Movie/tv related comics

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This is pretty hilarious.

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>Someone actually got triggered enough to make these

If it triggers /pol/, I support him.

Fuck this, going to the gym now.


>walls of text
woo lad

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sweet Reddit meme, bro! Welcome to 4channel!

Marvel movies suck dick lol
Bland ass cashgrabs and your seething comics don't change that

Imagine smoking weed and watching marvel movies when you could be reading The Great Gatsby. Very sad but there are many such cases.

>have sex


>tripfag thinks he can replicate based Quentin's moral crusade


It triggers no one, it's a parody fairly obvious to anyone but brainlets.

this is like if Quentin actually had autism. 3/10.

Quentin is a trans girl now

10/10 if only Disney could make kino this good.

THIS. I honestly became a liberal juat because it triggers /pol/

>wall of text
Weak ass bait, but I guess I'm taking it.

Isn't this guy just ripping off of Roasted Bread and Quentin?


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I can hardly imagine the autism needed to make this image

How does it feel like to be an NPC?

This one's genuinely heartwarming. If only all Yea Forums turbovirgs could be this happy.

>triggering an inanimate series of code lines

Found the Yea Forums manbabies.

I just lol'd

>drawn by Jeff Michael
So the guy who is supposed to be the cool one paid someone to draw this comic for him?

yeah, what’s your point?


Just doesn’t seem very cool

What a vivid fantasy dear lord, how lonely are you

What a coincidence I became /pol/ because it triggers liberals

imagine making all this

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this one hits too close

>commissioned by the marvel maniac tripfag
That explains a lot

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>old Yea Forums was all libertarian weed smoking atheists who liked cheap entertainment like comic book movies
>old Quentin was an anti-weed Christian who preferred more sophisticated works of art

>new Yea Forums is anti-weed, Christian, and hates anything popular
>new Quentin loves smoking weed and watching Marvel movies

it’s all come full circle

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Old Quentin wasn’t SEETHING when he made those, this new Quentin is shitting lava

exactly, the new Quentin is exactly the opposite of the old one

we’ve all traded places

The only good one.

Tastefully based and dangerously red pilled.