What strong, female characters does Yea Forums actually like...

What strong, female characters does Yea Forums actually like? What did they get so right with Carter that no one else can pull off?

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The ones in anime are pretty good

if Yea Forums as it is now was around when sg-1 aired, they would have sperged out at that terrible sex organs girl power line in episode one and dropped the show.

carter was written well because they didn't over do the whole fucking tomboy shit. She realizes her feminine side while maintaining the army type behavior of order and responsibilities among her mostly male teammates.

i don't think i ever got the feeling of "i hate carter because men bad" meme in sg1

i hate carter, fuking slut

That ending was weird as shit. Was it really necessary to show Carter spread eagle having vaginal intercourse with Teal'c's Goa'uld larva?

after s8, carter is awful, perhaps even before, when daniel dies

I have a long list

Captain Dola is my favorite strong female character and she has historical precedents in pirate queens like Grace O’Malley and Ching Shih

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It was necessary

Even her introduction had a pretty cartoony bit about being just as good as men but it's easy to overlook in an older series when you know it's not because it was written for a test audience posting yas qween on twitter.

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>when you know it's not because it was written for a test audience posting yas qween on twitter
I think this is why I have nothing against strong female characters from older shows, but newer ones rub me the wrong way. Carter's "girl power" was a positive addition that made her an equal and respectable team member within SG-1. She wasn't written as the ultimate solution to every case of stupid/useless white men screwing up and ruining the world, instead she was just another character with strengths and weaknesses. Strong, likeable and cooperative, she brought to the team the scientific expertise it lacked, and every once a while she failed at something or gave us a glimpse to her weak side, just everyone else in the show.

the good written ones
unfortunately there aren't any good writers left

If this came out today, Yea Forums would have a stroke.

For me, it's my waifu - Sienna Guillory as Jill Valentine

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Literally the best way to do it. They never make it all about her sex and in the second movie the maternal themes are great and couldn't be done with a Male lead

Yea Forums you disappoint

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Brenda Leigh from The Closer
strong=/=guns and martial arts

> What strong, female characters does Yea Forums actually like?

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This chick was terrifying.

Kim Wexler is a pretty universally liked character

I'd give Amanda a good tapping

Honestly one of the better heel characters from this past year

If only it were intentional.

+ velasquez as a good counterpoint; a full on dyke to hang out with the squaddies

Closer was Kino. Proof that procedurals episodic shows can be done well.
>it's a Brenda let the bad guy go because she knows he'll be killed as soon as he's out of the police station
>bad guy confesses and beg to stay
>lol no out you go

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My gut tells me that it is.

a canadian with the usa flag
its treason then?

A strong female character wouldn't have to whore herself out for sex-starved dweebs. I like Sam but she was always the Luck of the draw because she didnt have any competition till that Farscape chick came along.

It's love.

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Seeing her naked in Spartacus after waiting for 15+ years was worth it

Nigga please with this shit. You simps think she wouldn't press charges on you for even looking her way? Fucking dorks

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Skully is cool. Gillian is a limo libtard. It's hard to separate the two.

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imagine beeing an ensign and she humiliates you

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that tlc show about giant woman

cool story bro

Wrong. Everyone here, at least from the 2007-2009 guard loved SG1. Overall, I remember nobody sperging out at anything feminine back in the day. It's a new thing ever since the election tourists arrived.

... some others that I can't name off the top of my head


She's the biggest Mary Sue of them all.

I liked early Kira Nerys. But over the course of DS9 she became kind of a cunt, and could do no wrong.

I know it is. Bro!

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That's bullshit. You don't me nor what I felt back then. Sam was tolerable. But she really didn't have any competition at all. One week. It felt like she was Oneals side piece. Then other it was her and Daniels. I wasn't sure if they were testing the waters on see which had the nest chemistry but it wasn't needed. That and Sam was one of the original Mary Sues

Aeryn Sun from Farscape. Literally a cold blooded killer - and goddamn she was awesome. Claudia Black's performance complemented Ben Browder's wiseass Crichton perfectly.


