Fuck this goddamn nigger. Not even marvel allocates that much budget for their movies with the exception of Avengers movies. Villeneuve doesn't get it, Ryan Johnson doesn't get it, Snyder doesn't get it, even Spielberg wouldn't get that budget these day but this cunt does? Fuck hollyjew.
$225 fucking million for this goddamn faggots next movie
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How much did Debicki cost?
The worst part is the cast isn't even big names who demand big salaries. It's insane this guy is getting these budgets when there are far better filmmakers like Villeneuve, Snyder, Rian Johnson, Abrams who would never get such a budget for their original projects.
Whatever it cost, she's worth it
Lol at this pleb, he’s signing a half billion dollar contract with Warner Bros for his production company.
Later mouse shills!
>rian johnson
>zack snyder
>better than nolan
What the fuck
The only one of them who is arguably better than Nolan is Villeneuve
>It's insane this guy is getting these budgets when there are far better filmmakers like Villeneuve, Snyder, Rian Johnson, Abrams
We got us a live one boys
Yeah half a billion dollars for his production company, not 250 million for a single movie.
Thats 500 million without even naming a movie.
Is this what balding gracefully looks like?
Nolan is one of the few Hollywood directors who still do passion projects he wants to do personally without anyone interfering whatsoever.
He has 100% artistic integrity and works only with absolute creative freedom. The only demands he obeys from the studio is being done before the deadline and under the budget, which he does every single time without exception and why is he so loved by Warner bros, they basically give him a blank check.
And every single film of his becomes both a financial and critical success no matter the subject with no additional "directors cuts" because his theatrical cut is always the definitive directors cut.
No matter what you think of the quality of his films, he makes every film out of passion/desire to make that film, not because some studio exec calculated what should be done.
He basically has full creative freedom and untouched artistic integrity at a big budget Hollywood blockbuster
stop it
Decent bait. Only one on that list approaching Nolan is Villeneuve, and he needs a few more kino offerings under his belt before he's in the same league.
>Nolan's most expensive movie
>first with a black lead
Guess they really got to him.
All the directors you named made flops.
Nolan never made a flop in his entire career, nothing but success
quality post, friend
Are you a WB shareholder? Who cares plus all his last movies have been critical acclaimed and successful. I mean he only had to sold his soul once (TDKR).
It's clear that when Heath Ledger died Nolan couldn't make the third film he wanted so he said fuck it and made the script into just a bunch of excuses for him to have fun executing technically spectacular grand set pieces.
Based if you ask me.
We got Inception because he made Rises for them. That's why TDKR is shit and makes no sense.
Name one bad movie this lad made?
How many projects have you finished?
But even that was both critically and financially successful so ofcourse he can get whatever the budget he wants
>delivers before deadline and under budget
>Pretty big fan base and almost guarenteed asses on seats
>Make decent and relatively original films
What's your fucking problem,op?
Bout three fiddy
So what's his next movie? I hope it's at least an interesting subject matter like Inception. His war movie was okay I guess.
>but this cunt does? Fuck hollyjew.
he doesn't use a lot of CGI
This. The third film was obviously going to be Punished Bruce on the run from the police and chasing down the joker while having to deal either with Two-Face or some other secondary villain, though I'd bet money that the JGL "not-Robin" arc and possibly Hathaway's Catwoman was probably going to be in it and it probably ended the same way. But then Ledger died and instead of a sequel to TDK we got a sequel to Begins.
Are you ignoring the two pale as fuck white leads as well?
No matter the subject, it will for sure have
>Nonlinear plot
>A dead wife
>I-Max format
Nolan has mentioned that he did TDKR to fund his passion projects. Even TDK started out as somewhat that.
But that doesn't mean he didn't have creative freedom. He just delegated the story work to his brother and Goyer while he thought up good set piece for his flicks.
He has extensively talked about "one for me, One for the studio" policy they had. It's no longer applicable though as it's his third straight original movie.
