Muh marvel

>muh marvel
>muh weed
>muh drumpf
>im just like you fellow zoomers
conan is fucking pathetic these days

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>these days

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He's the only late night personality I like. Too bad he got fucked over

whats wrong with you?

>parroted opinions 101

>implying zoomers and Drumpf belong in the same sentence together.

Late night talk shows have always been for plebs. Never understood why people liked them!!!FACT!!!

it's his producers and writers making him do it

where were you 10 years ago when he was nonstop crying about his show

>show is doing so horrible they bump him down from an hour to 30 min
>replace the other 30 min with Big Bang Theory rerun
How long until he is canceled?

>actually adapts his content to stay fresh and relevant instead of being a bitter angry asshole who whines like a post menopausal divorcee that kids want politically correct comedy.

He's patrician and in a more logical society OP, the death squads would have already snatched you up and fucking gassed you like the slut you are. Be thankful that as a people, we tolerate your stupidity out of a mistaken respect for "tolerance".

None of you guys have ever watched an episode of Conan and it shows. You guys are pretending he’s colbert

he's ridden out his late night with conan nostalgia train long enough, hasn't made anything funny in years probably because any good writers his staff used to have are long gone

In the year 2000...

Neckbeards on image boards will waste time trying to argue that something/someone is bad for television. What they don't know is that no one actually cares what they post from their mother's basement.

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I've seen nearly every episode for about the last 5 or 6 years, but been watching on and off much longer, though. I hate this new format. Conan claims he chose to shorten the show length in order to be able to film more remote pieces, but I don't understand why he would downsize his staff so much if that were true.

>no desk
>no band
>no lecturn
>Andy on a fucking barstool
>tiny audience
>feels rushed
>super short interviews
>crash ending to every episode
>not even that many promised remote pieces

it’s obvious he’s being set up to be cancelled, colbert and Trevor Noah are taking up viewers

ya seethe?

>muh sneed
>muh feed
>muh seed

Yeah, feelsbadman. I like Trevor but he's nowhere near as entertaining as Conan. Colbert was only good for his conservitard gimmick. Straight laced Colbert suuuuucks.

Just bring back Craig Kilborn already.

This he's been God awful for 20+ years
Only his peak 90s stuff is good especially what he wrote for the Simpson's and his early latenight tv

conan hasn't been good since the 90s. early 2000s conan was comfy, at least, if not funny.

andy has always been terrible. he deserves the affliction of alcoholism, i hope he dies.


He went to shit because TBS is owned by marxist liberals.

ITT: zoomers who have never watched Conan

His podcast is pretty funny too, especially when he shits on his assistant and producer

his jibber jabber series was alright. the way he shits on people is annoying. i'm pretty sure jordan schlansky is tired of it but won't quit because money.

>the way he shits on people is annoying
>t. emotionally lesbian zoomer
That's the best part, and it's obviously done out of love. I'm the same way in that i only mess with people if i actually like them

>it's obviously done out of love.
nah. it's done because he desperately needs attention every moment of every day. i can't imagine having to deal with him.

Jordan is autistic but he acts for the Conan bits, they are actually very good friends.

carson and 80s/90s letterman are good


conan will obviously have a youtube channel in a few years, and end up like one of those washed up hacks.

did he really get rid of the desk and the band?? wtf

Conan hasn't been good since '06

He's working in a genre that's dying out on a platform that's dying out and his show was literally cut from one hour to half an hour show. At this point he may as well try to pander to everyone because he can't leave like Leno or Letterman at the age of 90 or whatever. He won't be relevant by that point

Watching Conan and Andy before I went to bed in high school was top comfy.

Hot take: late night talk shows were never good

>watching Conan unironically

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*proves you wrong*

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