So he went through 14,000,605 scenarios?

So he went through 14,000,605 scenarios?

Ermm how many years was he stuck in different time lines?

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He literally does drop a spoiler to Ironman though at the end.

Lol then he spends the entire final battle holding some water. What a waste of a character with cool powers.

He was just bullshitting, there's no such thing as alternate futures, only one. He was just reciting lines from what he saw.

Bet he saw an ending where they win but his chink friend dies and he just thought fuck it, Tony is more expendable, we'll do that ending instead.

>not wanting a based fat chink over robert downy cokehead

He had his moment with Thanos 1 on 1 in Infinity War, and it worked since he was alone. I dont think you can put him in large group of people, where he looks equal to others, he would always be op, and thats bad when all of them need to shine.

1v1 against ebony maw lad


top kek
must be a new magic number lad

Isn't that how many Jews were killed?

Who the fuck was in charge of those commas?

Indians that is how they write their currency.

Which is a bigger clusterfuck in and of itself

time is relative you mong

Only 14 mil out an infinite amount of universes? Dr. Strange slacking or a lazy ass

Also why didn't the Avengers go back in time and kill Thanos' parents?

>strictly for men
>cape shit

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relative to what?

He could fast forward through them and see the ending. Could probably group similar ones together to save additional time.

wrong he can't do any of that because he's made up
grow up


multiply it by 666 and you would be right.

>i saw 14,000,605 different scenearios
>is there one where the janny gets paid ?

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That was explained in the movie. Unless you use the Infinity Stones, which they didn't have, time travel won't affect the past you came from. So killing Thanos's parents or baby Thanos wouldn't work.

He was literally just holding up his finger to examine a booboo and Tony retardedly misinterpreted it and killed himself

>we only win in one future durr hurr
Strange saw the millions of timelines where starlord fucked up the gauntlet removal plan and didn’t think to remove him from the equation briefly? Don’t pull any of this bullshit about how taking the gauntlet off would be worse. People circlejerked about how the heroes wouldn’t be able to handle that power either yet we got two snaps in endgame and everyone creamed themselves over it

I wonder how many of those scenarios resulted in me getting a gf

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The point wasn’t that Star Lord fucks up in every timeline. The point was that no matter what changed Thanos would still get all of the stones nearly all of the time.

Also, you talk about cumming an awful lot in your post, kid. Got something you want to talk about? Lfmol

Go and make it happen champ

can we all agree that scarlet witch not jobbing was better than captain mjollnir?

We must never forget the 1,40,00,605 jews in the holocaust

That's too many times and too many losses. If the number was something like 10k I would have believed it. How about show some of the times they thought they won and lost or show a quick montage of strange going back in time to stop himself from getting btfo.

>trust me lads I did this a million billion times haha

This, like so many other characters he needed a rematch and redemption for his failure but they had to compress the final battle to make room for muh womynz and captain cuntface

I didn't see endgame. Can I get like a 2 sentence summary?

T. Indian

Ah yes, 14 million timelines where doctor strange was too much of a faggot to tell starlord to wait 10 seconds

If they dropped the girlpowerz scene and replace it with ebony vs strange 2. what would be a great one liner for him to say?

Why couldn't he tell other what would happen if changing the past doesn't change the future?

The Avengers use time travel to reassemble the Inifinity Stones and undo the Snap. They succeed but Iron Man dies.

The surviving Avengers immediately kill Thanos in the aftermath of Infinity War, brood for a couple years until Scott Lang pops out of the Quantum Realm, invent time travel, go to the past to collect the stones, eventually get them, and undo the snap. Past Thanos follows them to the furture and tries to get the gauntlet once again, there's a huge battle scene with every hero vs. Thanos and his army, and Thanos is defeated when Tony uses the gauntlet to snap him and his army to dust, sacrificing himself in the process.

Because he looked at possible futures, he didn't travel to them. He's still in the present so, he can still affect the outcome.

A worse movie than. Infinity War.

I'd be fine with them doing an asspull in the future where the Maw from Infinity War somehow survives and is behind something like Secret Invasion as some form of revenge for them defeating Thanos.

>Go be a nigger someplace else!

Sounds fun actually

but how the fuck can they time travel when the time stone already broken?

Tony stark said "Alexa, create time travel" to his computer


>ebony maw

It checks out.

>name a character ebony maw
>it isn't a thick black woman with a sassy mouth
>it's some effeminate homo magician ayylmao

why is the t red

i wish that would happened too user

160 minutes * 14,000,605 = 2240096800 minutes
525,600 minutes in a year
2240096800 / 525600 = just under 4262

so, over 4000 years of this fucking movie.

based and ebonypilled