Does TV have the potential to be great art?

It seems from watching The Young Pope that TV with it's long form format can be an excellent medium for character development, perhaps even better than film. But most tv is the same shit

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>tfw no responses yet again

What was the most kino moment? For me, it's smile

For me it's

Now it has a decent budget, TV is the groundbreaking format. Films are basically stuck in big dumb franchises.

>hai guise how about a nice show where we make all the Catholics degenerates again....ey guise?
Fuck off with your anti-Christian cancer.

Yes but most people who make shows follow the same format for each season and each episode. Like each season there is a new antagonist and every episode must follow the same structure which ends in a cliffhanger. It doesn’t help that they are also handicapped by their budgets and having multiple directors. True detective season 2 was lackluster because each episode felt like it was an entirely different show.

It's a stupid question with a simple answer: yes. The only thing that held TV back was the fact that the business model is centered around longevity. The only way they could tell the specific story they wanted without unnecessary padding was if they got cancelled. Even today it's really hard to make a miniseries that's successful without execs forcing the story to continue until the money goes.

I think it has to come from good directors like Sorrentino to be great art. I really enjoyed Too Old To Die Young but i still think that only Refn fans can get through all of it.

The hardest lesson in life for about 10% of the population is the other 90% are holding them back and that this problem is nigh eternal. There is no point in speculating on what heights TV could potentially reach because it will never reach them thanks to plebs.

The show is about a true saint becoming pope. You all that degenerate? (The show is light when it comes to theology though from what some holypilled said)


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>hurr look at me I'm a pope but young and cool. I drink and fuck bitches. It's 2019,loser

More like the Middle Ages.

did you even watch the show you fucking brainlet? the pope is literally a saint

Why are you coughing ? You sick?

he doesn't fuck bitches. He's a virgin volcel. He only smokes cigarettes. He isn't 'cool'. He persecutes homos in the church, causes a young homo kid to kill himself bc he makes it so gays can't become elegible for the priesthood, he denies confession to abortionists, he's extremely conservative

Seems pretty cool to me

I mean that the show doesn't push what people think that a 'young pope' trope will be, but instead ACTUALLY subverts your expectations and makes the show fucking awesome due to how based the pope is

Have you seen Mildred Pierce and Olive Kitteridge?

They're two other, imo better, HBO miniseries kino.
From a character and narrative perspective, equal or superior to any film imo. But from an art perspective, not there yet. Maybe one day. It's the same for serial tv greats like The Sopranos and The Wire for example. They're writers mediums. The stories are incredible. But the art of them is workmanlike.

I think we will get something even better one day.

this user is clearly delusional, get him to a doctor

Only to be demonized later by the anti-Christian heebs (((broadcasting))) this garbage.

oh great, faggots like OP have moved from "can we make games ART???XD" to TV. When are you losers going to get some self awareness on how fucking utterly basic-bitch you all are, merely hopping from one pop culture fad to another?

Ingmar Bergman, Jane Campion, Park Chan Wook, David Lynch & Todd Haynes have all chosen to make tv shows.

If you think The Piano is art then tv surely can be too.

The only true art is carving marble anyway

when he finds the little girls sleeping on the bench in the last episode and this
starts playing

you guys ready for the reverend

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Fargo season 2

And you think you're the 10% lol

Manson is done
if he had any balls and wanted to shock in the current year he'd walk out wrapped in an american flag and a red MAGA hat
pretending to be a satanist in current year is boring and just preaching to the quire

Shit made me cry so hard. He made a man believe in God

Attached: The.Young.Pope.S01E09.720p.HDTV.x264-FLEET.mkv_snapshot_41.35_[2019.03.26_21.21.47].jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Young Pope was the most pro-catholic show in decades, you blithering retard.

Every use of Logan's Loop/Pulaski at Night.

His address to the cardinals is the most kino Yea Forums speech I have seen in a long time.

So you have stepped into your own mouth by knowing fuck all and now you are running damage control. How about you fucking kill yourself so that we can bury you into unmarked grave?

That 's true of older series but now you have stuff like Legion, Daredevil, Mr robot where the filmmaking is pure kino

Not to mention the costumes. They are staggeringly beautiful. Made me think if the producers had them made or if the actual church borrowed it to them.

Olive Ketteridge was great, will check out Mildred Pierce, thanks user

>Those series
>Pure Kino
Surely this is bait

A schism?

Who could be behind these seething posts?

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Speech makes me wanna go to church

It's really great and it gets better.
Todd Haynes who made it is a top tier film director. He made Carol and I'm Not There.

And Kate Winslet is really good.