How is this joke allowed?

How is this joke allowed?

Attached: FUTURAMA.jpg (1011x756, 263K)

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Oh no...

It's not a joke

Why wouldn't it be allowed?

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People werent desperately searching for things to be offended by back then

Fuck I wish they were real

I was promised this and I'm still waiting for it. I imagine this thing gets rid of my disgusting dead body, no need to pay stupid funerals and shit.

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Pretty sure the jews wold think of that, and make it that only living can enter or something like that

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sneedicide booth


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I don't understand the question.

it should only cost 7-8 cents max

Be glad they lowered it. It was formerly $9.60.

This isn’t Simpsons you fucks

God I wish I were in there.


Formerly Chuck Booth

anything remotely looking like a cartoon will be sneeded to oblivion


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>This isn't Chucks you fucks

>How is this joke allowed?

is a classic sneedpost

you chucks

Both made by the same creator, very similar art style. Obviously it will get sneeded.

formerly the creator of the simpsons

suicide (formerly alive)

this, just do it alredy


are you saying we need... body burning ovens?

Both made by the same sneeder, very similar seed style. Obviously it will get feeded.

The Sneedsons, Farmerama, and Disenchuckment all take place in the same world but at different points in time.

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have sex chancel

>25 cents
good deal desu


>Svalbard Global Sneed Vault

This legit made me laugh


Yes they where they didn't have access to the internet because they where stupid old religious boomers and normal faggot (parents)
Fuck off gen yza

i wish those things where real. would made stuff easier..

best post

Anyone gotta quarter?

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Like, would it be hard to invent something that atomizes you? Perhaps like a radioactively powered super furnace that can reach 10000 degrees and poof?

I feel like suicide has become so messy and almost a scourge on society with all the shotgun deaths and shit, people have to clean up your brain matter for christs sakes. Inventing a room like this almost seems like a blessing to everyone.

We should just take the stigma out of it and call it "i decided to die today" like Birthday Deathday. Your family could all gather and say goodbye and you would go into the radioactive room and be ashes in a few minutes.

Sometimes people just know its time to die its just technology moving humanity forward.


And they say the Simpsons predicted shit

it's a reference to the 1870 German novel Venus in Furs

Based and suicidepilled

I didn't know this one. They parody so much stuff it's hard to keep track.

based. Sadly suciside in my country is illegal. Unironicly. They expect you to live your crappy life and keep paying taxes for the new refugees.

got it mixed up, it was referring to the 1895 story Repairer of Reputations

how about you bite my shiny metal SNEED

Remind me again what was Bender's word he wasn't allowed to say?

Why are millennials so sensitive?

>tfw want to kill myself but suicide is illegal

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Wasn't it 1999?


Illegal? Would they do a Cromwell and drag your corpse into court?

guns are illegal too, and if you fail to kill yourself properly then you are really in deeper shit. That. And killing yourself properly without guns is kinda hard. Or you must be a dick and trow yourself in front of a train or something. It really sucks.

>"is it Nigger?"
>*universe collapses*

Use a rope? That's what my friend did.

not sure what country that guy's from but in mine if you kill yourself it automatically voids any life insurance payout your family or heirs might have gotten.

I'd like to make a collect call.

I've had such a hard time during my University degree that to this day I have nightmares involving me missing a test,a whole subject or whatever

Make way for he New Age of Aquarius. Christians not welcome.

What's the joke?

10000 degrees? Not great, not terrible.

2008 was when the booths were installed, just in time for the housing crash

Kek this reminds me of a story where a dead pope was taken to court

Nigger just have designated suicide cliffs don't waste technology like that dear god man

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for you

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why not use carbon monoxide or something and then shove them in a regular furnace

>caring to remove that


angry pantsy fancy dindo

For some reason that options seems 'meh' to me. still looking or an better option


They'll hire a psychic lawyer and perform a sueance.

t. swede

exit bag or maybe your shitty country doesn't even allow helium

have a friend that did a failed suciside attempt, they putted him in a closed asylum after that. according him worse then jail. since he's been in both

imagine the smell

Dutchfag, actually. I just don't see why you'd spend thousands of dollars of technology for something as vapid and dumb as suicide. The most effort anyone should put in is digging a really deep hole for people to jump in, maybe add spikes or something. Simple and to the point (pun intended).

>Simple and to the point (pun intended).
I don't get it

Formerly a phone booth

who pays for cleaning that shit nigger
a suicide booth would be extremely reliable, it'd charge its carbon monoxide tanks with corpse remains

wot if they had suicide booths but if you're black they shoot you and if you're white they give you a collage degree

also the booths are called america

sneed booth

>who pays for cleaning that shit nigger
You don't? Just put it somewhere remote to avoid the stench and have the insects and bacteria do their work cleaning up. It also makes for a good spooky skeleton pit

Sounds extremely based, someone needs to get on that as soon as possible.

>further contaminating the planet with nigger corpses and yours

a suicide booth in america is called a school

Fun fact: The King in Yellow contains a reference to suicide booths:

Suicide is illegal so first responders can't be held liable for kicking down doors and shit to get to someone who is dying but not dead (citation needed)

Only problem with this is that in the future no way a quarter will have any value

>obsessed yuropoors
Great thread as usual, Yea Forums.

Nothing about futurama ever implies it takes place in the future just in an advanced universe

honestly 10/10 bait would furrow brow again

Nigger a hole with spikes in the middle of nowhere isn't going to contaminate anything

I'm not an expert and I think it would but either way it's a necessary evil

I'm not an expert and I think it would but either way it's a formerly chucks

nice one

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t. sneed

>Your family could all gather and say goodbye
No, that's what I'm trying to dodge. Family gatherings and wakes. Only me turning to nothing and be forgotten without leaving funerary expenses and all that unnecesary stuff.


The Legasov way. I'm too much of a brainlet and I'd fuck it up. And then just end up still alive and literally brainlet from the lack of oxygen

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Just slap a Planned Parenthood sticker on it

just sail out to sea and never come back like in the old days

Nothing is allowed, but do it anyway.

Your soul gets bound and put into a construct to pay off the rest of your mortal bondage because you signed away your soul to Apple Inc. in a Quickplay update's TOS agreement. But your work putting together plastic crap in slant ville will have to wait because you now have to serve a 25 year sentence for committing suicide without the state's approval. Only after that will you join the legion of constructs in Apple's chink warehouse putting together shitty phones for roasties to snap ass and titty pictures of themselves with.

And this is how chinese people are created.

it's a suicide booth, not a murder booth.



Throwing yourself in front of a train or like jumping from a tall building for all to see is perfectly fine. Even if you go with a rope or pills or whatever in your room, somebody is still going to find you and have a probably shitty day, same with trains, only there are more people but I don't see how this applies. It's just a bunch of individuals putting their respective egotistical needs over yours. Fuck them all.

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right, which is why they had an entire episode about a parent's group trying to get Bender off the air

do we have any updates on him, lads?

He's dead, dude. It was already confirmed.

when I am drunk in the street i like to pretend that I am chasing the passing by cars by running after them for awhile

Just go deep in the woods, dig a grave, cover yourself in dirt and shoot yourself. Nobody will ever find your body.

that's idiotic they already have the power to break into your house if they suspect you are injured or in danger

All wh*tes should be forced into these. Not a joke.

It exists and is 3d printable


What happens when a chink an hero's? Does the soul get recycled again?


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Finally, now I just have to buy a 3d printer with a print bed that's 10 cubic feet.

it was illegal because subjects could an hero to get out of filial obligations. So since it was illegal if they an heroed the crown gets all their shit. It has just stayed in the law because moralityfags

based and sneed pilled