This was the stupidest, ugliest mess of a film I've seen in years. Endless introductory sequences where scientists babble about equilibrium and milquetoast family trouble that could only come from the minds of painfully average white men, cringe-inducing quips mumbled by actors who couldn't give less of a shit, by-the-numbers scenes trying to stir emotions long dead in the hearts of the viewers. The monster fights are the worst part. Ugly, trashing, too eager to please the MCU-minded fanbase who wants Godzilla to be the next superhero, and absolutely weightless on account of the film ignoring the sheer consequences of the creature's sizes whenever there's a human character around. Cowardly, directionless, without message or heart, with the ugliest, fattest motherfucker starring as Godzilla. No wonder you all liked it.
This was the stupidest, ugliest mess of a film I've seen in years...
Other urls found in this thread:
We know its you, Anguirus. Stop being mad that you aren't in the movie.
God, I wanna rewatch that scene already
What's with these overly critical threads popping up? I thought the first movie was better desu, but it's nowhere nearly as bad as OP says.
It was unironically kino
it was a fucking travesty
what, all 10 seconds of it?
>Hey remember me? It's the girl with the powers from that series that buried the 80s! I'm on this movie running around somewhere! Here I smile, an ant before a behemoth that destroyed San Francisco and it's in the process of decimating another city. I smile, because I'm confident that the resulting struggle between beasts of impossible size will result not only in my own survival, but in the human race's as well. He was a good friend.
Fuck you, I loved that scene.
that's because you are an idiot
fuck I want to punch her stupid face every time i see this image
>Hello, yes, it's me, America's favorite asian Uncle Tom Ken Watanabe. You're probably wondering why I'm in this movie at all, but hear me out, you would believe in Godzilla too if you had received a fat paycheck like the one I did. I spend the whole time explaining things to my white peers, waxing wisdom like I'm Miyagi and poking fun at what I have become with a joke about a fortune cookie that nobody in the theater laughed at. They did laugh when I said "Godzilla" one too many times, though, because nobody gets a white american going like a japanese man having an accent.
also fuck niggers n jannies
>r/asianmasculinity absolutely SEETHING
This bitch outruns point blank gravity beams from all three of Ghidorah's heads at once and this is what you choose to complain about?
I made this for you
>Hello, walking piece of wonderbread Kyle Chandler speaking. How do you do? I'm not doing so bad myself all things considered. My incredibly average face and build, which I had long considered a curse, have actually become my most treasured gift. Thanks to this unassumingly boring appareance I can easily blend in all kinds of blockbusters without being noticed, my features a blank slate for the average American to see themselves as without being too threatened by charisma, good looks or anything resembling a personality. Plus this here movie's dramatic arc is really something, see, I assume the role of a father with a stranged wife and kid! After a tragedy she became involved with the equivalent of James Bond villainy while I hit the bottle, and somehow I ended up the most pathetic of the two. You'll know I have a place on this family at all because at the very beggining my daughter almost sends me an e-mail. I'm Kyle Chandler!
Imagine being this much of an NPC brainlet
>Greetings. Charles Dance here. People love to remark how I almost fell asleep while watching this movie, but they never mention how I also starred in it while unconscious.
>reposting just to insert greentext
Are you making this so you can upload it to reddit later or something?
Who knew something as simple as a Godzilla movie could trigger such an autistic reaction.
>a series of bad jokes causes harry curly moe (codename: giordono) and their friends to be woken from their cryogenic slumber party, so a japanese guy with a reptile fetish nukes ohmygodzilla in the face at his lizard house which gives him heartburn. this motivates godzilla enough to take on the 3 stooges. After almost being defeated by more bad jokes he snorts the angel dust remains of his side girl and eats some giordono's pizza which somehow cures his heartburn. The stooges buddies then recognize godzilla as the king of good jokes.
I may be just venting, but I'm also a perfectionist.
I sure do love when zoomers who just read a bunch of wiki crap before seeing the movie tell me I'm not a fan because I didn't eat up this capeshit garbage.
>But bro, you don't understand! It's cool because it's Burning Godzilla! And Oxygen Destroyer!
Yes, it is so cool that your creatively bankrupt Hollywood flick reused elements from past films while throwing away the contexts that gave those things any significance.
Never thought the day would come that I could be snooty about fucking Godzilla, but here it is.
