ITT: Christ kino
Also this is a wholesome Roman Catholic thread. Byzantine brothers are welcome too.
ITT: Christ kino
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I like the painting but what was the point of starving 40 days and why was Jesus always 1-upping everyone.
First Reformed was solid and probably best of 2018
wonder who killed him? why would anyone crucify this guy?
>wonder who killed him?
the Roman empire
>why would anyone crucify this guy?
Western white european people are evil.
never forget what he endured. amen brothers
jewish delusion
street rep, had to prove how hard he was
set the stage for the ultimate temptation
>first for Lenny
>the Roman empire
that's like saying a hired executioner was responsible for beheading Ann Boleyn. the local Semites wanted him dead to the point of threatening unrest in the area. Pilate was just keeping the peace and did what the locals wanted, same with the two thieves crucified alongside him.
still seething about that whole goyim are equal to the chosen ones eh schlomo
haha LMFAO juxtaposed with Holy Father you sir have earned a new sub
what did Lenny mean by this?
was better than I expected- would compare to David Lynch stuff
>be John the baptist
>living my best life in bfe
>start baptizing people
>I'm pretty much God's favorite
>jews everywhere
>I'm baptizing everything in sight
>and this weird Nazarene is staring me down
>he squares up with me
>he finally speaks- "Step aside bro"
>I figure he's crazy and move to baptize him anyway
>and BAM a fucking sun ray comes down from the heavens on this guy's head
>like how could anyone compete with this guy?
>he laughs as the crowd pushes me away in revulsion
>he's crowd surfing and I'm a loser. again.
>absolute showoff 1-upper
>winks at me, smiling, "I am the Way, bro"
>we want Barabbas!
okay, what about him?
>lol crucify him!
something nebulous about tolerance
Lutheran master race reporting
All lies.
there should be a movie centered on Pilate, if it hasn't been done
Stay still
then he got beheaded by the mayor's wife because he called her out for being a whore, ouch!
>muh latin
>muh indulgences
>"what do you Hollywood kikes want now???"
this line was a little over the top, even for Mel
John the Baptist knew Jesus before birth. John the Baptist was one of three people born without sin. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and knew who Jesus is.
I'm a Jew just like Jesus was. Can I stay?
>leave Christian cinema to me
there's that too, good catch brother
behold the elect of G*d
>run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the moses man I'm the moses man the moses man as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the moses man I'm the moses man the moses man as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the moses man I'm the moses man the moses man
Christ fags are so cringe
Prot flicks hurt the faith I'll never watch them.
you can stay but if you stay you can never leave deal? no takebacks. kol nidre can't save you.
>kol nidre
I'm impressed you even know about kol nidre.
I like this
>kol nidre
On the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, God forgives you for that year's sins. Kol Nidre in a nutshell is a part of the service where all vows, oaths, and promises you took in the last year but failed to keep are voided.
like user said, it's supposed to get you off the hook for oathbreaking. the way I understand it, it applied to only those oaths that affect you on a personal level, between you and God; and it's not meant to get you off the hook for breaking a promise that will negatively impact other people. one way or another, western europeans smarted up about kol nidre (whether it's antisemitism or Jews abusing their own laws, or both) and became wary of trusting Jews to make promises in good faith. Christians knew that Jewish law had a tendency to split hairs on established Gentile customs, and didn't want to get burned by a kol nidre type loophole.
The Agony and the Ecstasy
Based and Lennypilled
Pretty much. The actual meaning has been debated to death for hundreds of years. Growing up, I was taught it applied to personal oaths, in other words getting off the hook for not fulfilling your new year's resolutions etc.
Historically, I don't see how any Jew could get away with it when it came to promises and business matters. Maybe Jews would argue that for their rabbis to decide, but I can't imagine a Jew trying to weasel out of something to a Christian and then citing Kol Nidre.