> Yea Forums would have a stroke.
Now, there's two ways that could be interpreted...

She was in, what, like 2 episodes of BSG? That was perhaps the most tense, engaging TV I've ever watched. I don't think we saw anything like it again until the end of season 3 of Game of Thrones.

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Is funny because she should have been the main character instead it all goes back to being about the mary sue character because the director is fucking that actress.

Alice is a prime example of how not to write a character.

Another reason why I disregard the JJ verse and STD. The books continue the story and their leagues better than the woke fest that is current Trek

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To be fair, everyone on SG1 was a Mary Sue. That was part of what made it hilarious - all four of them kept getting away with the most insane shit.

>Aeryn Sun from Farscape
good choice


She's basically Misato in space.

Also Misato.

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>What did they get so right with Carter that no one else can pull off?

she was a logical character, not an emotional one. daniel was the only female on stargate sg1. the only handful of episdoes where she even entertains relationships aren't about the relationships but about how any relationships would compromise her dedication to her job/the mission/stargate command, which she put first. while she might have 'muh vagina'd as a joke in the first season, it was as a joke. 'muh vagina' was never her motive for anything. whenever she was upstaging the guys it wasnt because 'im a strong waman!', it would be about her intelligence or topical expertise. her strengths were believable: she was a book smart science geek(believable) and she could shoot(believable). they never had her performing freakish feats of strength like teal'c and they presented her as vulnerable many times, something they never do with modern day 'strong female characters'. while every character on stargate sg1 is a ridiculous almost super hero like character, she was no moreso than the rest of the squad. if stargate were a modern show they would have cast a woman for colonel o'niell's role and you would never see her cry or taken prisoner.


>you're wrong we liked it in 2007

read what I said again slowly and understand it this time.

STD is an actual disease that might set back the franchise for a long time. Kurtzman will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. It's hardly considered trek. The only people I know who like it are ones that never saw any trek before.

which books carry on right after DS9?

>being this pretentious on a 4chin forum
Maximum cringe

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Have it bro

I've only read A Stitch in Time, Garak continues his story on Cardassia through letters to Bashir. It's not bad actually. Written by Andrew J Robinson too

Exactly only normies and leftist like that shit. The Burnham show co-starring Tilly is the worst of the trek series.

I've gotta admit, my dick is diamonds, and I feel less depressed now about Patty Stew fucking up the future success of Star Trek

Brie Larson.

the girl from the Turin Horse

>That's bullshit. You don't me nor what I felt back then. Sam was tolerable. But she really didn't have any competition at all. One week. It felt like she was Oneals side piece. Then other it was her and Daniels. I wasn't sure if they were testing the waters on see which had the nest chemistry but it wasn't needed.

you're fucking dumb and/or never watched all of stargate. sam and o'niell were in love but both put the integrity of stargate command's mission(the protection of earth) above their petty feelings. the 'will they or wont they' mechanic of the relationship was literally an inside joke with the production crew/cast/writers/etc because the plan from the start was NEVER to have them have a relationship. as for her and daniel, that was never even implied in any episode, the only love they had for each other was as platonic world saving heroes.

>That and Sam was one of the original Mary Sues

you're stupid. if anyone on the show was THE mary sue it was daniel, who literally died and came back as an ascended being and then went on to destroy all the ascended beings.

>To be fair, everyone on SG1 was a Mary Sue. That was part of what made it hilarious - all four of them kept getting away with the most insane shit.

this, the whole SG1 squad were practically super heroes, the 'best of the best' surviving ridiculous encounter after ridiculous encounter. the whole show is a 150+ hours of classic heroes journey trope'ing

Carter was supposed to play the woman card like every episode, but Amanda said it was stupid and unrealistic. She's fucking based.

I'm telling bro. These are leagues better than any Nu trek bullshit out now. You can just sit somewhere quiet. Pick up a book and just get lost in them.

You're projecting you fucking twerp. I binged all of the Stargates. Watch them on Showtime then watched them on Sci-Fi. I know what the fuck im talking about. You clearly dont. Go fuck yourself loser.

