimistic too

>Name a cuter on screen pairing...I'll wait

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The next Wed Anderson flick which provides his best hot meal is probably taking a bit longer than he expected

Great! Because he definitely was blackmailed or something when he showed up in the 2016 Fembusters movie.

Was he in that? I didn’t watch it

>paul rudd

Oh for fucks sake... Someone just kill me already.

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It's best forgotten.

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Well that was terrible.


Don't forget Ivan Reitman's son.


Do it yourself, you lazy faggot.

We know from the hacked Sony emails that they were literally going to try to sue him if he wouldn’t be in Ghostbusters.


Woukd unironically buy tickets to see that in 4d3d3d3 IMAX

Sue him for what?

He said a few weeks back that if he was asked hen he would join the cast. So he’s clearly interested. Probably regretting how he acted the past 20 years and wants to make another real ghostbusters project before his passing. One last hurrah on his part

>Finn Wolfhard
Probably the only reason I’m watching this

Can I get a printout of Oyster smiling?

Computer, can I get a naked Tayne?

He probably doesn't want Ghostbusters 2016 to be his last Ghostbusters-related credit.

>cnn link
FUCK YOU and your ad spam

Have to clean the women mess now

You're quite the rebellious one aren't ya


Breach of contract. They had something from like 30 years ago where Murray had language in his original Ghostbusters contract about sequels. Sony was going to sue for attrition, basically. They probably wouldn't win, but is the millions in lawyers fees worth not doing a cameo?

Holy fuck what a bunch of assholes

sony is using deep fakes now?


Spelled "Jew" wrong friend.

Yeah its was total bullshit, maybe some one has the email but it was something like "Bill needs to do this or else"

It was along the lines of "If Bill doesn't want to make a cameo, we'll pursue legal means". At that point Dan Akroyd and Ernie Hudson were already on board, so they wanted the hat trick.

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>Yup, it’s gonna be kino
Yeah right.

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Can't see anything wrong with that.

Post Leslie Jones salt

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20 bucks for a fembusters figure? fuck that

>Likely diverse.

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This may not be Ant-Man 3 but it's something I can get into

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this but when she's grown up

this physically hurts


This tbqh famm

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That is a very top tier pair I agree. But there is a better one.

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>gail simone


le epic soiface

>Female-lead Ghostbusters comes out, get boycotted and panned by most people
>Only SJWs like it

>New Ghostbusters movie gets announced
>Son of the original director, old cast and Paul Rudd set to be in it
>The New Ghostbusters team includes diverse people AND girls.
>SJWs are losing their shit over fucking Paul Rudd being in it and their shit 2016 movie getting erased from existence

I will watch this new movie 300 times if that's what it takes to make all these SJW bitches shut the fuck up.

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So are they just going to soft reboot the IP every 2-3 years?

>(Trump voice)
This is someone who gets paid to do comedy.

This is delicious. Will be even better when this one is an enormous success.

Until it becomes successful yeah

What's our Kiernan doing with him in that photo??? Are they related?

it’s true, ghostbusters is the most bugboy shit in the world. i don’t think my friends or family ever thought this shit was fun or nostalgic, just gay
the originals had a good cast and that’s about it


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That's McKenna and they starred together in the Gifted.

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Not Kiernan

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Based Ant-Man dabbing on them

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Born in 2005 detected


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it's like they're clones

Kiki personally handpicked her to play her younger self on Sabrina

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Can these kikes be any more obvious?

What's their problem with Rudd?

He's a white male.

Shit that's fantastic casting. Maybe i should keep watching Sabrina. I dropped it after 3 episodes.

He's white and straight and a man.

That's a big no-no these days.

>Ghostbusters, but this time with KIDS!

Just kill it already

I never liked the first Ghostbusters all that much. The Marshmellow guy just isn't that funny or cool or whatever he's supposed to be. The only really kino thing about Ghostbusters was the song, and even that was plaigarized from Huey Lewis and they had to pay him off.

>The Marshmellow guy just isn't that funny or cool or whatever he's supposed to be
He isn't supposed to be either

I just don't get it. Since they brought him back and made him the face of the franchise, basically.

How the fuck has Paul Rudd not disappeared years ago?

The man is a manlet, not funny, can't act and got no charisma or any sort of presence to him really. He's... just there.

Paul Rudd is normal height. What are you talking about?


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Unfortunately she's in it for one scene so far. Maybe she'll return in future seasons, who knows

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Don't. It's not worth the pain.

Paul rudd is 5'9 at best

>He's... just there.
That's what they need him for. The straightman in lame Apatow comedies. Sometimes you just need a regular guy for the audience to insert themselves into.

fucking disgusting

So, normal.


Harold Ramis is dead! DEAD!

They can make him a ghost


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Supposedly Finn Wolfhard and Mckenna Grace are Egon's grandkids

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Does Hollywood learn anything? Is this just some money laundering scheme ?


Sigourney still looks great for her age. Who the hell are the other guys though?

Unironically what he would have wanted. They did the same with Belushi.

jesus not more fucking Ghostbusters

>From: Steinberg, David
Every time.

Unironically, the business model of big studios is a ponzi scheme that launders money.

Paul Rudd is relentlessly handsome.

that's something Paul Rudd would say

>Finn Wolfhard in this movie

I love this girl!

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He doesn't age, just like Keanu

The MCU saved him.
You can be in the MCU and Hollywood people will bend over backwards to kiss your butt even if you are a shit actor.

Just look at Chris Hemsworth. He’s a dumb meathead who can’t act and is box office poison, yet they keep putting him in movies because he was Thor.

Hes just 12 give him some tiem

good choice . rudd is charismatic and capable funny actor, one can imagine him being in ghostbusters. the thing that would gae me pause if i was him is possibly having to do lipservice to the ladyghostbusters movie, pay respect to it even if they won't acknowledge it in their own movie. "blablabla yea it was an important good movie, very funny, great comedy writinggreat chemistry it all came together they should have done 3 more movies with those ladies etc etc" he is an actor so he can pull it off i guess.