Movies that lie to the viewer

>movies that lie to the viewer

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F for Fake, it's not even a contest

>schindler's list

bladee runner 2019

this movie was a pile of fucking shit

Fuck you


Who said it was a contest?

I hate how the early 2000s DVD put billy baldwin in the front when he wasnt.


I did. I also fucking win. How about that, eh? You fucking loser. Didn't even know we were playing, yet here I am, victorious. You pathetic little bitch. How is your view of me down there in your valley of mediocrity, looking upon my pinnacle of greatness down below?

fuck you too your speilberg cocksucking assmouth

Source of image?

Any movie that begins with The
the usual suspects
the matrix
the prestige

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based Vice

Nobody ever thought it was smart, just that the twist was the only good part. Like the sixth sense or sleepaway camp.

Hello, zoomer.

the matrix doesn't lie to the viewer

the twist ruined theovie though

The twist really doesnt hold up on rewatch but the rest of the movie is fairly entertaining.

>tfw you're a 32 year old zoomer

haha got him good

The Usual Suspects is the ultimate pleb filter.
Brainlets think its good because of le twist.
Brainlets think its bad because of le twist.
Brainlets think its good in spite of le twist.
Brainlets think its bad in spite of le twist.
Anyone with intelligence knows that the whole thing is a con job and should be consigned to the bargain bin of cinematic history

You're a zoomer at heart, user. That flick was nominated for and won awards, so it's hardly about muh twist.

It's actually a bad adaption of a great script. Still a decent enough movie. It gets hate now because Singer and Spacey have been outed as rapist pedos.

Awards, accolades, prizes, and critics don't make a movie good. It's like how plebeians suck Queens dick when all their music is shit.

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of course there's not a single black actor in the movie

>you stole a two prop cargo flight
oh as oposed to what, one prop cargo flight? does it really matter how many props did it have?

essential redditcore

It was groundbreaking when it came to scriptwriting

>Like the sixth sense
That's a great movie even knowing the twist going in. The kid's performance is fantastic, same for the mother and their relationship is well written.

Schindler's list unironically does lie to the viewer though

Why do normies think this movie is genius? There are so many other movies with twist endings that don't resort to cheap lies and deception. A truly good reveal gives the viewer all the tools to discover it themselves, and that's why the final unveiling is so satisfying. The way that The Usual Suspects directs your attention to other people and other setpieces and away from Verbal Kint is artificial and forced on second viewing.

>those edges
this is a PS2 videogame right?

If you can’t appreciate Queen then you’re just an insufferable, cynical cunt.

Same with Unbreakable. Say what you want about Shyamalan but he used to be alright

It does because Verbal isn't Keiser Soze, Kobaishi is. Kobayashi the 'lawyer' is the only character in Verbals story that shows up at the end when he leaves the jail. Obviously the name Kobayshi is from the coffee cup, and there is no way that guy is a lawyer.

Definitely. All of his early movies were spoiled for me before I ever got a chance to see them but they were still great.

No. Everything Verbal tells the cop is exactly what happened, he only uses things in the room to change names and flesh out "Verbal's" backstory.

The greatest trick the jews ever pulled was making anyone think that journalism has to be taken seriously.

Thats a fucking masterpiece retard

>plays videogames
>calls other retard
user, you have to take a long look at reality.


The Usual Suspects should have ended with Keaton being Soze, just like the detective theorized. That would have actually made sense and would have been a great twist that wouldn't have negated the entire film. Verbal being Soze was just a cheap trick.

gamers rise up lmao

The greatest trick I ever pulled was having sex with your mom without ever meeting her.

Memento kind of.

Memento is actually a good movie though.


This is your mind on videogames.

Take a long look on what website you are on , retard

Yea Forums - Television & Film

Give me the fuckin' keys, you cocksuckamathafackalsagahghzvhxvaaa

You HAVE to go back , retarded sweetie

>Vice in charge of intelligence metrics

Go back to plebbit, gamer

The website not the board you absolute braindead retard

We are not on r/v/, gamer


This is your mind on videogames.

Retard .

I was just saying retard for fun but now after seeing you post that the second time I actually think you are retarded , user


Says the gamer that posted retard for ten times lmao




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Y so mad gamer

>the utter butthurting town of /the Yea Forumsirgin on this thread



You just created an epic meme, my fellow redditor sir. Epic win for you.

Layer Cake



the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world hes not gay. And pftt, just like that, hes gay

Vice is hipster shit, so 2013

Don't see why people always moan about Usual Suspects, it fucking spells it out at the end.

because that means the scenes you watched were fake

You expected a fucking criminal to tell the police the truth? Are you fucking stupid?

no but if this a lie I don't expect the movie to show it to me like it's real, that's why the movie lies to the viewer

Stick to capeshit

think about it, did that scene in front of a Japanese bell with redfoot happen or not, cause verbal. saw redfoot on a newspaper, was it a fake name or his whole persona was fake? was there a redfoot at all? the movie show is two scenes and then tells that it's fake, made up memories but presented to. the viewer as fake
thats just not OK in cinema, sorry, yo dont show a guy killing another guy and then at the end you say btw t was in reverse
then why show it? this is a cheap trick lying to the viewer

Sorry, I think you are an actual retard.


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I can think of at least 2 things wrong with the title

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Seth Rogan being an alpha male


The lie reveal is one of the greatest things I've fucking seen. Absolutely fucking jaw dropping

Bravo , retard

>t. never owned a ps2

damn, that sucks, user.

Anyone who thinks that the twist is smart is actually the definition of a pleb. It is a film championed by babbys first thriller, people who think they are into "smart" films or "kino" but its the most medicore of films with such an obvious twist outcome that anyone with an iq over 95 can instantly figure out the moment the suspects are laid out. Once you realize this the film falls flat and it is completely unwatchable because the entire viewing experiences hinges on you being a mouthbreather unable to guess the obvious gimmick.

If you think "The Usual Suspects" is a good, or smart film, you should immediately slit your own throat.

Bunch of faggots in here

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This post is not only based but also redpilled.

The true patrician opinion is to consider the twist a secondary part of the movie and enjoy the 95% of it for the 7.5/10 it is.

been awhile since ive seen this but the plot didnt make much sense to me
>Some russian guy saw keyser sozes real identity and lived?
>Keyser Soze comes up with this convoluted plan to kill that russian guy
>basically reveals his identity to the fbi just to kill that 1 russian guy
is this correct?

>wow he made it all up such epic twist omg
>shots his kids brains out - nothin personel kid
That shit flick can be only watched only once or twice.


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wooden doors

>That flick was nominated for and won awards
Like that means anything

Someone shoop in Vincent Ambrosio

This poster has sex

>Is (insert generally well-received thing here) actually bad? Yes it is! (and that's a good thing!) Click here please please please please
>Is (insert generally panned thing here) actually good? Yes it is! (and that's a good thing!) Click here please please please please

Can you imagine actually studying journalism? Pretty sure a program could write these headlines by this point