Best work of art in the last 30 years

Best work of art in the last 30 years.

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Season 1 maybe. The show doesn’t know where it’s going or what it is trying to say after that point.

>christian crap

honononononon hahahhahahaha

Please, low iq people must refrain from posting in this thread.

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>Please, low iq people must refrain from posting in this thread.
It’s actually the opposite, dumb people who think they are smart think 2-3 are better. And while I liked all the seasons I could recognize that they were throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Sell me on it.

What if Thanos only snapped 2% of the population?

>he didn’t like season 2
That’s a yikes from me
High kino

>trying to claim the show is kino
>can only describe it with capeshit terms
Uhh, sweetheart?

You can skip to the final episode of season one and leave at that. Just boring nonsense. The stoning was fun though.

Why was he so mad all the time?

Attached: kevin-carroll-the-leftovers-interview-hbo[1].png (646x431, 398K)

nice bait
season 2 was bloody amazing that's for sure

got taken advantage of as a child

maybe something in his genes?


>45 minutes into any episode
>this music starts playing

Attached: roland.jpg (250x250, 18K)

Season 1 is the only good season.

>The Leftovers starts three years after a global event called the "Sudden Departure", the inexplicable, simultaneous disappearance of 140 million people, 2% of the world's population

What a dumb premise, nobody would even notice and Afrikans would fix the loss in few months.
This series is what you get when you have producers raised on the farthuffing 'Everyone is unique' premise as if world is some kind of Nike Women commercial.


>t. ultra special uniquely precious snowflake
I can see the world crumbling without you.

You honestly sound like you have some sort of mental deficiency

Just because no one would miss you doesn't mean other people wouldn't be.

There aren't actually people out there who don't realize this is the best show, right?

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You’re dumb

>that goddamn song

That shit got me so many times it's insane. The series is a 10/10 by merit of the music alone.

Bought the novel the other week. How different is it compared to the TV show?

Season 2, the peak was a bunch of people walking into a town while dramatic music fucking deep.
Then they just instantly kill them off and drop the entire plot line the next episode making 90% of season 2 a complete dead end waste of time.

There are no moving images

>The show doesn’t know where it’s going or what it is trying to say after that point.
I hate this kind of pleb filtering. That's the fucking essence of the show you numbskull, living in uncertainty and conflicting ideas and themes. Rather than just admit you don't get something you assume the thing you don't get doesn't get itself. Fucking annoying

Does the Departure Suite song play when you read the book?

season 2 is kino

Season 3 was a great conclusion, episode 3,5/7 being amongst the best of the series. Only patricians know this.

Drawing attention the fact that life is meaningless does not give one an excuse to tell a shitty story with shitty characters.

t. Average nigger

You haven't watched it, retard. You're just shitposting for sport at this point

2% of the population suddenly disappears and no one can explain what happened. It's not some massive, cripplingly huge loss where society collapses, but it brings a sudden wave of massive grief. The show focuses on a few characters struggling to live with their inexplicable world. It features top-tier performances and music.

The point of the first season (and book) is to muse on the stages of grief, how they’re mostly bullshit, and how after a major loss, a person, your life, is never the same. Because it can’t be, by definition.

The second and third seasons are just lost: redux. There’s no central thesis and it’s just lindelof doing the same shit he’s always done.

>one person out of the 50 people I know vanishes for no reason

Literally who would even notice?

>half of the crew and writers are jewish

It's good, it's just the first season and it's relatively close to the tv show.
The tv show is more beautiful though.

That's not how it works

Nope. The show (and the book) are about existential dread, loneliness and ennui in 'happy' middle class families, which are problems the characters repress, but nonetheless suffer from before the event.

The event is not fundamental to any of the themes or issues of any of the central characters. It simply illuminates them. Many of the main characters who suffer in the story do not even lose anyone significant in the event, so it is not about grief.

The story is universal and relates to people outside the fantasy situation.

It's basically the show without Where Is My Mind?

So that’s why, in the first season (and book) every character represents/embodies denial, anger, depression, or bargaining, while absolutely no one is in a state even remotely resembling acceptance. A thematic trend that is dropped in the second and third seasons because lindelof didn’t really grasp that bit.

You can always just play it on a loop while reading it.

I don't understand what you're trying to say user

I have faggot. Having characters don bulletproof vests and get shot in order to feel something is embarrassing writing that would only seem deep to an edgy 12 year old.

Grief/loss is universal, my smoothbrained young adult chum.

All you’ve done with that post is give away the fact you’re so young that you haven’t lost anyone in your life.

I held off watching this cause of Lindelof but it's definitely kino. One of HBO's best.

Shut the fuck up soulless jewrat, this isn't your containment board, go slice your wrists in your AIDS ghetto

You have to set it to play at random intervals and alternate between the Pixies version and the piano version. Makes for a kino reading experience.

