What did Netflix mean by this?
“Every Black Male that was in the park is a suspect”
Is this the modern black version of The Goonies?
Don't let this distract you from the fact that blacks commit 50% of violent crime despite only making up 13% of the population.
One of the best things Netflix has ever produced, the acting was great as well. This will be winning emmy's left and right.
Yeah, and?
If black males didn't rape then they wouldn't be suspects
maybe it had something to do with people telling the police they were attacked by young black males.
>victim describes the assailants as black men
>crime happens in a park at night
>What did the suspect look like?
>A black male.
>Okay look for a black male.
>Netflix presents
>They Din Du: Nuffin, a Nogs Tale
The best part is they did do "something"
Imagine beating four men with metal pipes and stealing their bikes, wallets and radios then being declared national heroes and given $41 million because a Puerto Rican raped a woman 20 feet away from you
I'm not gonna watch this, how hard do they gloss over the kill whitey flash mob? Are they all good boys going to evening church service now?
They were just going to the park having fun and joined with a group of their peers but were not aware, then shocked that the other teens they met up with were beating and robbing people.
You got Making a Murderered. They aren’t innocent. There was overwhelming evidence, like semen and dirt on their underwear, the fact they bragged about it in the police custody, scratches on the ones neck he admitted to his dad to being the girl’s when questioned, they bragged to their friends or family (who testified to that) after the fact, two of them led to the exact location where she was found, the fact Santana blurted out he didn’t rape her, he “only felt her tits” in the squad car before the police even mentioned someone was raped. Wise even said that one guy stole her Walkman and ran off before police knew a Walkman was even missing (she was in a coma). The psycho who confessed he did it (and took the Walkman) didn’t lose anything by confessing. The statute of limitations had run out and he had just been put in a prison with Wise. When he “confessed” he got a prison transfer and the good will of inmates. His roommate said he told him that night he heard a woman screaming bloody murder so he ran over to join in on the fun. The doctor said someone used a knife on her and Reyes never said he use a knife. 40 kids that night were brought in because it was a mob terrorizing people and committing various crimes all over the park. He was just one of many who “got away” that doesn’t mean the others weren’t guilty. DNA was brand new in the 1980s, it was really clumsy collection techniques, the fact that they just didn’t find others at the time doesn’t prove anything.
>Nor does the film note that Mr. Salaam took the stand at his trial, represented by a lawyer chosen and paid for by his mother, and testified that he had gone into the park carrying a 14-inch metal pipe—the same type of weapon that was used to bludgeon both a male schoolteacher and Ms. Meili. Mr. Reyes’s confession changed none of this. He admitted being the man whose DNA had been left in the jogger’s body and on her clothing, but the two juries that heard those facts knew the main assailant in the rape had not been caught. The five were charged as accomplices, as persons “acting in concert” with each other and with the then-unknown man who raped the jogger, not as those who actually performed the act. In their original confessions—later recanted—they admitted to grabbing her breasts and legs, and two of them admitted to climbing on top of her and simulating intercourse. Semen was found on the inside of their clothing, corroborating those confessions.
they were innocent, why is it so hard to understand? it was proved.
fuck pol
>>victim describes the assailants as black men
the victim didn't describe the assailants at all, she was unconscious
What a surprise another propaganda show
Get your shit together darkies
Proved by who Rabbi?
white cops set them up. and you wonder why black people are afraid of police?
Based white-guilt liberals calling out these black people for being too stupid to premeditate a crime.
They're afraid of police because their kinfolk produce preposterous amount of crime and ruin their reputation.
Did you not watch the show? They saw someone else being violent and ran away scared.
What if the police falsified all of that.
The guys that got beat with pipes. The whole trial bundled all of their crimes together - and then after the rape was thrown out, for some reason all of the assaults and robberies evaporated
I'd also note that both the more conservative Giuliani and the more liberal Bloomberg told them to fuck off with their settlement demands, and they weren't actually given money until white-hating psycho DeBlasio took office
DeBlasio married a nigress dyke and has mutt children
Yes. What if they did.
200IQ: NYPD officers raped that woman, and beat and robbed those men, and intimidated them all into blaming it on innocent black teens they chose to frame
>for some reason all of the assaults and robberies evaporated
Those convictions are still on the books, you're making shit up
300 IQ: The jogger raped herself, and planted all of the evidence and collaborated with the assault victims to get the innocent black teens falsely accused thus achieving the ultimate goal of diminishing the reputation of the police force.
>they were given $41 million for the injustice of serving six years in prison for beating a man half to death with a metal pipe
Why can’t Yea Forums just shut the fuck up about niggers for literally five seconds?
Why can’t TV just shut the fuck up about niggers for literally five seconds?
>both a tripfag and a leftypol
Of course you are, you attention starved faggot.
Based as fuck
that korey nig was a complete retard
holy shit is this true? zoomer here, never knew they actually committed any crime, was taught that they dindu nuffin
I feel like a fucking retard now for thinking they were innocent. I should have known better than to trust a fucking Netflix show.
>only 13% of America is black
Americans unironically think the world will believe this.
it means they have a hand in the election.