This movie won't involve Zimmer or Lee Smith(his usual editor).
Ludwig goransson is the new composer and Jennifer lame(hereditary and Manchester by the sea) is the new editor.
All we know is It's a spy thriller, a large part of it is set in Estonia, there's a scene that involves a classical concert audience being taken hostage that appears to be inspired by the calamitous 2002 Moscow Nord-Ost hostage crisis, and his production team have been in ongoing disputes with the mayor of Estonia's capital for the past few months because he wants to close the main arterial highway into the capital city (effectively shutting off traffic to all nearby businesses) for up to four weeks to film a set-piece that takes up an estimated good 20 minutes of run-time... oh, and he wants to run a tank through the city centre along a tram line.
>Are you ignoring the two pale as fuck white leads as well?
Pattinson is playing the villain. Debicki will no doubt be the black's romantic interest.
Basically he wants to do a James Bond film minus the creative restrictions of an existing IP.
Pretty sure I remember it being said that Danny Boyle dropped out of Bond 25 because he wanted to go the "James Bond is just a pseudonym that carries over to each new 007" route and kill off Craig's Bond to set up the next actor to take on the mantle, and they wouldn't let him do it.
The villains(who are major characters that is) usually overshadow the main character in Nolan flicks.
Film extras in Tallin at the concert hall scene filming said Pattinson enters by smashing through a window after the audience have already been knocked out by anaesthetic gas (which though silly is actually the part lifted from the real life Nord-Ost crisis), suggesting he's most likely a hero character.
This sounds like Casino Royale crossed with GoldenEye. My dick can only get so hard.
>and his production team have been in ongoing disputes with the mayor of Estonia's capital for the past few months because he wants to close the main arterial highway into the capital city
That issue has been resolved I think. Nolan has moved to a slightly different location.
2bh, in this day and age I actually find Nolan and his spirit somewhat endearing. Never thought I'd be saying that 8 years ago, though.
I wonder if this will have any relevance since the title being a palindrome has already been brought up in early leaks and theories that presupposed that the story would be about time travel:
Does anyone watch his movies for plot? I just usually focused on the technical aspects and practical effects. too bad he can't choreograph actions scenes that aren't set pieces for shit
Didnt it involved time travel?
Im what other nolan film other than the dark knight has the villain overshadows the protagonist?
>artistic integrity
>makes TDKR
Yeah, no.
He manages to be strikingly apolitical without it coming off as evasive compared to other directors, whatever people say about TDKR having undertones. His more masculine protagonists like Angier and Cooper never seem like they're trying to be Christian Grey, like some Academy bait veers towards nowadays.
Based. Nolan is the single greatest director of our generation purely because of this.
Because he's based and one of the last autures left besides Dennis Villeneuve
>Villeneuve doesn't get it, Ryan Johnson doesn't get it, Snyder doesn't get it
You could only argue that Villeneuve out of those three is a better director than Nolan. Also Nolan movies constantly hit big in sales, why wouldn't they funnel money to this sentient money maker?
He always make bank and it's not even capeshit.
Nothing about the facts we have say so, people were just bullshitting on here and on Twitter that it was a time travel movie that involved Pattinson and Washington as rival scientists or something. All hype nonsense as far as we can tell from the focus of the production so far. Casting calls currently going out for Ravello asking for people in the dining industry- waiters and maitre d's, and drivers with jet black vehicles for more Tallinn scenes. Sounds more like a James Bond / Bourne Identity globe-hopping action thriller sort of deal. Basically a well-worn genre with Nolan applying his technical spectacle and scale to give it something new.
Manchester by the Sea had terrible editing, i hope that won't translate here
>This movie won't involve Zimmer or Lee Smith(his usual editor).
>the money is going towards thousands of people instead of just a few
based nolan redistributing wealth
People always credit Nolan for "spectacle" in his films but I think his true strength is sound. I honestly can't think of a director, past or present, that has mastered this as much as Nolan.