>Hello, this is Vera Farmiga checking in. Please don't misinterpret my attempts to give life to this wasteland of a script as signs that somebody gave a damn about this movie at any point. I'm just here to remind the average American how no matter the threats that tomorrow brings, we as humans can always stand united on one thing and one thing only, and that's hating women with a passion. So don't worry if you see me having an agenda and being the only human character with any substance, because all my determination will melt like snow in summer over the runtime, and it will turn out I was never an adult and I was just responding to the trauma of losing my child, which my alcoholic slob of a husband handled better if only by not turning into Dr No.
How long are you going to keep seething?
But these monster movies were always fucking trash. A reason to go to a dark room with your girlfriend without chaperones. Just because your whole experience of the old movies and the rehashed versions is alone on a TV or PC screen doesn't make them literature or quality entertainment.
It's garbage, but enjoyable.
Fuck, this thread reminded me of how much I enjoyed this movie and can't wait for the 4k release.
ya seethe
ya boil
ya frustrated
ya shook
ya perturbed
ya livid
ya just plain finna mad
Best thread in a while. I fell asleep during monster fights.
>ITT: Feminist from Reddit rants about her convoluted reasons to hate the best movie of the year without admitting she's jealous of Zhang Ziyi.
>that series that buried the 80s
Lmao the 80s are shit, grow up
Japan loved it despite hating 1998 and 2014. Critics hated it because they're fags like OP. Most awe-inspiring movie of the year by far.
I think you just admitted that the only reason you like this movie is because of your waifu being in it
>bro le gf le ur incel le have sex le it was always bad xD
Retarded zoomer.
No, the only thing I didn't like about the movie was the lack of scenes with my wife.
mothra deserves her own movie
She's not the only reason I liked it, but she's definitely the biggest reason why white roasties hate this movie.
>40 years old
The only thing I really didn't like was that the BGM was too often drowned out by SFX and dialog. I can watch any of the classic Godzilla movies on my shitty TV and sound system at home and hear the score better than I could watching KOTM in IMAX.
Japs seemed to really like Rodan in this movie
I would get your point if she was a romantic interest or something but she's just a side character who sort of stands around and no one really even comments on her. Probably just included to bring in Chinese sales. I don't think roasties really notice that kind of thing.
I saw this movie in Japan. When she called the white woman a bitch all the women in the theater politely clapped. Making any kind of noise during a movie is completely unheard of in this country.
Rodan was easily my favorite, his introduction was amazing
My opinion of this movie is completely smeared by the fact that the theater I went to left the lights on for the first half hour or something of the movie and I could barely see anything besides Miley in the kitchen because everything else was DARK and faded out by the light being on.
stopped reading at "white man"... go back to the sewers lester
The white dudes are all liberal so I don’t know why you’re getting mad
needed more best girl
The thing that pissed me off about GKotM was the lack of the little fairy twins that sing to Mothra.
It is my third favorite Godzilla film, right behind The original Gojira (1954), and Shin Godzilla (2016)/
Actually read that in Tywin Lannister’s voice
There wasn’t nearly enough monsters beating the shit out of each other and the humans were all annoying and boring. At least the main dude was CIA-tier.
The fact they teased King Kong about 20 times and never showed him was super annoying, as was the fact Godzilla didn’t pummel any of the other monsters
This movie is the big budget Godzilla monster mash I've been waiting for but Shin Godzilla is superior from a thematic standpoint. Both are great for what they are and remind me of the dichotomy between Ang lee's HULK (Shin) and The Incredible Hulk (G:KOTM). Both compliment each other nicely!!!FACT!!!
the twins are in the movie though, even if they don't sing
The waifu-tier characters in Godzilla movies are rarely romantic interests though. And yes, roasties notice these types of things- especially after she called the divorced white lady keeping her daughter away from the father a bitch.
"Subarashii komento da"
Zhang Ziyi's character(s) will probably have a more prominent role in the next movie with Mothra's egg. And to be fair, no Shobijin could ever live up to The Peanuts, since that role was pretty much created for them.
what board would be the best to ask for excel-related questions
She looks like a perfect mix between Claire Underwood and that one milf that does all the lesbian stepdaughter scenes
Kyle Chandler be like
Probably /biz/
/g/ is more knowledgeable but they'll just give you shit for not knowing the answers already and using Microsoft
>Probably /biz/
the thing is that it's not business related, there aren't even any numbers. /g/ would probably give me even more shit because of that. thanks though
>destroyed San Francisco
Fuck, I'd be happy too
How many times did you watch the movie to create this analysis
>and everyone clapped
Why was the theatre so beta that no one immediately complained to the management?
wait if I post it on /g/ would it go against the whole
>not your tech support rule?
I'm so fucking lost I've barely ever touched excel so it'd involve at least a minimum level of handholding
Based, just based.