You're a retard anyway for asking 4channel users to convince you to see a show you should've seen already


>nobody would even notice
based NPC reddit poster


Fellow Patrician here, season 3 was the culmination of HBO's work, everything else will only pale in comparison

100% cases anyone who says only season 1 is good is either a /pol/ack or a retard pleb. 100%.

Sure. Grief/Loss is universal. But the loss caused by such an event is not. And i'm suggesting that the event does not cause the issues the characters face (in the way that it does cause Nora losing her family), but that it simply illuminates those issues.

Aside from Nora, what are any of the main characters grieving over, and what have they lost?
Do they not all come to the realizations that their lives were not right before the event also?

I love The leftovers, but I don't think it's the best.

Children understand the concepts of loss and grief, that's why The Leftovers is an empty garbage show with nothing to say.

Thoughts on Meg?

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you do realize that one person can be known by many people?


grief and loss is for women, grow some balls you fucking pussy lmao

What is Kevin grieving over?
What does he lose, and when did he lose it?
And do you think he was content before he lost the thing he's grieving over?

The Leftovers and the Young Pope are the best HBO shows of the 2010s

>nobody would even notice
You are literally retarded. Kill yourself.

2 > 3 > 1

a cutie

Those dream sequence episodes were the most boring fucking garbage holy shit

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If you leave out the finale the show ends perfectly. The future shit and explainations were not needed and the finale really drags the whole show down a bit.
Episode before that ends with the Kevins on the roof, "i don't think I'm ready to come down yet."

t. redditor

why are you questioning anything in this show? youre supposed to let the mystery b

as far as i know he's right.

t. only watched up to s3

The event is nothing but a thin allegory for any sort of loss. Because all loss is inherently meaningless, senseless, and random. No amount of explanation or retribution fills the hole left by loss.

I miss Leftovers generals.

Please tell me you have some kind of learning disability

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I'm questioning your analysis of what the show is about, becuase I think you're wrong.

I think the main affliction of the characters and themes of the show are ennui and existential dread, not loss and grief.

I don't think you understood it.

>dude what is man who’s family exploded grieving over???
Leftovers fans.

The best ending of any series ever. Literally had me in tears.

>lets analyze a show that is telling you to let the mystery be

Any show on right now that compares or are we fucked until the next niche character study comes out?


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mystery = existential dread

This shit is emotionally draining.

>all loss is inherently meaningless
Nonsense. If your wife dies it affects your life in a hugely significant literal and demonstrably obvious way. And it could also be for a clear and understandable reason. And if you're religious, within a comprehendable framework which allows you comfort in knowing she's safe and you'll see her again.

And the problems of the characters in the show begin before the event.

It was not about the explanations, it was about the comfort of having someone who believes in you and understands you. Kevin didn't care if Nora was telling the truth, the only thing that mattered is that he believed her.

that is one mystery, idiot, did you forget about kevin turning into jesus
dude let the mystery be lmao bravo

If you liked the leftovers, big brother might be up your alley.



>hot crazy mommy cultist will never rape you
is there a point in life?

This fucking show was a masterpiece until midway season 3. Then it shits the bed really horribly and leaves you crying in the corner.

This could have been so fucking good, like SO FUCKING GOOD. Horrible writing kills it though. They just completely forget about plot lines, pretend like other things never happened. And offer you a bullshit ending that gives you nothing for your time invested. Nor does it "make you think" about anything. It is just bad. The first two seaons though? Holy shit watch that kino.

You have the reading comprehension of an eight year old.

Meaningless as in for no greater purpose or plan, not “oh no one cares.”

was crying like a madman

>dude let the mystery be lmao bravo
imagine being such a brainlet you don't pick up simple biblical and apostolic allegories. There's no "mystery" left unsolved if you use more than one braincell. You're not a BRAINLET, are you user? You've surely read, Ulysses, right user?
Lmao @ your life if you haven't

Doesn't change the fact his entire "new persona" and claiming not to be the same kevin is all done to fit the shows run time and not realistic at all. When I reccommend the show i tell people to skip the finale cause its just a waste of time, which it is.
Fuck nora

>lyrics literally are “let the mystery be”
>this fucking response

>ywn watch International Assassin for the fist time again
It was the epitome of kinography ever displayed on television.

Attached: international assassin.jpg (300x168, 4K)

I can't think of nothing eve close, really. Then again, The Leftovers is Top 10 material, so it's rare to come by.

why arent you letting the mystery be?

If you're going to be pedantic and ignore my points then you're still wrong.

Some people do lose their loved ones to a greater purpose or plan, which can often be a solace. In just wars for example.

At this point I was thinking I was never going to experience something this great on any form of entertainment ever again.

>he thinks he’s making any points

You didn’t understand the first season and you got caught up in the pointless melodrama of the second and third. Thus, you’re posting completely inane bullshit.

