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So.... did they use like ejector seats to get off
Aaron Foster
Eli Adams
It was war, dude. People died.
Liam Howard
theres an elevator in one of the legs
Connor Morgan
>low IQ who can't use context clues
You see those hinges on the legs about 50% down? Those allow it to bend, thus lowering its overall height.
Aaron Richardson
so they hope down from 20ft user?
Wyatt Young
Connor Sanders
No. Luke also killed thousands of people in the Death Star.
He's worse than Hitler.
Jaxon Bell
iirc they drop from ships so you probably just get on from a platform and then off the same way
Evan Watson
The pilot would shout "shields!" before blowing up ensuring he survived for the next battle.
Chase Russell
so they had a special mobile platform they bought with them in combat, i see.
Cameron Cox
Walkers are stored with scaffolds in the destroyer, then are brought down by modified shuttle. Troops ride in the center and rappel down like a helicopter. Driver waits for shuttle pickup, otherwise they stay put. You don't just leave an atat with no one at the controls.
Jason Miller
To logical
Camden Jackson
>did they use ejector seats to get off
They used their hands
Gavin Diaz
is this canon?
Jordan Williams
No they used your mom like everyone else
Sebastian Young
whats the benefit of walkers when you have hover technology? They were literally capable of having their star destroyers hover in the atmosphere, so why not have heavily armored hover tanks?
James Gomez
No, they used rappel lines
Jose Evans
and there it is
John Moore
Hover ships don't look like war elephants.
Levi Bennett
It's a fucking childrens movie series
Alexander Russell
This sounds idiotic. Unless I misunderstood, ATAT is both an assault vehicle and a troop carrier. If troop egress is depending on rappel line, that’s a tactical nightmare... you’re exposing troops to fall hazards, crossfire as they’re negotiating the rappel line, and speed of deployment is highly compromised where you’re having to drop 1 or two troops per line at a time as opposed to stepping off a ramp quickly onto the field.
Levi Sanders
ion canons shut down thoe ships, theres a scene of a an antena Canon shiting a laser to the legs of the atatand doing nothing
that's why if it was a hover tank it wouldve collapse but the atats keep moving
Cooper Gutierrez
They're just fucked.
Bentley Hughes
Also why the fuck is the ATAT leg structure so fucking tall. The leg could have been half the height and would make it a lot more agile and less prone to the stupid harpoon attacks.
Nathaniel Johnson
we should be teaching our kids logical military tactics as early as possible
Why do you think the hover tank would collapse? it doesnt seem like weight is an issue for hovering, so they could have just as much armor as the ATAT
Justin Wilson
Luis Perez
>Miles away and you can still feel/hear dat walking noise.
AT-AT's were psychological warfare.