>First movie I've seen in at least the last decade that I really, really enjoyed
>It bombed horribly
Sorry you are retarded user, movie was great
This, did we jynx it saying it'd defeat endgame?
>it's another Godzilla is fat meme
Go watch some actual Godzilla movies in Japan you fucker. Even look at the most recent Japanese Godzilla
I think your response indicates that not only are you the mad one, but he also struck a nerve
It sucked. Once again, stupid humans dragged down the pacing.
>all these fags hating on a movie comprised of pure soul and love for the series
Yea Forums is dead
It sucked. Once again, stupid giant monsters dragged down the quips.
Godzilla series is 100% soul.
>white men used as a negative
Well your opinion means less than a bucket of shit now
Based Yea Forumschad laying the Smackdown on OPettey
You realize this shitty movie had more quips than monster fights right?
Yes. Also they gave Godzilla an AoE attack that wins the day. Great. That's what G fans want. An AoE to victory. Forget long shot scenes of extended monster fighting. Forget Godzilla wining via breath weapon or shear might. No. Give him a pulse power like they did to Wonder Woman and Black Panther.
Monster movies are like porn. Please don't fuck it up with close-ups, cut-aways, and obscuring the action. Once the fighting starts, show it. They had great ideas and beautiful posing shots in this movie but they fucked up the fights.
God, I love him so much.
He literally won via breath weapon at the end you dumb fag
The Peanuts were the best Shurijen.
The Rebirth of Mothra trilogy had some good ones.
Tokyo S.O.S., as well.
Thank you for your kind reply.
It was a tip of the hat, but they were third generation Monarch employee twins, not Shurijen.
everyone wanted to see it...but then James gave it a lukewarm review. Most people don't care about the critics when it comes to godzilla movie...they only care about James opinion, a known curator of Godzilla films. He said it wasn't bad, but you can tell he had mixed opinions about it. And nobody is going to see a movie based on the "lukewarm" reception. Godzilla 2 will flop.
Autism at its finest
wins via AoE
Anyone who says the first movie was better forgets that Godzilla doesn’t appear until 55 minutes in then vanishes until 80 minutes in for a 7 minute dark cgi mess of a final fight
Movie of the Year
This fucker doesn't matter. First he complained about CGI but then Japanese did the same so now he only pretends that Legendary Godzilla is not real Godzilla. Also bad weather or something.
So if Legendary doesn't show up to Comic Con Godzilla will still be represented because Toho will visit it for the first time ever. I wonder if we're gonna hear some big announcement one thing is certain. Toho is much more active than ever before with their property. There's news about another Godzilla-related product every week.
Anyone who says the first movie was better is capable of critical thought and examining more aspects of the movie besides monster screentime.
>You don't need to tell me about the prototype, I designed it
They used this trope in the 2014 one too
Ya seethe?
Ya boil?
Ya brew?
Ya steamin?
Ya worked?
Ya heated?
Ya simmer?
Ya froth?
Ya pissed?
Ya finna cry?
Ya worked yaself into a shoot ya pinhead.
Ya ain’t finna make it here with the wolves, kid.
>a known curator of Godzilla films
You fucking wish James.
He prefers Kong anyway. A rare thing these days.
No wonder people call him a cuck.
I wanted a red spiral ray spam like when he kills space Godzilla
Just continuous shooting as he’s down until he explodes
Assuming the Monsterverse lasts that long I think a Mothra solo movie is pretty much a given.
We'll be really blessed if they even make the rumored Destroy All Monsters. Toho and Legendary are planning something but yet another big budget movie may be too much for them so they better wrap this up in 2020 and then maybe come back to the series later if they can.
based seething user
It has a worldwide gross of well over $300 million with a budget of $200 million. Dark Phoenix, on the other hand, had the same budget, but barely made that back at the box office.
I think if they focus on making GvK a little less cringe worthy they might have a chance to take off again, I don't understand why they decided to make it so fucking marvel-like. Sure, Kong had already lots of quips but it was a different kind of movie with a different cast, KoTM should've been more serious, I hope they don't give in to the critic's pressure for the next stuff.
He's had the nuclear pulse ability since 1989 you massive faggot.
According to recent estimates KotM might make modest profit even before home release (it's already on streaming services in Korea so expext a torrent soon). China is giving the movie extended run which is something they almost never do (they did it for Venom for example).
kek he fucking recommended Godzilla vs King Ghidorah as a good movie for newcomers to the series. I love that movie, but it's a total memefest that is almost entirely about Godzilla. King Ghidorah is just a plot device in that movie.
Name one aspect of G2014 that was better than KOTM.
