TV Commercials

What are some of the most entertaining TV commercials?

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They could have shown a black man teaching his son how to shave for the first time, and they pull this shit...

Trannies are just a giant barrel of firecrackers, or it's better to describe them as higher-maintenance babies. Dealing with a baby for the first 2 years is hard enough for some people. Dealing with a drugged up adult baby who starts shitting itself and crying just because of pronouns, and this baby needs to be treated like one for DECADES, is not something any normal person wants to deal with.

What's beautiful about the present world is that there's 7.7 billion people on this planet. Coupled with the average lifespan having ~2.5 billion seconds, straight away you can write off 5 billion people from your list of potential acquaintance during this life and this is not even pushing it. You get a freedom of choice from an extensive list of humans to waste your limited lifespan on with far less baggage and retardation than trannies. We can afford to be picky with acquaintances more than ever before in history and stuff whole categories into an exclusion list without having to give a shit about individualism and "exceptions-to-the-rule". A choice of quality, always choose higher from the pile as opposed to lower where trannies are located. Even autists are better on the baggage scale than trannies. Use this luxury of the current age when you can write off entire human groups as irrelevant because your lifespan is too short to accommodate them mathematically and realistically. Nobody should dictate who you waste your lifespan on or prioritize in your life, and anyone who calls you a bigot for excluding certain groups is a bigger bigot themselves for attempting to dictate how your most precious lifespan is spent because they are narcissistic entitled mutts who think being a tranny is a value onto itself worthy of respect when it contributes nothing to anyone except misery and retardation.

>or it's better to describe them as higher-maintenance babies
Like women?

Spartans had it right

higher-maintenance babyfuck IS AWWWWWRIIIIIIIIGHT

>being so obsessed with trans people that you post walls of text
Just transition already. Everyone knows the people that shout the hardest against something are the ones that want that thing the most.

When i develop suicidal tendencies i'll think about it.

>Needs to be taught how to use a disposable razor as a grown ass adult.
And yet they claim trans people aren't mentally ill.

THRRROOOOWBAAAACCCKK this one's strictly 4 my boomerz

we wuz trannies n shit

I'm 32 and I still shave like an idiot

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Just use a safety razor lads it’s way better anyway.

your posts are so fucking funny

Is this one of those famed culture warrior threads?

>Everyone knows the people that shout the hardest against something are the ones that want that thing the most.

Attached: Liberal Fag Logic Cartoon.jpg (640x392, 27K)

>Gilette "toxic masculinity" ad comes out

Are they still trying to run that argument now that this shit is out?

You have a containment. Stay there.

No it's a /crytposneed/ thread since Janny is persecuting us again

There's also a containment for worthless shitposting. Go shitpost there.

Slippery slope aside imagine how bad this shit is gonna age looking back? It's already aging fast as fuck with gen za+ completely fed up of this shit.

I legit laughed out loud when I saw the Gillette ad that they put out after the backlash from the hold up bro ad.

>attractive white male soldier comes home on leave to spend time with his attractive blonde wife and their two attractive blonde children before returning to active duty

Then the next month they put out this. I really wonder if the people that run the company (Gillette, not the ad company that Gillette is hiring to make these) has any kind of long-term strategy or if they're just going to alternate between woke and based until Gillette hires a different ad agency.

Alright boys, I'll go shave now

You do as well, take your tranny shit to /lgbt/ and don't forget to suicide afterwards to keep that statistic relevant so trannies can keep having a cause to get behind.