

Attached: naomi-scott-jasmine-1510172471.jpg (2000x1000, 248K)

Cute but hairlet she needs a wig.


>no tummy shot

when will whitewashing end?


A blacked poo? Not my princess

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based akabur

too white
they should all be ethiopians

She kinda looks like a Pajeet Emilia

>not even brown

she fuck that tiger right?

She has nice lips and cute feet that I’ll never be able to touch and fugg.

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Looks like a Middle aged Indian office lady. Not Jasmine by any account.

Way out of his league.
Plus, she seems very down to earth.

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mouth breather nigger fucker whore

t. Incel who can't even score these

of course krager loves women that love black dick


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>way out of his league

Real life husband

Attached: jasmine_husband.jpg (750x745, 79K)

she is so qt


people actually paid to see the same movie, but worse?