Are there any good films set here?
Are there any good films set here?
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God toronto is such a fucking shithole.
>homeless people within every 5 feet, always harassing you for smokes or money
>congested as fuck
>every driver is an idiot
>everyone is an impolite dick
Definitely the worst city in this country
only one i can think of is enemy, which is enjoyable even if a bit pretentious
I'm a muslim arab hoping to immigrate to Canada one day. What are the best places to live in to avoid such harassment?
Go-to hell
Why? I'm a mechanical engineer with a great work experience, able to fluently communicate in English, can read French, and have an understanding of western culture. You guys need me if anything.
resident evil 2, oh you said good
yes you all arabs are mathematicians and doctors and engieers but your fucking shitholes couldnt even defeat together Israel in the 40s
gtfo useless trash
what we need is white babies, not brown adults
Pic related. It follows a group of homeless men who have combined bottle picking with the extreme sport of racing shopping carts down hills of Toronto. Really comfy
Fuck off
understanding of the west is impossible for you
Bait? It says North Vancouver right there on the poster
try make your own nation the west instead cause even if you love us your kids wont, we would be just giving away a piece of our land to an invader that hates us
sorry not sorry
You guys are just seething that some underprivileged person like me coming from a 3rd world country can still make it big, move to your country, and marry your women, while you're still in your basement crying over your highschool crush. Admit it you wish you were me.
False memory I guess
I am come to Canada to make many babby with white women
Why would you touch wh*te sluts? Brown women are superior in every aspect
the only thing you will make big is an explosion, stay out man
Well I can have 4 wives...
Scott Pilgrim
Winnipeg north end
Suicide Squad
>good films
Oh wait nvm
Also fuck the Nigerian “refugees” who flock our city pretending to be allergic to wheat and milk just so they could get benefits and dole outs from the government while taxpayers work full time and still need to make ends meet while these “”””refugees””””” get free housing, free monthly dental coverage, and a whole lot of bullshit
So why not have 4 delicious brown qts?
The middle east
Toronto was great years ago.
All of these apply to my city as well
DESTINY TO ORDER!!! Obscure Canadian 1989 comedy about a writer who's characters come to life. Co-starring Michael Ironside. Here's the end credits where we see the old Sam The Record Man sign back when Toronto had soul while the woman singing was the Mom in Spanking The Monkey in 1994. Still not released on DVD or Bluray!!!FACT!!!
>living south of college
Man, was Michael Ironside ever young? Did he ever have a full head of hair?
nice get
>Also fuck the Nigerian “refugees” who flock our city pretending to be allergic to wheat and milk just so they could get benefits and dole outs from the government while taxpayers work full time and still need to make ends meet while these “”””refugees””””” get free housing, free monthly dental coverage, and a whole lot of bullshit
Here in Hamilton we get a lot of Muslims and they all have minimum three kids if not more. It bothers me that I see more and more of their women wearing hijab's which are literally a form of oppression used by Muslim men yet you NEVER hear these feminist cunts of their SJW numale lapdogs say shit about it because they'd be called racist despite it being misogynistic as fuck. Can you imagine if a WHITE FUCKING MALE made his wife wear one of them or told a woman to dress modestly?!?FACT!!!
>Toronto was great years ago.
It was great up until about 15 years ago. The internet killed a lot of small shops and business that gave the city it's personality. they're also demolishing a lot of classic buildings and architecture to make new shitty condos and skyscrapers. Yonge street just isn't the same as it once was!!!FACT!!!
I see a lot of these so called "refugees" having minimum 3 kids as well and the woman is almost always pregnant while claiming such forms/benefits. JFC how much child tax are they draining from the public funding? And turns out a lot of them were already in Quebec for the longest time but move to Ontario because of the stupid special diet form. Fuck that diet form. A third of asians can't tolerate lactose but they don't line up to get those fucking dole outs. This federal coverage for the refugees is fucked up. They aren't even real refugees most of the time. They come in with iPads for each kid they have (3 kids or more), with Apple watches, new cars after a few months of staying here. Honestly fuck them all
Isn't Toronto the SJW capital of the world? Why would anyone want to go there, no less film something there?
you pay people cause they are allergic to milk? what?
for canada vancouver is LA where everything is filmed, but toronto is NYC where other culture is centred
>Man, was Michael Ironside ever young? Did he ever have a full head of hair?
He's one of those guys like Patrick Stewart who always looked older than he was and, yep, he had a Jack Nicholson vibe going on in the early 80's with his hairline. I'm still waiting for Hello Mary Lou, Prom Night 2 to be released on bluray. LOVE that movie while it and Gnaw: Food of the Gods Part 2 make for a perfect double bill of great Canadian B-horror cheese that both c-star Lisa Schrage!!!FACT!!!