>doctors hate him!
King Kong is a perfect example of what not to do with a film icon: Let it languish with almost no new material added to the property for decades until nobody cares about it anymore except as a tie-in with another film property originally inspired by the first property.
Military scenes. I can't think of anything else but I do like G'14 at least now when I watch it at home.
Yeah I loved it.
I liked Shin Godzilla more.
Both the human plot, and Godzilla himself.
The human plot in Godzilla 2 was really horrible. Ready Player One levels of bad.
History would've been different if Cooper and Schoedsack were given the budget to make an even bigger sequel to King Kong like they wanted. Instead Son of Kong is something relatively obscure that I didn't know about until adulthood and Kong is definitely not a franchise monster.
For me, it's Godzilla Final Wars
So the worst parts of G2014 were better than the worst parts of KOTM?
But it's not Disney, user. That means it's automatically good and worth shilling.
The direction. KotM looked like a tv show, like the actors are being shot on a cheap sound stage set. The cinematography; KotM does have some great shots, but 14 is the better looking movie on the whole. The sound mixing, the score in KotM was actually great but aside from the classic theme almost all music in the movie is drowned out by the sound effects. The human cast in 14 is simply boring, whereas the KotM cast is unbearable. And finally, the much-vaunted monster screentime in KotM is broken up into seconds-long beats surrounded by shots of talentless actors reacting to them. 14 spent over an hour keeping the monster fight from the audience, but when the fight comes the segments are longer than KotM's.
> t. seething roastie
Roastie got toastie
I know that pretty much all Godzilla movies have large human elements and a lot of human scenes, having that much time dedicated to them alone can be forgiven. But they did it so poorly. The G-Force were obnoxious with shitty the quips and contrived plot points, Charles Dance was in good form as always but his traitor female scientist comrade was insufferable. I flat out gave no shits about Stranger Things girl.
Godzilla had more screen time which was good. Fights were somewhat better than in 2014 but they felt much worse because of human involvement
Cinematography, sense of scale, Godzilla not needing people to beat up the other monsters, less major human characters, no obnoxious puns and one-liners, no human-gets-saved-by-Godzilla-at-the-last-moment over and over again. Not saying 2014 is a masterpiece or the other bad, but I rewatched the former a couple of hours before the 2019 one and the difference between the two is unbelievable.
>Godzilla not needing people to beat up the other monsters
kotm was far from the first godzilla movie to do this
Is Skull Island worth a watch?
>but 14 is the better looking movie on the whole
really negro?
>Oh my God
>Godzilla not needing people to beat up the other monsters
Yes I love it when the humans who take up 90% of the screentime ultimately have no impact on the resolution of the plot.
Yes, surprisingly better than both Godzillas. John C Riley has best character arc
This movie was genuinely awful. Kino monster sequences, but they kept focusing on a family I didn't give a shit about.
>Godzilla not needing people to beat up the other monsters
But he did, he gets pounded by the MUTOs until ATJ blows up the egg sac and distracts them
unironically this, fuck disney
I don't know about "better than both Godzillas" but John C. Reilly's character really was probably the shining point of K:SI's human action. The rest of the human cast is okay (with the glaring exception of Hiddleston and Brie, who really both had no reason to even be there)
This, Godzilla's had a nuclear pulse for years. Most notably Godzilla 2000, where he goes off like an atom bomb to kill Orga
How much of a NPC do you have to be to be "awed" by serviceable CGI in 2019?
That gif is fantastic compared to anything in KotM though. Nothing in it conveys the scale of the Kaiju like your own gif.
This movie is a love letter to the Toho series. You can tell all the cynical faggots shitting on it have no sense of the history it's built on & paying tribute to. Shameful.
>oxygen destroyer in 1950
a weapon of mass destruction and a parable for an atomic weapon. a weapon that would destroy all life in tokyo bay (e.g. a billion dollar fishing industry, the lifeblood of tokyo and a large section of food for millions of people). using the oxygen destroyer against godzilla is exactly what using nuclear power is as a prediction.
this prediction came true in 2009 during the fukushima nuclear power plant that irradiated hundreds of miles of tokyo area. forcing the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people and forever ruining fishing anywhere near there.
2019 oxygen destroyer:
a bomb. it goes blam. nothing happens. why didnt they just use a nuke?
context makes a film. ripping off things does nothing except remind the audience how cheap and shitty your knockoff reboot is.
biggest female villian in a film ever?
worse than female hitler. she actually caused double digit millions to die instantly.
t. retards
>muh scale
A human walks up and touches Godzilla in KOTM and you nerds are still bitching about how the movie doesn't scale them properly or whatever. King Ghidorah and Rodan even eat people.
