Are 3-act, ~90 minute movies going to die?

Are 3-act, ~90 minute movies going to die?

Theaters are dying. They're the reason that movies are 90 minutes. Movies are written they way they are because it's the most satisfying 15-minute beat structure for a 90 minute showtime. But since everything is becoming about on-demand streaming and people only go to theaters for tentpoles, are movies just going to die?

Attached: 82. awkward question.jpg (2668x3353, 1.81M)

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Feature length film in general will die as attention spans continue to decline.

In 30 years a 45 minute film will be looked at the same way that we see a 3.5 hour epic today.

I always found 90 minutes to be a tad short, I think the ideal movie length is 100 minutes

There will be people doing "traditional" movie structures for the rest of our lives. More and more shit is going to be produced as series as miniseries though. Filmmakers like Refn and Fincher have seemingly abandoned films for longer-form episodic storytelling, but there will still be people like Nolan making "films" because muh traditions.

What are some 90 minute nolan films?

I mean 3 act structure with a second act midpoint. Pretty sure literally all of his movies follow that structure, even if they're longer than 90 minutes.

finish some of those paintings bro

Based... Acrylic user strikes again.

P.S. Do consider that Devito/Arnold pair up we talked about.

Attached: they don't grow on trees y'know.jpg (750x640, 97K)


Bad guy loses good guy wins. Oooo twist, bad guy wins, good guy loses. Rinse and repeat.

oh yeah I was thinking of doing something like this since all I have right now are 20x10s.

Attached: twins psd .png (1068x1042, 486K)

What are some kinos about normalfaggots who should kill themselves?

Attached: 19A56037-5B1A-439D-B6BD-69DD2BD80038.jpg (640x578, 117K)

ironically that picture was about killing myself. Went to Bruge kind of planning on it. Filmed a whole bit with coins dropping on the cobblestone like in the moobie. But then they had suicide proofed the tower so I decided to go to Amsterdam and take shrooms in the Van Gogh museum, where I came up with the idea to race Van Gogh and not kill myself until January 30, 2025.

So egg on your face fagget

Attached: 292. cut.jpg (2915x3818, 855K)

Just do it now. Please.

>When I started this job I thought to myself "I going to being working here until I kill myself." And I haven't killed myself yet, so I must be happy!
dae mystery team?

Attached: 263. I said I'll do this until the day I kill my self and I'm still here so I must be doin (3363x2535, 1.73M)

No. Fuck off to Reddit.

>dae mystery team?

And he's rustling the shit out of yours.

>you'll actually be a pretty good painter by then
damn shame

Gee who could have made this post?


Wow, that was fast. Why don't you just stay on reddit, since your online persona is clearly so important to you?

Look at him and laugh

he also had my posts calling him out earlier deleted. what a fucking pussy.

OP, I was on your side, but you gotta stop the reddit shit if you don't want to receive this kind of reception here. Also, please get some better film taste. In Bruges and Mystery Team are garbage.

>all that drunkposting
kind of relatable to be honest

90 mins only works for horror and action
movies try to be everything to everyone now

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What's going on in this thread?

>More and more shit is going to be produced as series as miniseries though.
Which is too bad because serials are inferior to features.

I've never been there but you sure do know a lot about it.

>I've never been there

Just a man we don't deserve, but the one we need.

Just another redditor trying to gain fame & fortune by stealing memes from Yea Forums. Nothing new.

you are a fucking faggot and your paintings are trash

That's the first I've heard of it. Go fuck yourself lmao, his shit is dank.

Following & Dunkirk are two act movies

>muh website wars
and the irony is that I've almost certainly been coming to Yea Forums way longer than (You).
check it out it's pretty good.
Idk what that means. I shitpost arguments and generally get banned from subs and then nuke everything when I remember I did it.
>OP, I was on your side, but you gotta stop the reddit shit if you don't want to receive this kind of reception here.
Literally what reddit shit? I made like one big post with the watchpaintdrytv account on /r/roastme and have occasionally posted paintings to subs like /r/painting. Generally when Yea Forums is boring I go to the all page and shitpost for a while.

And also I don't really give a wet shit about the website tribalism shit. At this point most the people here came here from fucking reddit. I don't really define myself by the website whose ads I look at. It's not really like redditors like me. I'm the Yea Forums guy.
>Also, please get some better film taste. In Bruges and Mystery Team are garbage.

Attached: too much shit 4.jpg (2720x3530, 2.57M)

>Feature length film in general will die as attention spans continue to decline.
But mainstream blockbusters keep getting longer. There's no reason for all of these capeshit movies to be nearly 2 and a half hours long.

theater tentpole movies all need to be serialized tentpoles now, and audiences are willing to spend longer to watch their stories than like 60 years ago, when the theater was kind of the only way to watch shit that wasn't shitty tv.

So theater experiences keep getting more epic and serialized, while tv experiences are getting more cinematic and less serialized. More and more single season shows like fargo and AHS, while the MCU is like 20 movies balls deep.