Pretty sure that'd be San Francisco, or pretty much any European capital city
if youre such a big deal stay in your country and help it prosper.
you can get $250 per person if you have food allergies under the idea you're inconvienenced and have to spend more on allergen free food
it's just another gibs for non whites though
now imagine a family of 6 all getting $250/person/month. no wonder those lazy fucks no longer even try to find work
>They aren't even real refugees most of the time.
THIS. It's not like they come from some war torn country. They come from the usual middle eastern shitholes and are here for a free handout and it's because their countries are corrupt yet they don't do anything to change it. I wish to fuck I had been born 30 years earlier and got to see Canada/North America at its peak with only a few more years left to see it slide further down the fucking shitter before dying. Anyone born after 1945 in Canada or the USA was lucky as fuck. Boomer cocksuckers, I hope they're all rotting in Hell!!!FACT!!!
>just another gibs for non whites though
it's not even just non-whites. it's mostly these so-called "refugees" mainly from Nigeria. I even found out about people from Saudi Arabia who were vegetarians by choice/religion and still claimed for the diet form as if it was a medical condition and not their conscious choice due to religion that stops them from drinking milk or meat or what the fuck ever
>They come from the usual middle eastern shitholes and are here for a free handout and it's because their countries are corrupt yet they don't do anything to change it.
and these fuckers claim disabilities and benefits and then fuck off to whatever country they are from for 6 months. They just come back so their health coverage won't lapse and then they spend the benefits on whatever shithole they're from and act like kings and queens from their homeland
Contrary to what /pol/ says you don't experience "sjw" in reality, just cherry picked twitter screenshots
That little fucking faggot Trudeau and his mothers husband (we know Castro is his real father pic related proves it) killed this country by loosening their immigration laws. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a /pol/tard who hates immigrants but you want people who are here to create a better way of life for themselves, not subhuman trash looking to re-create whatever wasteland they come from and that's the problem with Muslims and most other people from the middle eat who have absolutely zero interest in assimilating!!!FACT!!!
Go outside
lol you sound like every fucking ontario proud boomer dipshit
Nice try shitter
Thunder bay and barrie
>and these fuckers claim disabilities and benefits and then fuck off to whatever country they are from for 6 months. They just come back so their health coverage won't lapse and then they spend the benefits on whatever shithole they're from and act like kings and queens from their homeland
Yep, I've known a few who do this!!!FACT!!!
and then more of their people come
toronto sucks and wishes it was new york city
Sorry, forgot pic!!!FACT!!!
I migrated to Toronto 8 years ago and found work less than a month since I landed and have been paying taxes since. I am a regulated professional and at one point had to get 3 jobs to pay for a house downpayment and a car. The ONLY benefit I ever got was the quarterly tax support which was a measly $100 per month. Everything else I had to work hard for. My entire family. And then we see these bunch of """""refugees""""" exploiting the system and getting more than people who are actually paying taxes. It's so fucked up. I understand if it's people who really need them but these people are FAR FROM deserving from these bullshit benefits they're getting.
>lol you sound like every fucking ontario proud boomer dipshit
Things were objectively better in the past. If you think otherwise you have your head up your ass. Prove me wrong, protip, you can't!!!FACT!!!
how can anyone even deny this?
>quarterly tax support which was a measly $100 per month
*per three months. It's practically nothing
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
>Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
"I am forgotten"
Movie for millennials forgotten like millennials
Tel Aviv
Spoken by a true millennial.
can confirm, i even went to college there and didnt see it
>I migrated to Toronto 8 years ago and found work less than a month since I landed and have been paying taxes since. I am a regulated professional and at one point had to get 3 jobs to pay for a house downpayment and a car. The ONLY benefit I ever got was the quarterly tax support which was a measly $100 per month. Everything else I had to work hard for. My entire family. And then we see these bunch of """""refugees""""" exploiting the system and getting more than people who are actually paying taxes. It's so fucked up. I understand if it's people who really need them but these people are FAR FROM deserving from these bullshit benefits they're getting
Glad to have you here user and I give you our unofficial national anthem as a sign of respect along with some other required viewing!!!FACT!!!
>toronto sucks and wishes it was new york city
New York has gone the same way as Toronto from what I've heard. The city's soul has died!!FACT!!!
wich is funny because toronto originally was called York
Aren't a lot of movies and TV shows filmed there even though they are set in New York all the time?
>Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
The first five SP books are masterpieces but six shit the bed because O'Malley was distracted by the movie being in production which is why it lacked the purity of the first five. The movie was reduced to hipster trash without any heart, spirit or soul and that's because Edgar Wright is a limey cunt. It's weird because I FUCKING LOVE season 1 of Spaced which is one of my favorite things, 2 was shit though, and I was certain he'd nail it but he fucked it except for the visual which were pretty good. Oh and he fucked up big by not casting Rachel McAdams as Envy Adams and putting that dead eyed skank Brie Larson in the role instead. She started fucking Chris Evans, (Captain America in the MCU and played Lucas lee, one of Ramona's X's)
who then later pushed for her to get the Captain Marvel role. So we can thank Wright for that as well.