>2019 oxygen destroyer:
>a bomb. it goes blam. nothing happens. why didnt they just use a nuke?
I'm sorry but did we watch the same movie?
It's funny that you're calling others retards when your post is so incredibly stupid. You don't understand at all.
>This movie is a love letter to the Toho series.
Indeed, it's very clearly the work of a fanboy. Unfortunately, as all the defenders of the movie show, a fanboy is an emptyheaded cocksucker who will ignore all flaws in their favorite thing in favor of glorifying what they like in it. A real fan is able to judge critically, seeing the weakness in their favorite thing while being able to enjoy the good and great Dougherty only cared about the monsters and as such was willing to let every other aspect of KotM be shit.
It was average. Better than 2014 for sure but nothing close to Shin Godzilla
Brand New OC
The humans should not have influence over Godzilla.
The human characters are supposed to have things called "emotional arcs"
>Unfortunately, as all the defenders of the movie show, a fanboy is an emptyheaded cocksucker who will ignore all flaws in their favorite thing
Really? So everyone defending KOTM is just a dumb fanboy who is ignoring all of its flaws? I have several criticisms of the movie, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go as far as say G2014 was better, because it wasn't. G2014 was so bad that many industry analysts are attributing KOTM's box office underperformance at least partially to the bad taste that movie left in the mouths of the general public. I could even go as far as to dismiss you as a contrarian faggot since you actually claimed that G2014 looked better than anything from KOTM, when G2014 has been widely criticized for being grey, drab, dark, and colorless. It's almost impossible to tell what is happening in most scenes with Godzilla. G2014 is Bayformers trying to be Spielberg.
>but muh kino cinematography
Yes go ahead and post your cinegrid of the ebin halo drop and other cowadooty scenes from G2014. All of the good shots from KOTM had monsters in them.
>why didnt they just use a nuke?
You barely even need passing knowledge of the Godzilla franchise to know why that wouldn't work.
The rest is pure autism, but Charles Dance really phoned it in
godzilla took a nap after the oxygen destroyer. the thing did fuck-nothing.
Roughly my feelings. Monster action was spectacular but the human action, while serviceable, wasn't as good as it really should have been given the cast, and certain elements like the Oxygen Destroyer and Serizawa's sacrifice got glossed over far too quickly
>The humans should not have influence over Godzilla.
Plenty of Toho films where humans influence Godzilla one way or the other (using lightning to wake him up in Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster, mutating him further in GvKG'91, etc.)
They should definitely have emotional arcs but that doesn't mean their storylines should be completely divorced from the monsters aside from occasionally getting stepped on
Besides that,
nigga i meant on ghidora, not on godzilla
if your main titular monster takes a nap during a movie you are doing it wrong.
I thought he did pretty okay though his role was so small it really didn't need anything other than him acting tired and sardonic
Never noticed Big G taking off his leg
godzilla uses nuclear power to destroy ghidora
humans could have used nuclear bomb to destroy ghidora
makes sense.
torrent when?
Have you ever seen a Godzilla movie before? In almost every Godzilla movie, the human characters have their own plotline that intersects with the kaiju plotline by the end of the movie. The humans usually come in clutch to help Godzilla defeat his enemy, or vice versa. There may be a few exceptions, but the humans almost always exist to set up the plot, and contribute to its resolution. Their "emotional arcs" and motivations are usually something simplistic. The problem with G2014 is that the humans simply react to what the monsters are doing for most of the movie. The actions of humans offscreen don't even indirectly cause the appearance of the monsters, unlike in Godzilla 1954. The only significant action taken by a human in G2014 was the main character burning the MUTO eggs.
calm down, already seen it in imax
I just wanna watch it again at home
i don't understand, does that mean you can't enjoy it anymore? did the low numbers cause you to unsee the movie? are they not releasing it to home video? they already made the movie and you watched it. they're even making another one. what's the issue? are you the director?
>Nukes don't work on Godzilla and outright power him up
>Nukes didn't work on the MUTOs
>"Let's try nuking these two new monsters we know nothing about, what could go wrong?"
It's not rocket science
>Jesus took a nap after the Romans crucified Him.
>In less words OP still cannot stop sucking elephant cock
>No Maguma
0/10 worse movie ever
>The problem with G2014 is that the humans simply react to what the monsters are doing for most of the movie.
i didn't find this problematic. i thought they were boring, but they were just regular people witnessing the events unfolding, it was immersive.
they literally put a nuke under the muto nest in the 2014 movie
are you retarded? its time to take your retarded pills.