>The worst part is the cast isn't even big names who demand big salaries.
How is this a bad thing? Why must we always see the same faces?
Michael Mann?
Too busy making kino to hit the gym while he's in Estonia, apparently.
Everyone wearing shirts and nolan is still wearing a suit
Spielberg, JP still has the best sound design of any movie (and I'm not only talking about the dinosaurs, every sound is 10/10 in JP), I haven't seen Ready Player One but it looks like it probably doesn't have very good sound design though.
But I do agree that Nolan has great ear for sound.
The important part to notice is that you don't see a single female or minority in the cast and crew
Nolan has to be the most reddit director out there. His movies masquerade as "intelligent" and "deep" while having about as much exposition as an anime. Characters and dialogue have zero emotional depth. Admittedly he's strong technically but nothing too special. He's a great Hollywood director but that's about it.
>His movies masquerade as "intelligent" and "deep
He literally straight up says he's making entertaining blockbusters for the masses.
Spielberg's lighting is way more memorable than his sound design. Just look at The Color Purple or Minority Report.
He's a brilliant director, it's his fans who are reddit
Do you ever just have a moment of clarity when you stop and realize all the ways you’ve ruined your own life?
>Villeneuve doesn't get it, Ryan Johnson doesn't get it, Snyder doesn't get it, even Spielberg wouldn't get that
Nolan is objectively a better filmaker than any of them.
yup, this is a major red flag. editing is a strong suit in all nolan movies except DKR. changing makes no sense unless the previous editor is retiring.
Nolan always has good eye for talent. People said this when he dropped wally Pfister but Hoyte van hoytema has been just as good if not better.
Zimmer is too busy on Dune for this movie.
A movie is only as good as it's talented cast. Look at Rian Johnson's knives out. Now that's a cast that screams kino.
Tell me who is not talented in this cast
Polanski in Repulsion, the Coens, George Lucas, Bresson, Kubrick, Hitchcock in everything from Blackmail to Frenzy...
It's you who are attaching deeper meaning to his movies. Inception is about a dream heist. Interstellar is about humanity leaving earth. The Prestige is about two rival magicians. Anything past what you see on screen is your own brain making inferences.
Yeah, it's all jews.
Gotta agree, the sound design in No Country For Old Men was top notch. I suppose it had to be, with no soundtrack.
Snyder is based
nolan is just another blockbuster asshole with fake crwativity. made few good movies and garbage that was batman trilogy. intershittar was awful. dunnekirk was mediocre. long gone are the days of the prestige.
Interstellar is about how faith is essential to the continued survival of humanity, and the (idealistic) replacement of monotheistic religion with science.
>there are far better filmmakers like Villeneuve, Snyder, Rian Johnson, Abrams
does everyone on Yea Forums have shit opinions?
Memento, Inception and Interstellar is better than anything those directors have made
it's about space dumbass lmao
into the trash it goes
>no Prestige
God damn this fucking woman
How can you be 6’3 with a perfect face AND hot feet? Absolutely not fair. I want to made superchads with her so bad. No rl woman will ever measure up
Is the money coming out of your pocket or your non-existent 401k? No? Then shut the fuck up neet.
The dark knight rises
It's really simple. He didn't have even once a flop in his career.
>I suppose it had to be, with no soundtrack
also Arronofsky's Mother!
decent effort bait
Most of Marvel's non-Avengers films and those others don't justify that budget.
His movies make billions. He's a brand, just like tarantino is. He "transcends" being a regular director. A few directors are capable of that and they get special treatment in hollywood.
Based. Everything in that post is an objective fact, and cannot be refuted even if you personally dislike his movies (which you are entitled to)
shame someone with no creativity gets full creative freedom
Insomnia, which is one of his best movies, didn't have any of those.
Reminder that Nolan, being one of the producers of Man of Steel, will forever be associated with the failure of the DC Cinematic Universe
>Snyder doesn't get
Stay butthurt.
he was part of the batman trilogy too, so he's associated with the success of it too
It's also about how granting political power to women and non-whites will be the downfall of humanity and that it's up to white men to save the species from from a certain death at the hands of subhumans and their female enablers.