It is strange and upsetting when you realize how much absurd pro-black propaganda we're raised surrounded by. I always look at Nelson Mandela as the best example.
>The man spent 30 years in prison. 30 years! All he did was lead a campaign of bombing and murders, and they sent him to prison for a little thing like that?! But then he got out and became President, and he was South Africa's greatest leader. During his rule, unemployment skyrocketed, childhood literacy collapsed, HIV became an epidemic, major portions of the power grid ceased to function and the country became the murder capital of the entire planet, but he was a great leader, the greatest leader the country ever had. Now he's dead and he's a hero, we're all gonna weep at his casket and declare his greatness forever.
We're living in the Soviet Union and Netflix is using Hollywood magic to convince low-information trendies that 2+2=5.
>oh yeah well I have a degree in sociology how can I be "low information" hunh answer me that
This. Botha, who is always represented as some evil dictator, told Mandela he could walk if he would simply repudiate the deliberate tatgeting of children. The disciple of Gandhi said "no."
justa reminder they all confessed
No. I'm pretty sure it's a black version of the breakfast club.
This, this is like the third or fourth time Netflix has attempted to exonerate the clearly guilty. It's what they do.
>attack bunch of people
>but didnt rape this woman
>so they din du nuffing
kek, US is so cucked
those niggers literally were there and confessed to taking part in the attacks, they did time, how is there a show about them being innocent?
Real high IQ option here
She was attacking people in the park while wearing black face. Then she raped herself to get away with it.
And she got away with it.
Because it becomes about Trump in the second episode. This entire narrative that they're all innocent angels is being pushed solely to make Trump look bad for being against them.
If Trump loses in 2020 then expect to never hear about them again. They're just a political tool.
>how is there a show about them being innocent?
they are getting standing ovations at events like the BET awards and the Oprah show. It would be like george zimmerman getting an ovation at the Oscars.
Basically one of the many nogs that raped her jumped on the grenade and said he did it all by himself so all the others would get off and now it's taken as gospel truth that the rest of them dindu nuffins.
Matias Reyes suddenly remembered in 2001 that he acted alone after he was placed on the same cell block as (by that time active Bloods member) Corey Wise.
"Around blacks, never relax".
I hope Netflix loses Friends next. Then they can be closer to death.
The veneration of nigger criminals as heroes shows us we’re at the end of society. Either you start actively working to take back this country or be a party to it’s collapse.
That was SA’s fault. They should have fucking killed him. Let that be a lesson for you. Martyrs are made by long prison sentences not deaths in the field.
>It would be like george zimmerman getting an ovation at the Oscars.
Honestly if Trump had spoken out against Zimmerman then I wouldn't be surprised if we'd have gotten shows just like this portraying him as innocent and Trump as a monster for being against him.
The narrative would have completely changed to "Evil white man murders innocent little black boy for no reason" to "Innocent PoC attacked by President for using self defence to protect his life against thug that was beating him to death".
You're not going to do shit
>During his rule, unemployment skyrocketed, childhood literacy collapsed, HIV became an epidemic, major portions of the power grid ceased to function and the country became the murder capital of the entire planet
Wow it's almost like other countries were ruled by racists who intentionally undermined and sanctioned him to prop up the white dictatorship
lel the always blame whitey meme.
Even the fucking wall street journal kek
Holy fuck that's literally the exact opposite of what happened, the entire Western world sanctioned the shit out of the apartheid government and took every step possible to support Mandela after he took office
They are majorly overrepresented in hollywood, I can understand why a turd worlder would think half of us are niggers. But in reality, once you step outside the ghetto area of a city you will see very very few blacks. It's like the Arabs, Indians and Nigerians in London, once you walk outside the city they practically don't exist. Yet the BBC shoves them into every series.
We have a hell of a lot of spics though, they are everywhere. 2-3 times as many as blacks. They are actually majorly under-represented in media.
A lesson to who? None of us had or will have any control over what happened or will happen in politics. We're all spectators sifting through the mounds of bullshit we're forced to look at on a daily basis by those people.
I still can't believe that idiot is actually running for president
Lies, that's not possible.
Name one country that sanctioned Mandela
They raped her. And didn’t cum inside her easy case. Stupid niggers
naah , I think they probably just held her down , groped her and beat her head with a rock or something. Oprah's heroes.
When did you guys overcome the brainwashing? Have you figured out yet that 95% of lynchings were justified acts of retaliation carried out against nigger rapists and murderers? And that a lot of white criminals were also lynched for acting like niggers? Have you realized that literal, unironic Jews sensationalized these justified lynchings in newspapers and songs, pretending they dindu nuffin? And heavily promoted the few unjustified lynchings as typical? And that they keep doing the same bullshit in 2019? You guys have figured this out right?
90% of the lynching were done because
>dear white man a negro defiled my white pussy please avenge men
>yes maam
Emmett Till, Scottsboro boys...the list goes on. was true back in the slavery days, it's still today.
You say to white men that white woman has been defiled by a dark stranger, they will hang him. Evidence? Due process? No matter. A white woman was "raped". He has to hang.
