Eyes wide shut

wtf did I just watch?

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eyes wide shut

Post what mask you'd wear to the eyes wide shut party

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lets plaaaay

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cryptic pieces of a movie that wasn't allowed to be completed.

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>she’s young too

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Any more info on this? What was the base info supposed to be in the first place? Can’t just be sex cults and “le secret society orgy party”

Clearly it was in a temple and they were invoking something

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>wtf did I just watch?
The comfiest Kubrick film.

>Post what mask you'd wear to the eyes wide shut party
I'd wear the plague doctor costume. I've always wanted to wear that for some reason. There are at least three people wearing that in that party though.

satanic secret societies reward their members but also make them 100% subservient to the cult's leadership as they commit illegal acts and are blackmailed and threatened into submission. you get power but someone else gets even more power, over you and through you. and lots of "the elite" is in these cults.

that's the gist of the real world background for this. of course kubrick might have had more specific messages he wanted to get across, perhaps real experiences with a secret society or its victims. maybe someone else can tell that part.

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>wtf did I just watch?
The best Kubrick film