Problem is that he cast that slimy looking bird faced 90lbs faggot Michael Cera as Scott when Johnny Simmons, who played Young Neil, would have been PERFECT in the role.
They really should have made SP into a six part Netflix series but it wasn't a total loss as it gave us Ellen Wong as Knives Chow!!!FACT!!!
If you like French come to Quebec bud. It's very laid back here. BC is great too, the Kootenays, the Okanagan valley, really liked it there. Vancouver was comparable to Montreal imo. Toronto is great city mind you and the biggest in Canada but its population is like the Parisians of Canada.
>Aren't a lot of movies and TV shows filmed there even though they are set in New York all the time?
Yep including the original X-Men while the train station scene was shot here in Hamilton. According to Bryan Singer on the DVD commentary, he says that many of the cast chose to stay in their trailers because the accommodations in Hamilton were soo poor.
same train station on James street was used in the Long Kiss Goodnight!!!FACT!!!
The Fly.
It’s fucking horrible here bros get me out of here please.
>not living in comfy montreal
Why blame brown adults for the failures of white men though?
Iqaluit, Nunavut
>hold up conversation in Quebec starbucks no problem
>hold up conversation in Paris, some Parisians even compliment my good pronunciation
>girl at McDonald's in Montreal city rolls her eyes at my attempt to speak French
fucking hell
same shithole, different location.
>aka white people and crime ridden indians (feather)
>chinks, poos, arabs, nigs
>opioid overdoses everyday
Isn't Quebec the retard province for demanding all French words are like a quarter bigger than all English words, because "muh endangered heritage" ?
what you doing dude, you dont even need to speak french to live in montreal
just speak english, those french sluts love it over here
what is this diet form shit? my brother is allergic to shellfish, legumes and dairy but he doesn't get money from the government.
Also quebec loves anyone who speaks french, so they suck nigerian and haitian cock all day.
how is it inconvenience, instead of eating Food A eat Food B, wtf this faggot as country.
it's because I want to learn French
>what is this diet form shit? my brother is allergic to shellfish, legumes and dairy but he doesn't get money from the government
Toronto is also the reprobate capital of the world. There’s a fag parade every month. I hate this fucking city. My life was ruined the instant I was born here.
Problems with Toronto:
>too much nogs
>too much Muslims
>too much arabs, Persians, Somalis
>too much reprobates
>most whites are Irish scum
>too much jews
>too much scumy Slavs
>people here are typically assholes
>women are more cuntish
>horrible schools (primary, secondary)
>horrible road systems
>horrible transit
>horrible government that wants to squeeze as much money but barely puts in the money to build up infrastructure
Wrong. I wore a moustache. Poncho and moustache for Halloween one time and some green haired, nose ring, tattoo covered, shaved head with no eye brows monster yelled at me and almost assaulted me while I laughed.
Funny part is she wasnt wearing a costume
it's getting pretty bad. Even in STEM, there's labs boasting about how they conduct science with diverse groups (aka more women and coloured people). A phd student was submitting a paper on salmon migration to be published in a scientific journal, one of the comments she recieved back from one of the reviewers was
>you need to use a gender neutral term for "man-made dam"
A fucking scientific journal reviewer fucking said this.
also forgot to mention the worst parts:
>international Pajeet students
>that subhuman illegal Mexican on /int/ that’s pissing me off and working without a SIN card
*sombrero, moustache, poncho. I was dressed as a Mexican
Side not. I wore th same costume the year before and no one batted an eye. Then trump won and suddenly I'm hitler
quebec is the welfare province of the country. Highest rate of gibs, lowest rate of economic output. Also full of niggers (cause they speak french). Also they have a long gun registry for gun owners even though the federal government deems it illegal. But quebecs are fucking faggots and love big brother as well as french nigger dicks.
Honestly a lot of movies are filmed there to do similarity to New york
East York reporting in. Kill me.
>Admit it you wish you were me
id rather be the dumbest toothless inbred white nigger peice of shit than some uppity holier than thou goat rooting arab coward running from his own backwards ass shithole ruined by his faggy religion, while still following said religion, nd probably trying to impose it upon perfectly normal functioning western god fearing christian nations. lmaoing at your life.
the first Resident Evil movie
Videodrome (1983)
dubs confirms
Ulukhaktok is nice this time of year
I don’t have a problem with you coming to Toronto. But the more of you that will come, the more Toronto will decay. It’s inevitable. Less whites = less prosperity, more non whites = more social decay
it's almost impressive
give them independence and stop bitching
its not a province, its a french offshore conquered by brits
that's fine and dandy if you wanna lose the maritime provinces as well
there is nothing good or interesting about Canada
Seething, don't worry me and my brothers will repair this god forsaken land with our superior arab seed.