Still the monster we haven't seen for the longest time.
>retard retort because you know i'm right
ok then. try harder. godzilla took a nap. its canon in the film. 1950s oxy destroyer murdered godzilla. why nerf the oxy destroyer?
Any day now thanks to Korea.
I liked the young soldiers, they had good chemistry
It nearly killed him but he managed to survive by diving to Atlantis. Ghidorah survived with no problem (doesn't need oxygen?) so the weapon is definitely nerfed but Godzilla nearly died. Then after Serizawa healed him he absorbed so much radiation that it would've killed him if not for Mothra's sacrifice. So Dougherty wanted to recreate both deaths of Godzilla without killing him.
>What's up guys, Thomas Middleditch in the house! If you didn't think my faux enthusiastic entrance was funny just wait until you have to endure me for the better part of this film, where I put my years of comedic experience in films such as Captain Underpants or huh Verizon commercials to good use delivering knee-slapping timeless jokes such as: saying gonorrhea instead of Godzilla, looking incredibly slappable, and many more until I'm basically written off!
>they were just regular people witnessing the events unfolding
Really? Because I watched that movie, and barely witnessed anything unfolding, since the background character known as Godziller or something was only in it for a few minutes.
They said that it could take years for Godzilla to fully recover without nuking him, so I guess a coma is just a really long nap.
>why nerf the oxy destroyer?
Yeah I wonder why the director decided to not kill off Godzilla halfway into the movie titled "Godzilla: King of the Monsters."
>ur stoopid
>no UR STUPEED!!!!
Okay. Now I know you're baiting.
>they literally put a nuke under the muto nest in the 2014 movie
If by "they" you mean the MUTOs themselves, yeah
>they literally put a nuke under the muto nest
For one they didn't, it was an ill-advised attempt to try and kill Godzilla and the MUTOs by luring them offshore (Serizawa even points out that Godzilla had already survived getting nuked) that went to shit when the MUTOs stole it and took it to the middle of a not-yet-evacuated San Francisco
they killed godzilla off in the movie called godzilla 1950 heh (or gojira if you are a weeb).
Oh you sad, sorry whiny bitch. It's painfully obvious you're not a "real fan" of the Toho series to begin with, yet you apparently think you have insight into what sort of sequel Dougherty should have made - presumably one that caters to exactly what YOU, a non-Godzilla fan, wanted from the film.
Most of the Godzilla films are bad, and even the ones that are good/great are still extremely silly. They exist outside of the traditional spectrum of film criticism, and are enjoyed on their own merits. They have a unique, spirited, goofy, WWE-esque charm, and those that enjoy them do so knowing full well what their "flaws" are. Those "flaws" have become an integral part of their identity, they're what gives the series its B-movie allure, they're what makes it special. Why the fuck would Dougherty try to cater to stuffy faggots like you, effectively erasing the soul of the thing he loves and is trying to honor and celebrate?
Fuck off, dipshit. The film does right by the series, it does right by its iconic monsters, and even the dopey B-movie plotting sets up the monster battles in all the right ways. It's not a home run, but Godzilla fans who grew up with the series will recognize its virtues. They are who the film was made for, and they're happy with the end result. Why not just accept that it's not for you, instead of acting like a cunt because fans of a series you have zero vested interest in enjoyed a sequel that you didn't?
then why did he come back huh?
gi joe had to hotwire a nuke in the g2014 movie. are you fucking retarded or only pretending ?
gi joe set off the nuke reeeee. you didnt fucking watch the movie did you ?
zoomer trash up in this thread.
not going to explain 70 years of godzilla lore to you, you shit eating muppet.
hey everyone this guy eats his own shit.
Because Godzilla is a species, not just an individual monster. Think Bigfoot.
>Yeah I wonder why the director decided to not kill off Godzilla halfway into the movie titled "Godzilla: King of the Monsters."
I think the biggest problem people have with it is that it comes out of seemingly nowhere, is treated with none of the gravitas of the original, and is largely forgotten about other than "it almost killed Godzilla and shows that Ghidorah is an alien" and providing the Mexican fishermen with a motive to sell Charles Dance the Ghidorah head
Personally I was fine with the way it was depicted but i would have probably thrown a line about how "the military has developed new anti-Titan weapons after 2014" into the Senate hearing, had a scene where Stenz and Serizawa argue about the usage of the OD on Castle Bravo, and maybe tease Destoroyah instead of the Ghidorah head
You're a sad person
nah he is one, you guys didn't even watch the movies, you are just reading the wiki
>Personally I was fine with the way it was depicted but i would have probably thrown a line about how "the military has developed new anti-Titan weapons after 2014" into the Senate hearing, had a scene where Stenz and Serizawa argue about the usage of the OD on Castle Bravo, and maybe tease Destoroyah instead of the Ghidorah head
I agree except when it comes to directly teasing Destororah. I liked them showing the Ghidorah head, since it leaves the future more open-ended.
