Why haven't you seen this year's Palme d'or yet user?

Why haven't you seen this year's Palme d'or yet user?

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Isn't the director a massive SJW?

Because it hasn't released in my country yet. I bet the Korean rip will be up before it releases.

>Isn't the director a massive SJW?

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>Palme d'or

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based basedposter

>bong joon ho

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Hasn't released in my country yet and there isn't a proper rip out, how the fuck should i watch it then

>he didn't get invited to cannes

no, actually

because I dont live in France

>Palme d'or
how do you pronounce that

it's no star wars or capeshit so no

palm(ə) dɔʁ

palme dor

palm da or
get on the floor
everybody walk the dinosaur

Is this a live action version of the animu?

Pelma dquohwr

i got banned for spoiling this movie lmao

palm dorr

>You should financially support people that hate you

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I have. it's the best movie of the decade.

>implying you pay for anything ever
Your parents money doesn't count, either.

Is that the same korean dude who's in all the good korean movies?

>choi whoo shik
>park so damn

lmao, i fucking love korean names


It will be playing at Karlovy Vary tomorrow for all you eastern europoors

I thought pic related was great

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Better than The Tree of Life?

Hasn't come out in my country yet but I will watch it as soon as it does

song kang ho? yeah

so you didn't watch snowpiercer, got it

Palm day-or

Brian De Palma Ore

Are you joking? Yes.

just saw the premiere at a cinema in melbourne
was fucking mint.
like a better version of shoplifters with stronger themes and comedy, with great writing.
best gookshit in a long while

What the fuck do you mean am I joking?

Better than Burning?

Better than Jagten and The Great Hotel Budapest?

Don't get your panties in a twist Terry

Hope so. I didn't like Burning that much, still solid film tho

ph~~alm' d'oh rrrh


I did it was his worst film but I didn't notice z massive SJW message coming across, just a bad movie.

>uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh capitalism isn't real guys

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But I did and it was really great

because the showing was too early for me so I went to see Men in Black instead

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