First saw this when I was 13 and at the peak of my "ew girls can't be action stars" phase, but like five minutes in I'd already forgotten that and was cheering her on like I would any other action hero.
If this was made today, then Ripley would look like an instagram slut and be in some catsuit doing high kicks against dudes with 150 lbs on her.

>all these newfags just discovering Evangelion
But you are wrong. Misato is a weak willed woman that uses others to validate her insecurities as she projects them onto those same people in the form of anger.

>I'm telling bro. These are leagues better than any Nu trek bullshit out now. You can just sit somewhere quiet. Pick up a book and just get lost in them.

all star trek is shit outside of the original series and enterprise. next gen, ds9, voyager are all cancer. ALL the films are cancer, even the ones with the OG cast. i cant imagine ever reading a star trek book, what an absolute faggot suggestion. hyper soi.

>You're projecting you fucking twerp. I binged all of the Stargates. Watch them on Showtime then watched them on Sci-Fi. I know what the fuck im talking about. You clearly dont. Go fuck yourself loser.

I've watched the show 10+ times, + atlantis 5+ times + the commentaries for both 2-3 times. you dont know shit.

Mulan is best girl

I doubt you could ever pick up any book without immediately wanting to put them down. Call it a hunch


ripley worked because she was never presented or behaved like an 'action hero'. she was a survivor. she won by exploding the ship and escaping,

>I doubt you could ever pick up any book without immediately wanting to put them down. Call it a hunch

i read all of the star wars EU as it came out when i was a kid in the 90s/early 00s and even that was just pulp. nowadays i read multiple real books a week. cant imagine reading star trek novellas as an adult. absolute cringe. about as cool as reading Halo novels.

Liar. Sneed harder asshole

Uh huh

>never presented or behaved like an 'action hero'
She taped a flamethrower to a pulse rifle to fight the xenos and then fought the queen in a robot. That's going a bit farther than just surviving.


I already came to terms with normies liking NEG when the Liveaction was on the horizon. Get over it.

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Ellen Ripley
Sarah Connor

This is the official and complete list.

>She taped a flamethrower to a pulse rifle to fight the xenos and then fought the queen in a robot. That's going a bit farther than just surviving.

thats alien 3, the least popular of the series. i am talking about the first film, you know, the one that everyone universally likes.

But you're wrong. She has her own home, she pays for her own beer, she has a successful career and she can out shoot a tactical killteam with a fucking sidearm. Weak my ass.

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The ones that are actually well written as individuals and are shown to gain strenght through their own actions and overcoming trials and challenges. Women like Ellen Rippley, Sarah Connor, Buffy Summers, Nikkita, Clarice Stirling, Catherine Tramell, Echo, Sarah, Selene, Trinity...

Those are strong memorable characters that don´t need to remind the viewer they are women every 2 seconds.

Audio books don't count

I was talking about Aliens. See pic related

>Audio books don't count

audiobook adaptations of barney episodes count more than hardcover copies of star trek novels

>thats alien 3
"Aliens" actually, the 2nd installment of the franchise. That one was a straight up action film. Although you have to remember in "Aliens" she does sort of take on a maternal role by becoming Newt's protector, and in the final scene there's the parallel drawn between her wanting to protect Newt and the alien queen wanting to protect her own children so she isn't just some "generic meathead action hero #246" in that one either. IIRC in Alien 3 there was some kind of religious subtext, although I haven't seen it in over a decade so I can't say for sure.

you know how she interacts with Kaji and Shinji. She doesnt know how to compose herself, and shes filled with resentment because shes so insecure.

>star wars
>real books

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>women who totally kick ass but have emotional scars aren't strong
You've invalidating half the thread.


are you kidding me? The mark of a "strong" woman is measured in how much abuse they've experienced. Without suffering emotional trauma women wouldnt consider themselves strong because thats how they identify. "look at me so strong no man can hurt me...because ive already been hurt so much". If they were strong, they'd be smart. But they are weak willed creatures that require validation in order to cope with themselves.