What does that even mean?
Why don't you repair the middle east first?
Poutine is good.
is there a single city in canada that isn't empty or infested with the homeless?
I hope you fucking die.
Halifax. The most BASED Atlantic city.
>>every driver is an idiot
Toronto is a godsend compared to actual fuckholes like Chicago and L.A.
No wonder people are murdered so much when the drivers are São Paulo tier.
Why don't your shitty politics fuck off from the middle east first? It's almost cute how you retards think that islam has anything to do with the politics in the middle east when it's all about corrupt jewish lobbying and US funded puppets for presidents who use your weapons to subdue any chance of an islamic rebellion. You fuck us up for our oil, I fuck you up by making your kind and culture extinct. Now continue crying in your basement, white boy.
>She's been taken to the capital
>Oh Toronto!
>No, the capital of Canada is Ottowa
>Yeah, right. Do we look stupid? Nice try Dudley.
Rush and Shatner.
>tfw too poor to live in toronto
>live in suburbs with parents
>tfw 34 year old khv
feels bad man
>tfw just managed to buy a townhouse before housing market heated up
>currently paying mortgage less than apartment rent
Life’s tough but at least making it
How do people survive living in Toronto?
Isn't an average house like a million dollars?
from my experience
>20% survive with high paying jobs
>30% survive with dual incomes (roomates or having a SO)
>50% have rich chinese parents that live in Hong Kong
>hates white people
>hates canada
>loves brown people
>love his religion
>loves his culture
>loves his country
>wants to flee his brown muslim country because it's so shitty he wants to go to a country he hates, filled with people he hates and with a country he's willin to assimilate to, as his own's too backwards
Your words hold no value, subhuman.
if marner doesn't sign i neck it
In toronto most people just live pay cheque to paycheque. Its bug society with no real goals or life savings. They just go out to hipster restaurants and drink craft beer and do drugs and live in a shitty house or condo with 4 other people
It's a terrible way to live in the long run. You wont see these people saving up for a house or having kids. It's pure degeneracy. Patricians choice is living in the country in canada
>tfw no movie about inbred hicks in Mactier
>> Problems with Toronto:
You forgot "you", buddy. You sound like a really big problem. All the other ones you listed … nah! it's just you. It's always been just you.
>living in the country
Enjoy no jobs
how is Toronto different from other cities? you can say the same thing about most other cities
except for the Michelin guide part, but that guide is mostly marketing, and they don't have michelin reviewers in every country
The past 2 years, American music awards winners were dominated by Canadians, most of which were from the Greater Toronto Area. Take that as you will though.
I drive 15 mins to my technician job at an industrial plant and make 34$ an hour
It's also completely soulless. Is there one cool neighborhood there?
Why does canada even exist.
>american brands
>american foods
>american television/film
>there is virtually no difference between america and canada
It might as well get annexed at this point
Grammys 2018 and 2019 were mostly american winners, and some UK ones.
spotify's number one artist is Drake, but that doesn't mean much
2 more years until the plant is disassembled and shipped to Vietnam
Isn’t Toronto Film Fest one of the biggest film festivals? Seems to be pretty important for a board made to discuss tv and film
No I meant the actual “American Music Awards”
>Shawn Mendes
>Alessia Cara
That was probably 2016 when literally all the winners were from Toronto
>wich is funny because toronto originally was called York
Which is funny because York was where the Arabian trade routes ended up in England. See, it's like poetry. It rhymes.
honestly, everyone is too poor to live in toronto. its made for very wealthy people only.
Oh yes, who could forget?
its fun while you are in your 20s for a bit, but yes i agree with this
We do long drives and road trips a lot and I agree with this. My only issue is winter must be more to handle than usual since plows won’t be as immediate as the city. But damn the pies, the parks and the countryside is just so goddamn comfy reminds me of Supernatural
hey! we have some really shitty, cheaply made canadian shows and movies (due to a broadcasting law) under our belts!
>>most whites are Irish
Probably not true outside Parkdale-High Park
i have coworkers that live there and are spending 50%+ of their after-tax income on rent
usually these are the Chads and Stacies who need to live in Toronto for their social life. but because they have a social life they can get high paying jobs later on if they meet the right people
i also have coworkers who have rich parents that support them
We do not need you, were fucking full. Go to the fucking us or stay in your own country
>paying 18k for a 7x5" panel
fuck off mudslime
Salt Lake City punk
>tfw brown immigrant living in Toronto
Feels good triggering all these incels.
>because they have a social life they can get high paying jobs later on if they meet the right people
Maybe if they sleep with the right people