>Ahh, yes, the whole gang is here. We haven't evolved as characters since we first appeared in every single military-themed science fiction film for the last 30 or so years, and we're fresh as ever: we have the black tough girl with unspecified high rank that still doesn't seem to make any actual decisions, the sarcastic quip machine who will remind us that he's a human being way past the point of no return, the asian nondescript that functions as eye-candy for our sizable asian audiences and virgin western fans, and I'm sure mexican soldier guy is somewhere in this frame. You wouldn't notice, though, since you could substitute any of us with a still frame of a wet rag and it would at least elicit a reaction from the audience.
>n-n-not a real fan!
You pathetic baby, I've been watching these movies for 20 years. There are good and great Godzilla movies. There are Godzilla movies that can be respected as film and genuine artistic efforts. Dougherty is an idiot who only cared about showing off the monsters and let every other aspect of the film suffer for it. You don't care about what makes a good movie, as long as there are monsters and explosions you'll be happy. KotM is shit, a 2.5 at best as the series goes, and it deserves to fail.
I think people who seriously believe stuff like this are too brainlet to understand that the kaiju are the main characters. The humans are there to speak for them.
>There are good and great Godzilla movies
eh not really, some are great yeah but a lot of the toho movies are just plain bad and nonredeemable
It's a wonderful continuity. My favorite in a long time but only because of the monsters and their role in this universe. I wish for at least one movie past Godzilla vs. Kong.
> I'm not pathetic, look at all my toys
Yeah, a lot of them are. But most of the Honda efforts are real films, with a crew who tried and scripts that were more than just excuses for set pieces. And besides his work some other films like Hedorah, Biollante, and GMK have some real value in them.
Based, even 2014 had more balls and mountains more plot than this imitation of a movie.
That doesn't excuse the humans being shit.
if you didn't like the movie just say so, there is no need to act like a movie critic and say stuff like "it's not real art!!", just say you didn't like it and move on, why are you still here trying to convince other people that the movie was bad? I'm pretty sure no one here liked the human parts because they were all shit, but a lot of people didn't give a fuck because the kaiju scenes were just that good to let it slide
>I'm what happens when a film studio wants to do a monster mash while amassing the bare minimum of actual character licenses. Some overworked group of interns had to shit me out and put me into this film alongside legendary monster designs such as Ghidorah and Godzilla itself, and don't get me wrong, I wouldn't look any better as a standalone creature in any SyFy TV movie effort, but the glazed eyes of audiences everywhere tell the truth of just how embarrasing it's to have me in the first place.
>Krampus man bad!
I mean yeah you can have your subjective opinion about what the director did wrong in any movie, but I would much rather have KOTM be fanbait than have it be a movie that was clearly embarrassed of the source material like G2014. Dougherty at least had the integrity to respect a 65-year-old foreign franchise of 30+ films, rather than trying to hijack that franchise, and use it to aggrandize himself like Edwards did.
Because the movie IS bad, a Godzilla film doesn't HAVE to be a bad movie with some fine Kaiju scenes, and if you happily eat shit when they hand it to you they'll be content to make more shit.
Behemoth is pretty alright aside from the name.
They're bad in the same way the Star Wars prequels are bad. Yeah, you can pick them apart in countless ways, but you can't deny that they were entertaining. Even the "worst" Godzilla movie is fucking hilarious and more rewatchable than G2014 because of shit like .gif related.
>Castle Bravo
>still going
>all those boxed figures
Free them
But they weren't shit unless you're one of those children who had to fast-forward through 50% of the movie just to get to the parts with Godzilla since you couldn't sit through the human parts.
I'm waiting for that torrent. I don't remember a new Godzilla movie making me this happy. Good memories.
Still ten times better than the Cloverfield abortions known as MUTOs.
Shut up, retard. KotM has one of the absolute worst casts in a Godzilla film ever.
holy fuck you are pathetic
I'll be pissed if after teasing about dozen new monsters they never show them in the next movie.
You're thinking of G2014 friendo
Hey, OP, I have to agree. chonky thicc Goji is ugliest Goji, even compared with ShinGoji. Knew this film was just MCU-sequelitis bait with big-name actors just going through the motions with cliche lines and dialogue tropes.
