Choose one, the rest disappear
Choose one, the rest disappear
Master and Commander is not even that dificult.
Easy, Fight Club
the Chad boat guy
the virgin emo
>Master and Commander
This but I haven't seen Under the Skin yet and am told it's a true story about the nature of women so I may have to get back to you guys on that.
Under the Skin is a film about what it means to be human
Jesse James
I would choose none and let all those shit flicks disappear
that is not very based
Barry Lyndon, the rest are literally havesex tier
Barry Lyndon and it's not even a contest.
could you please off yourself
a girl on /tv?/ no way
Lyndon, Barry (S.Kubrick, 1975)
Fight Club is the most significant one.
Barry Lyndon. ez
not gonna get any upvotes for this, but primer is irreplaceable
it did hurt to lose master and commander though
and jesse james
Barry Lyndon
Anything is fine, except for Clockwork Orange
If you pick that over those, you really have a S H I T taste
CO > Fight Club
I wouldn't pick Clockwork but whats wrong with it?
Under the Skin or The Tree of Life
Barry Lyndon any day of the week.
>brainlets itt not choosing primer
best time travel movie desu
Primer is great but it's not nearly as good as the rest
I prefer the master, but ttol has great rewatch potential
The Tree of Life
Getting rid of Barry Lyndon and BASED Master and Commader is hard for me though.
The Master, easily.
A Clockwork Orange is the only one I've seen, and I don't give a shit about the rest
how does the first poster keeps being so fucking based?
Keep them all. They all sucked.
I came here to poast this
Literally a product of its time, how is it significant?
Das Boot