Still waiting for a sequel... not long right now... bros?

Still waiting for a sequel... not long right now... bros?

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give it 15 more years when hollywood might try to milk it for nostalgiafags

>nostalgia is bad

ive wasted my life

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its ok bro, we all have

im gonna do it. what am i in for?

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>A sequel is going to happen
>It has to
>Can't even get the Blu-Ray to the first one

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It's a silly movie with some fun moments.

why is there sphinx and pyramids in giza?

neat concept, subpar execution
came out before the capeshit fatigue set in, so you might not enjoy it as much today as when it came out

>They gotta make a sequel... just look at the world they built!

Oh no no no!

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Absolutely dear boy

Peak ASR

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we already kinda did

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it was a fucking travesty how badly they wrote Davy in that script. Hayden was great, but it wasnt anywhere near the heart wrenching sadness and loneliness that the book has.

the second book is where the crazy shit starts.

>this is who replies to your comments on here, thinking its a conversation

only via main phone never alternate

They are waiting for the actors schedules to clear up

Dude, antisemitism is disgusting. I know you probably think you're being funny, but you're not. You're being quite offensive. Sad.

thanks for sticking up for me user.

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why is it when ever someone mentions Jumper, some flaming faggot has to bring up Push. Push isnt even remotely in the same league and Jumper was only ok

we all know

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