Unironically kino
New Cinema Snob movie
Is there going to be full frontal male nudity? I'm only interested if we get more Bradcock.
Kek. I remember fapping to his ex girlfriend's giant tits in first one
He showed his old wife's tits in the first movie. Will he show his new wife's tits in this?
All of the TGWTG retards are TERRIBLE filmmakers. They should stick to making youtube crap for 11 year olds.
God willing
this is going to be shit like everything feature-length that comes from the TGWTG team, but in his defense he at least used pro equipment for video/audio and it looks slightly above what they usually put out
post webm
the cinema slob needs to get a cinema job lol
Certified QT
Why do they keep making movies about internet characters and not jist make like a horror movie or something
i really want to see what he could do with a real budget. nothing fancy, just 2-3mil.
This trailer explained the whole movie, I don't see any point in seeing the movie
I'm watching it for potentially seeing Tamara tatas
Unless they got Rachel Tietz for the movie, I wish to see no tits
How cringe was last flick?
That's seriously the art for the DVD?
Brad would make good films and videos if he stopped letting that unfunny piece of stinking dog crap Doug Walker influence him. The walker brothers are unfunny and autistic. I have never enjoyed their work and never will.
>Rob Walker is actually co-starring in the new one
How and WHY? Is he a producer? Why on Earth would anyone let that charisma vacuum in front of the camera?
He should stop with all the evangelical mocking stuff and just go back to reviewing 70s porn.