This so much fucking this

>>star wars
>>real books
>when i was a kid

star wars novels have actually won many awards and usually hit the new york times best seller lists. they were more than acceptable for me to be reading in elementary and middle school.

where as you are suggesting adults read star trek novels. yikes.

he said female, not cartoon

The sexual organs line isn't the problem, Carter beating up a space mongol in melee combat is.

I unironically thought the biker grannies in Fury Road was a good touch.

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"strong" maybe but she was absolutely retarded and indefensible

Ally McBeal

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Yea Forums doesn't like any female character because it's too upset that a woman is going to be the President of the United States in 2020.

whatever happened to the remake

have they found a woman to run against hilary?

god i hope it doesnt happen

she worked because, even though she was smart and strong, all the other characters were strong in their regard.

Also O'Neill was ultra alpha, hard to overshadow.

most modern YASS QUEEN SLAAYY heroines have no strong counterpart/partner and just feel silly/unnatural

Acquire copulation


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I like that they start bragging about luring and killing passerbys to the wives and they are disgusted, they're too soft to know that it was necessary to survive and the grannies are too hardened to know that it was still a despicable act. I'm amazed that George Miller managed to make rape slaves seem less oppressed and victimized than television acts like all women are these days.

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any role of eva green. also the female lead of the amazing boomer show in pic related

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Short blonder flared hair makes me erect.

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>most modern YASS QUEEN SLAAYY heroines have no strong counterpart/partner and just feel silly/unnatural
Why can't heroines stand on their own without a "counterpart/partner"? Men are allowed to stand on their own.

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I cringe whenever I watch the first episode.

Yea Forums only like women (in general) if they are
>their politic views are either non existent or right-wing

that's it.

Or when they're sexily dominant and would take charge in bed and let you suck her toe if you're good.

That is only the jewish battalion.

She looked ugly as fuck in ds9 yet looks Thicc and qt in orville
Talk about fine wine black don't crack Butterface
She's even qter now she's so fat mummy
This and 00s big titty goth was my jam

Trinity was pretty cool desu.

because a stand alone female O'Neill squared feels silly/unnatural and with good reason.
that kind of character only works when it's balanced out by others

>"as it is now"
imagine being this much of a fuckup in life

>strength is measured by experience through personal trial and tribulation and keeping their shit together to fulfill their role and live life
Yes, you nailed it.

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>riding the cock carousal and thinking it makes you better equipped to live life

She was strong until season 9 then she starts crying all the time after she has her kid. She was even worse in season 10 and 11

based, #LarsGang

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Just a few I happen to enjoy

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That and they mostly kept her away from relationshit

The next time I need a tsundere magical girl retard that calls me all kinds of chan/kun names and wants her own bikini episode I'll give anime writers a call.

basically these

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How the hell is Rachel a strong character? She cries, gets raped by Harrison Ford and then runs off with him

star trek and stargate are now the reasons why i primarily find tomboys and dominant women far more attractive than normal women, thanks tv

A strong female character is treated as a strong female, not a man. Making her strong also shouldn't tell on making the men around her incompetent or weak. In fact, giving her competent men that listen to her and prove useful makes her seem stronger by default. Hollywood doesn't do this. She can be intelligent without being a doctor/scientist/alchemist, she can be strong without taking on a man three times her size, and she can be a good leader without making the men bad candidates for the leadership role. Basically, if you want to write a strong female, first you must write a man.

the majority of this list is absolute shit though

chloe > Max for that list

yes. especially misato.