*tips hammer*
>Ramses look at my drawingsssss
>look at my little drawings on the papyrusss
haha yeah he was a great guy
good thing those guys who wanted him dead aren't around anymore! man that would suck
In fact, some early Gnostic sects of Christianity venerated Pilate for precisely this reason. Some even venerated Judas because of his direct role in effecting the redemption of mankind by turning in Christ to the authorities.
As far as I'm aware, no where in matthew, mark or luke say that John and Mary were born without sin. I havent read John yet though
>who cares if you live a sinful life? Lol you're justified in all sorts of degeneracy because muh grace
>why was Jesus always 1-upping everyone.
>It is admitted that the doctrine [of Immaculate Conception] as defined by Pius IX was not explicitly noted before the 12th century. It is also agreed that "no direct or categorical and stringent proof of the dogma can be brought forward from Scripture"
Apparently it was a Medieval Theologian thing
Jesus and John were bros 4 lyfe. What would have happened if John didn't die?
they were cousins and new each other you dunce, also John knew this was gonna happen, it was all part of their plan
Those darn medieval theologians
What happened to him after the whole Jesus incident anyway?
Bro 40 days isn't even that long of a fast bro. Don't you know after 10 days your body starts making water from the air you breathe? It's true bro, I saw it on Joe Rogan.
I think Peter Powell played that magic myth man based
>was getting beheaded part of your plan?
>striking me down will only make me stronger
Wow Jews made up a cheap trick to get away with being evil. Typical. Christians have to actually get back in proper relation with God and the person they wronged. Jews don't care about that. This is exactly what Jesus was preaching against: neglect of your fellow man.
Good job criticizing antinomianism instead of actual Lutheran/Reformed doctrine.
Franco Zeffirellis Jesus of Nazareth is pure kino and its never mentioned in Christ Kino discussions
Sequel when?
>Like its at all real
Christianity had enough infighting anyway and I wouldn't be surprised if courts when out of their way to mischaracterize kol nidre just to be on the safe side.
watch The Robe
>Christians have to actually get back in proper relation with God and the person they wronged.
>he doesn't know about indulgences
Burton was Based in this , pretty much like all his work
Low IQ Catholic detected
I cant keep up with the millions splintered protty churches and their autism
Church Fathers later hashed it out based on the scriptures and church later adopted Immaculate Conception as dogma. Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is Catholic dogma. Protestants and Eastern Orthodox I think reject that doctrine. John was baptized in the womb. Not sure if that was ever codified as dogma as him being conceived in sin but born without sin.
There are traditions that he converted to Christianity and died a Saint, but who knows.
>Punished Pilate, a man deprived of Truth
>indulgences never happened
How embarrassing.
Silence was kino
oh he and Jesus had some plans
Jewish conspiracy theory
Same level as flat earth but more widespread
Fuck romans and fuck Catholics, may christ show you the true way(Christianity)
Passolini's The Gospel According to St. Matthew
daamn holy father look like that??
Typical retard Protestant doesn't understand Catholics are Christian.
based retard
>Christ kino
This scene is pretty kino tbqh.
"Protestants. People 'sort of' want a religion."
Puritan kino when? Do I have to make my own movie of King Phillips War starring Arnie Hammer titled WASP: Origins?
>ITT: Christ kino
The Jesus Film
Passion of the Christ (taken in moderation)
Bros why didn't Jesus resurrect John the Baptist?
Moses was a cunt, and so was his death worshipping god
They're cited throughout Luther's 95 Theses, but I can give you specific examples from history if you really want. "De Indulgentiis et Jubilaeo" by Bellarmine from 1599 is one.
every Pilate scene, just like the books brother!
It's like Catholic fanfiction. But Scorcese is Catholic, so...
John and Jesus were total bros, anons
What so he could get his head cut off again? John deserves peace and he found that in heaven. What’s done is done.
>cheer up Johnny, you have a good head on your shoulders
At least it would make for a good comedy.