White women killed so many black men with their pussys. and brothas still in 2019 never learn. They never listen to their black mommas to stay away from that pussy. But that white pussy is too good. So they suffer. bruthas need to learn to stay with their nubians queens if they want to stay alive
I saw someone post a reddit screencap on here talking about this show and said how "I don't care who you are, if you don't feel this show heartbreaking and frustrating you are a bigot"
Do people really say "male" instead of "man"? Cringe and pathetic.
Israel supported apartheid era South Africa until the end. Geographically they're not really "western" but for all intents and purposes they do qualify as a 1st world country.
>all the youtube comments saying they deserve more than $40 million
Tbf most whites don't want to have sex with blacks, so a lot of these lynchings were probably justified
Real talk, how long until they're bankrupt? I mean there's been rappers and basketball players that have blown through more than that.
They're getting $8 million each, which is a lot of money, but I don't suppose any of them are buying ETFs with it
>only guy whose DNA was in the bitch
>had like 12 other confirmed rapes all done solo
Yeah but no, this one time he acted with other people
>"I only held her down and grabbed her tits while the Puerto Rican guy did her"
>10 years later it turns out a Puerto Rican guy did it
>but the dude who made that confession definitely wasn't involved
Nobody blamed a Puertorican guy, that's the first clue their confessions were fake
Antron McCray said that a "Puerto Rican kid with a hoodie" was the one that actually penetrated the jogger.
>Wow it's almost like
The implication being that the police told them to falsely confess about the Puerto Rican guy doing it.
One of the 5 was Puerto Rican.
holy cope
this is your brain on /pol/
Niggers were a mistake
If anything this the brain of someone who started to realize that as much as the left wishes, whites aren't the bad guys.
Whites aren't the bad guys but you can't go around acting like institutional racism didn't exist back then don't be an idiot.
He's right though. Name one lynching where it was actually just a harmless negro walking around minding his own business. Every single one of them was a retaliation for an assault on a white person, usually a white woman. You can't find one example proving otherwise and seething won't change that.
I say all this being anti-lynching. Vigilante justice isn't good, but it was in fact "justice" and not senseless violence (that's what niggers do).
It's based on this.
Reality is memetic.
Had no idea about any of this, the Netflix show was really misleading. In the show the teens that were caught were shown running away from the mob once they saw what was going on, and obviously didn’t do anything.
What's "institutional" about vigilantes going above the law? Lmao fucking idiot. If anything the institution stopped the racists by cracking down on lynchings. They even sent in the army to stop some lynchings and make sure blacks got integrated into white schools. So pretty much the opposite of what you're saying. The institution was on the blacks' side.
How is this different from Braveheart?
Anyone who believes these 5 guys did it is extremely misinformed and stupid
>inb4 they were going around beating people with metal poles
no they weren't other kids were. there was a group of like 50 kids from the neighbourhood in the part that night. some of them beat people with poles. the victims of those assaults were unable to identify any of the central park 5 as the people who assaulted them. they didn't recognise them
the woman was covered in blood yet none of them had any of her dna on any of their clothes or anything
like we all know the police have done some pretty shady shit over the years, why is it so hard to believe that they got a bunch of kids who didn't know any better to confess to a crime they didn't do so they could get it over with shut up the press and get on with their lives
Any excuse to lynch a nigger is a good one
>there are bad guys
>majority of school shooters are white
this but unironically
Reminder that they were never proven innocent of crimes they committed, the main rapist, who was in jail at the time, made a statement that he was completely alone that entire night in trade for better cell accommodations.
Also its not surprising Krager, known nigger lover, is making these threads about a movie from an admitted black propagandist.
Every black male that was in the park was breaking the law
This is literally written by the woman who was in charge of the case in an attempt to save face
Actually no. There is nothing to support that claim.
Majority of mass shooters are black. Turns out turf wars over scuffed kicks are a lot more common than the occasional school shooting.
any other proofs aside from an obvious bias?
/pol/ told me so.
Based falseflagger
From what we know, everything points towards the kids being innocent. Maybe a couple were involved in some other assaults but not the rape.
Some of the assertions Fairstein makes in that article don't even match up with the official record. If you have to make up lies to prove your point then your argument must be pretty weak.
y-yes but those dont get overhyped by the media so they dont count...y-y-you BIGOT
You know the show is biased as all fuck when the goddamn Wikipedia article seems based and redpilled by comparison.
You're not gonna get called a racist and have your life ruined for saying that it wasn't an accurate portrayal of William Wallace.
You think that is bad, you should have seen the documentary Netflix made about Hulk Hogan during Gawker. They went out of their way to make Hulk Hogan look like Hitler and Gawker like saints even though the trial was that’s Gawker refused to take down Hogan’s private sextape. Not to mention the part where a Gawker employee “jokes” about pedophilia.
Leftists actually believe computers and stats are racist, unironically.
it was programmed by racist whites that don't want us to get ahead
because 13% commits 50%, that means that innocent black people get profiled even though they spend all their time being good citizens.
but i thought we have to believe women, are niggers over women now?, is bill cosby going to be redeemed too?