> Rachael is presented to us as a mysterious and a seductive woman. She walks towards Deckard in a calculated stiffness, with her hand in her pocket, she introduces herself, sits down, and lights up a cigarette. In this particular moment she is very reminiscent of a stereotypical femme fatale type of character. As she holds the cigarette in between her long immaculately well polished fingers she transforms into a popular film noir actress. What is important to note in this image is how assuredly and gently she smiles at Deckard before she takes the test.
>he is presented as a cliché 1940’s movie star rather than someone with a unique identity which can be analysed though her appearance. Her hair is carefully styled and pinned up similar to that of a film noir actress. Her make-up, including her lipstick is meticulously and perfectly applied. She is dressed in a two piece black suite: a tight black pencil skirt and a well-tailored buttoned up jacket with high shoulder pads. She presents herself in rather formal and stiff attire which is accentuated by the small tie on her neck.
>As Rachael’s suspicion about her identity progresses she decides to escape and go against her creator Tyrell, going as far as shooting another replicant to save Deckard’s life. She is in a state of uncertainty about her future and seems distraught. It is quite evident that Rachael is no longer the perfect specimen we encountered in the first scene. She is taking on traits that are more human because she is becoming less perfect in her appearance as opposed to well composed and formally attired. In this scene she is still wearing the pencil skirt and the well-tailored buttoned up suit jacket; however, now we notice that the small tie around her neck has all of a sudden become loose and her eye make-up is running down her face.She is no longer the formal well-composed Rachael we first encountered as her appearance is slowly starting to change.

Episode one is fine. The one with the space Indians a few episode further though....


>everyone in old star trek had a personality (next generation mostly)
>terminator 1+2
> there was this action film with haley barrey
> some Spanish and Japanese films I cannot remember the names to.
>the british indie film with brie as the bad guy.

Wasn't she basically adult Pippi Longstocking

even sg-1 makes fun of that line

She was likable. That's it, don't turn you character into a condescending bitch or if you do make it a flaw instead of acting like being a smug cunt all the time is a good thing.


>That fuckwit from Life is Strange
>Fucking Rey

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>life isn't a cock carousal

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I mean, it is retarded. It was then and it is now. No boogeyman changes that

I doubt it. That's the point. It's a strong female done well instead of "YAAAAASSSSS KWEEEEEN SLAAAAAAY!"

One will protect you and become your wife forver, the other, out of jealousy, will try to rape you and then kill you, choose well

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I don't think anybody has a problem with women until they are made as physically powerful/capable as men without a good. explanation. Nobody minded Xena either.

Modern female action characters aren't feminine, that's the problem.

stepping out of 2010 are we?

Have a pity (you).

She looks like a tranny here.

This is what radfemmes don't understand.

I won't be upset as long as it's that hindu mommy with the /fa/ as fuck grey streak.

Anne Frank.

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Started watching from the beginning again (for about the 10th time in 5 years), and I regret nothing.
I will NEVER get bored of SG-1, it's just so fucking comfy.

No you're probably just low t

>Started watching from the beginning again (for about the 10th time in 5 years), and I regret nothing.
>I will NEVER get bored of SG-1, it's just so fucking comfy.

grats, your autism aligns with mine. have you watched the commentaries? they are also comfy.

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S1 Aeryn is best Aeryn

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Based, nu/tv/ absolutely btfo again.

>hurr if time travel then you guys would hate this thing you love
>if old thing was new thing you would complain
Everyone who uses these arguments should kill themselves

Alita and who is the other?

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>all those Metal Gear characters and one of them isn't the boss.


best female character + actress performance that ever existed

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You're overthinking it. The way to make is a strong female character is this: Make her hot, wear cute outfits and have a likable personality. Or if she's a villain, make her a seductive femme fatale who wears leather or something like that. The end.

For me its Tenaya (Power Rangers RPM)

In case anyone was wondering, RPM is pure fucking kino.

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Pretty much any of them made before 2010.

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You chimps might. The rest of us would enjoy the breath of fresh air.

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The movie was kinda dumb but I had an erection every time she was on screen for some reason

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You know nothing about Yea Forums. You've probably only been here a few months, if that.

This board was absolutely ruined in 2016. From both sides of the aisle.

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why not

>I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth. I am Death Incarnate, and the last living thing that you are ever going to see. God sent me.

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How can 2dlets even compete?

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Nahh only the DVD rips I downloaded years ago.
I have this cycle where I watch SG-1 then Atlantis back to back for a few months, then a few months later start again from the start.
I used to get real high with a friend at his house and watch random episodes and loved it, only watched the entire thing 5 years ago for the first time and now must be on at least my 11th watch through the whole thing.

I've tried watching Farscape, but always stop after a few episodes... taken me a few years to get onto season 2 or 3 of that.