>Herod: Well I said I'd get you his head on a platter. Not my problem what happens afterwards. It was a one time deal, lady!
>Roastie: B-but...!
lol now picturing a filthy, bouncing, tubby 4ft tall John the Baptist working the Galilee crowds to maximum hype
>quid est veritas?
Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Catholicism is of satan. Protestantism is Catholicism Lite. That said,
>Said 2,000 years ago that the dead bodies of God's two witnesses in the end times would be seen by everyone on earth.
>Said 2,000 years ago that no one would be able to buy or sell without a mark in their right hand or forehead, received by those eternally damned who worship the beast and his image when he uses miracles to deceive everyone except true Christians into believing that he is God.
>Foretold exactly how Cyrus would overthrow Babylon 150 years before Cyrus was born.
>Foretold Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Roman empires in order, a well as Antiochus Epiphanes and others before they existed.
>Described dinosaurs (Behemoth and Leviathan) in book of Job.
>Said that the earth is a circle that hangs on nothing and that in its center is hell.
>66 books written by 40 authors over 1,500 years and all foretell Jesus.
>Foretold false religions being brought by satan pretending to be an angel (Mormonism and Islam).
>Every contradiction claimed against it turns out to be false when researched and is usually someone's lack of reading ability.
>So hated by satan's globalists that they planned in the 60's and before to have the KJV altered to help bring in a one world religion, exactly as it foretold:
>Exposes scientific fraud and basic fallacies of evolution in front of three professors who can't refute any of it:
>All you have to do to avoid hell, have a permanent ticket to heaven, and have Christ's righteousness imputed to you is: know you have sinned, know your works won't save you, and believe that Jesus, the son of God, died and was bodily brought back to life again three days later as a payment for your sins.
This nigga...
>Dumb Christians destroy the last traces of Indo-European polytheism in Europe
Will Smith: Hol up hol up hol up... You be sayin that this guy's the MESSIAH? Naw naw naw. Ain't no Messiah comin up in MY lifetime!
John: FOR REAL MAN! This guy is LEGIT! He's the bomb! He's the way AND the truth... AND THE LIFE, DAWG!
Sneed: redpilled
Mate, I’ll be honest. You’re actually very sound and logical, but this isn’t the place to argue. Because of the anonymity feature, no one will take arguments serious, they argue based on little merit, and nitpick at the little things, like misspellings and blatant ad hominems. Don’t actually spend the time to argue, cope paste your response and save it for later if you really want. Reddit is actually better for arguments, because there is a form of accountability on the account creation system. None exists here.
You know what? Fuck you.
yes there's zero possibility of WASP or any white heritage film portrayed as anything but problematic and xenophobic but let us know when yours is done
Coming back to this trilogy as a Christian rather than Atheist memelord and the movie reveals things that are now obvious.
I sometimes fell for the critiques made against the movies but have later understood that these were shit opinion only to be discarded.
Lotr trilogy is a masterpiece and a gift.
Jupitors Cock
why has no one mentioned what the Romans gave us ?
Seething fedora-man
Did you ever post online as an edgy atheist? Got any good posts you cringe about?
Sinners, it was sinners who killed him, and remember he forgave them as well, so unless you want to go against Jesus teachings you should not keep hate or evil in your heart either.
Pasolini you fucking retard
God forgives and sorts them out in the afterlife
as for me...
get a load of this false prophet
>openly homosexual
umm user, you got catholicism mixed up with prodestantism
I almost never post so no.
But if I did it would be the same shit that people write about currently.
Understanding movies as "action" only, which narrows the communication of film down to a very narrow interpretation.
Now I care more about good symbolism, or some sort of ideological reveal or stuff like that. Understanding liturgy and old storytelling reveals deeper sophistication in strong work.
Look what they did to my boy!
*laughtrack erupts*
And your opinion on BvS is...?
It's trash. Stop memeing
it's cool to rewatch and compare to what your younger self took away