Or were you not paying attention to that scene? Nolan was about as subtle as Ayn Rand or L. Ron Hubbard, and it's honestly amazing that he got it past the studios.
>being one of the producers of Man of Steel
He made ONE phone call.
for the love of god get a trip and never stop using it
The only one better than Nolan there is Villeneuve. Snyder sucks, Rian Johnson is fine and JJ Abrams is one of the worst filmmakers working today.
>New Christopher Nolan movie
>Main character is a negro
And he’s earned it. He’s always on time, under budget and profitable. Yea Forums gets a kick out of trashing him for derivative plots and shitty dialogue but his films always tend to be a fun watch and visually unique...the energy of his films are different from the monotony of other big Hollywood projects.
No, same location but they compromised on allowing some traffic to proceed as well as a reduced timeframe for shooting. They’re already shooting there as of today.
All those directors you listed are mid to top tier. NOLAN is god tier which is why he can coomand ant amount he wants and will likely get it.
do any directors make super low budget movies late in their careers? what's the point in these tremendous budgets anyhow? I'd rather have 10 films that cost 25 million than one film that cost 250 million.
what was the whole bookshelf thing about?
>complains that a director who clearly and intentionally makes cerebral adventure films for teenaged audiences is trying to cerebral.
Teenagers are supposed to think Nolan’s films are psychologically engaging because he’s making these movies for them, not for you, you contrarian neck-bearded twat!
Marvel movies also look like shit
What exactly did Nolan contribute creatively in the Snyder franchise?
He was suppose to link is batman and the man of steel and was hired as creative consultant but it fail after he refuse to do another super hero movie.
Bro, it's not just that. Tenet is going to be one of the most expensive films ever made! I mean seriously. Imagine being responsible for funding a new Christopher Nolan film. You'd be sat at your desk - probably a nice one with one of those 1930s green-shaded lamps on it - and in he'd burst, arms open, looking like he needed about £15 million off you."Hello! Chris Nolan here! Got another idea!" "Please, Christopher," you whimper, head on your desk. You've just given him a wedge to build a spinning top that never falls over. "Please, please. Christopher. Please. Not another one." "And I want to bend Paris in half. Not the proper one! Ha ha!" He really is laughing very loudly. "With CGI. And I'm going to need Leo DiCaprio. Cheers!" And then he's gone. He's away to bend Paris in half with Leo DiCaprio, and you're picking up the tab. Those poor bean-counters are apparently going to be very heavily employed for Nolan's upcoming film Tenet too. The Independent reports that Estonian Public Broadcasting (the ERR, or Eesti Rahvusringhääling if we're being entirely Estonian about it, which is the publicly funded Estonian equivalent of the BBC) says Nolan's new feature will cost somewhere in the region of $225 million (£177.5 million). That sounds like a game of Estonian whispers, but Nolan's films do tend to be a bit spicy for accountants: The Dark Knight Rises cost $230 million, while The Dark Knight, Inception and Interstellar all topped $150 million. "Estonia stands to win a lot," Estonian finance minister Martin Helme told ERR last week. "On one hand, part of the support paid out will make it back into the state’s coffers as taxes, and on the other there is work and revenue for different sectors, from the film industry right down to the caterers." No idea how you translate from Estonian into English and land on the word 'coffers', but still, a sweet little bump for Estonia. It's absolutely ridiculous.
>nigger main character
Good bait.
Literally the only auteur allowed to have big budgets for original high concept films in modern times.
Are his movies really -that- original though? The Prestige is based on a novel, Insomnia is an adaption from a Norwegian film, Batman is Batman, Interstellar is an attempt to make a Kubrik film in the 2010s, Dunkirk is just a historical film.
The only really original movies he made were Memento and Inception.
You don't know what original means.