All proceeds going to Big Brother China, but nerds don't care - shove it all to China as long as they keep providing crap no one needs.
Plot twist, I never paid to see it. Will borrow it for free.
Take that, China-owned SJW Hollywood.
The director's admitted Rick-And-Morty insert character says otherwise.
Still had more personality than the main character from G2014.
Yeah, and it was fucking awful. Boring is better than grating, you idiot.
fuck this character
Oh, and also I was a big Goji fan - still am, but not for Legendary's crap. Sad to see this is what the big guy has been reduced to - all CG models and destruction, walking trope characters, Chinese-owned, etc.
Fuck Legendary, at least we have EVERYTHING that came before them.
You see the corpses of other Godzilla in two of the movies now, they're superspecies, they just are such apex predators they don't allow the proliferation of more than one of them anymore, that or the MUTO's killed all the rest of them and Godzilla is the only one of his kind left now
Ahhh, my heart is empty. Truly healing. Go watch Shin Gojira.
Yes their personalities is one of my favorite aspects of the series. A lot of that is different from other movies (at least one series understood that you don't have to copy everything that was popular in earlier movies) but they made it work. Especially if they decide to give Rodan some development or if they show a reunion scene between Godzilla and Mothra.
Not when 90% of the movie is focused on some slack-jawed retard doing an Army Strong commercial.
Is this...really all that he did in the movie? just wax poetic as Asian guy cliche? Fortune cookie?! Those aren't Japanese, what the hell.
Oh yeah, Chinese owns Legendary, har har.
Turns out that just like Skull Island KotM is a grower when it comes to the box office. I pray they find a better time to release Godzilla vs. Kong than at the same time as Mulan.
It's clear from the context of the movie that he was lying/joking about the cookie. Also it would've been way too long for that.
Seriously though, where was he?
Literally not a single main character in Godzilla 1954 was in the military.
come on.
Hard yikes. I underestimated the level of manchild I was interacting with. This actually makes *more* sense now. You're one of those elitist fanboy faggots who has convinced themselves the Toho films are better than they are.
>There are good and great Godzilla movies. There are Godzilla movies that can be respected as film and genuine artistic efforts.
Yeah, the original and Shin Godzilla. The rest, which are the films King of the Monsters is based on, are dopey as fuck, and the standouts display about the same level of artistry as KotM does in its best moments.
>You don't care about what makes a good movie, as long as there are monsters and explosions you'll be happy.
lol you absolute mong. You think I judge every film by the same criteria I judge a Godzilla sequel? Fuck outta here.
>average white men
Go back to your fucking home planet, get the fuck out of this site
>no human-gets-saved-by-Godzilla-at-the-last-moment over and over again
You mean like any time a Muto threatened a main character, including the literal last scene where godzilla somehow sneaks up on a Muto with his eardrum blowing footsteps and hundreds of buildings in his way?
Toho seems to be really stingy about letting other studios use their IP. They only allowed Legendary to use the Godzilla Main Title theme and Mothra's Song for the movie's score, even though Rodan and Ghidorah's themes would have made the movie that much better. Not sure why their classic roars weren't included either, since Godzilla used his original roars a few times.
Besides all that even monsterless establishing shots were great and this is something that modern blockbusters usually just ignore. It's a nice looking movie, flawed but it really rejuvenated the fandom. It earned its place.
I'm buying a new TV for this movie alone.
The military only exists in the Toho movies to get BTFO'd by Godzilla and the rest of the kaiju. The only time humans stand a chance is when they ally themselves with the earth monsters against a bigger threat, or they build something like Mechagodzilla to go toe-to-toe with Godzilla.
>They only allowed Legendary to use the Godzilla Main Title theme and Mothra's Song
Do you have a source that they disallowed the use of other themes or is this your speculation?
And the steelbook
Ghidorah looked so fucking good in this movie
Don't bully Behemoth
OP is a faggot!
I loved starscream in this movie
> people will ignore this but praise Shin for the same shit
Everybody love Rodan
Mothra's scenes as soon as she exited her cocoon were some of the tightest shit I've seen in one of these dumbo hollywood action/capeshit movies in a while. Love it.
All of the awakening scenes were great
>oh and by the way, I'm not coming back for the next one
No like Mothra on the screen every single time she became a full-fledged moth were my favorite scenes. I think I am in love with a CGI moth.
They didn't ask him. I don't know what they're planning. Will he fuse his mind with a robot?
Those movies were everything that is bad about KotM except 10 times worse and missing all the good parts.
>Mecha Ghidorah voiced by Charles Dance