Hey poindexter! lol just ONE ticket for alita? AGAIN? don't you have any friends...

>hey poindexter! lol just ONE ticket for alita? AGAIN? don't you have any friends? what are you some kind of incel or something? lmao
wat do

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w-where is robert?

proooooohh :DD

get her fired

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W-will you watch t-this with m-me?

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this, she isn't wearing a nametag

I hit Robert on his cell and let him know how his employees are acting. I assume he’s not there because he got promoted.

>yeah I put all my points in dexterity, how could you tell?

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This. To hell with this roastie. Robert will sort her out.

Shut your fucking hole you dumb cunt and give me my ticket.

>not wearing the proper kinoplex uniform.
Big, big yikes.

Why are you dressed like Strawberry Shortcake at work, sweetie?

I want to talk to Robert, and i’m sure he won’t be happy with you

Just do your job wageslave


p-pls show me your feet

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How dare you speak to me wench


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>that pic
Mhh, would it be successfull if you make a youtube channel and make some clips like pic with different people, mainly girls, in different tone?
Like a "meeting at the cashcounter" experience. One flirty, one looking down on you, one just friendly, one uninterested and so on.
I think some would like this immersion, maybe like asmr mixed with vr kind of feel?

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perdon señorita pero non hablo inglés

>Hey Bb I'll watch Dora the Explorer kino tomorrow instead me and you are gonna PARTY ROCK, then have sex and start a family and live according to classic Conservative values.

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why make it a gif

why 2048x1381

why not?


Just go outside, holy shit

Sorry. I'm watching End Game again with all the new scenes.

And while you're at it; have sex

being from Louisiana i'm left wondering how many black bullls have had their way with her, are we talking dozens

mental illness but also would definitely make some serious cashola. Hire some instagram thots to use their pictures and do the voice work and you've got yourself a business.

you have the mind of a cuck

I would watch it

the area she's from is very rural and 70% black, it's just a reality. these anime girls are just like goth girls, logic would dictate they hate niggers but they love 'em.

rent free or LARPer

Either way its sad.

fuck off you sick fuck
she's a pure maiden

the mind of a cuck, always thinking about that stuff

doormats like you are unironically why we can't have nice things

*involuntarily smiles and chuckles like he does for all confrontation he is presented with*

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Remember Bonbi is for sweaty rough intercourse in missionary position with her legs on your shoulders while calling her daddy's little girl

have sex and then go to an anime convention. white bitches are leaving with big dick goku niggas every time. cope.

so pure she was recently in a relationship with a shitskin (hapa pedo)

>ONE ticket for Alita please!

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>oh noes, I must defend the honor of m'lady!
dude, she whores herself out on camera for thirsty losers like you

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Hapas are shit skins now?

Doesnt hold a candle to the eternal GOAT, rose

yep. they're even more dangerous and pernicious because they blend in pretty well sometimes

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I've considered this exact business idea. Came to the conclusion that it would be difficult to maintain your position as the middleman, because the "actresses" you hire will quickly figure out the gig and just do it themselves. Not worth the upfront investment.

who made you like this? why is this the only thing you can think about when you see a cute girl? do you masturbate to your wife/grilfriend getting fucked by niggers? do you wish to have a daughter so she can be raped and brutally murdered by a pack of niggers too?