That's exactly why the characters were looking for meaning in the departure, to find solace.


Just imagine being this stupid.

>You’re dumb
Why don’t you explain why.

lol so you're not even going to say i'm wrong or why i'm wrong but that i haven't even said anything it's basically LA LA LA ALALAL IM NOT LISTENINGGG

Ok lets say you literally fight someone who is trying to kill your family, and you die, but your family is saved.
Is that not a meaningful death?
Would your family not have a fundamentally more comforting memory of you than if you simply inexplicably disappeared one day?

I have explained what the first season actually meant. You didn’t understand.

Why was someone trying to kill your family?

>I'm so smart, here's what this means

>no, here's what it actually means, and if you disagree then wh-


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Meaning is abstract, not concrete. If someone believes something has meaning then it has meaning. Are you seriously going to argue that people didn't find meaning in war? Have you ever studied history?

your wife is a prosecutor who is cracking down on the elephant ivory trade and the man is a poacher and an elephant killer and a psycopath and he barges into your home with a knife while you're playing scabble with your wife and 4 year old daughter who has an elephant onesie on.

b a s e d a f

You’re wrong and your interpretation is unsupported by the material.

Why did the man need to be an ivory poacher to feed his family?

So you’re admitting there is no objective meaning in war. Thus deaths in a war are meaningless. I also noticed how you’re dodging the issue of “why did x survive and not y?”

So, Kevin's family was happy and functional, as it appeared on the surface, before the event?
And that none of the issues the characters in his family struggle with after the event, were at all issues for them prior to it?

The man doesn't have a family. He spends his money on drinkin and gamblin and instathot but he mostly runs his cruel trade out of a sheer sadistic pleasure.

Do you even notice how you’re resorting to a strawman argument?

I don't like that they either dropped or not justified half of the plot points that happened but for great acting and absolute kino music this show deserves infinite praise.

So the mans actions are without meaning.

I'm refuting your point that:
>all loss is inherently meaningless
and the implications that has on your false notion that the event is an allegory for loss in general and that is the central theme of the show.

So i can use any hypothetical scenario that I want. And you're only making me do it by your utterly absurd suggestion that all war is meaningless. So i thought i'd give you something even a cognitively dissonant nitwit who didn't even understand The Leftovers, still couldn't refute.

We're talking about whether your death defending your family from him would be meaningful or not.

And whether it's fundamentally different for them to come to terms with or not.

>The event is nothing but a thin allegory for any sort of loss. Because all loss is inherently meaningless, senseless, and random. No amount of explanation or retribution fills the hole left by loss.

Fucking hell dude. I don't think you understand what I'm saying at all.

Like if you bravely defend your family from this ivory bandit, is your wife gonna go out and start smoking and wearing white and neglecting your daughter afterwards?

No, you’re quibbling. The point you’re trying to argue out of existence deals with how no matter what explanation a person can come up with for a loss, there’s always more questions, and most of them won’t have answers.

Thus the only recourse in the face of loss is to just make up a meaning to feel better. But this is literally denial. So the idea of the book is people don’t transition from denial to anger to depression to bargaining, they find a state that is useful to them and stay there.

What’s actually happening is I’m leading you down a rabbit hole of “whys” and trying to show how you’ll hit a point where there is no answer or meaning.

I've been conditioned to expect KINO right as that music hits

ennui and existential dread in general are the meaninglessness in the book which you're falsely attributing to loss as a universal theme.

The Socratic method involves more than just being assinine, pedantic and deliberately obtuse, although that is a part of it. None of your questions led to any logical rebuttal.

You are wrong. I have explained why. You didn’t understand the explanations.

and many of the characters suffering from this sense of meaninglessness haven't lost anything aside from the social conventions which keep existential dread and ennui repressed.

There is no logic or meaning to loss.

There is a lot of the book and show where Kevin and his Wife and Nora all reflect on how fucked they now realize their lives were before the event and before they lost anything.

Everyone in the first season has lost something.

So saving your families lives is meaningless, to them?
And your decision to do so is not logical?

Its gone from the canada hbo app (crave) for some reason and theres still no complete bluray boxset for some reason. Help

What does Laurie lose?

>man has something pretty simple exhaustively spelled out for him
>ignores it and restates original assertion

Leftovers fans.

Rectify was great as a character study series but it BARELY got any advertisement being on a network no one cares about didn't help either but it is finished now and got an ending despite being cancelled.

Attached: Rectify.jpg (600x400, 45K)

The show literally shows what she lost.

You have made your general point. But you refuse to address a specific hypothetical scenario which clearly contradicts it. You merely re-state your general point.

It's supreme cognitive dissonance.

In the show or the book would be the only place where what happens to this fictional character might be shown.

What does Laurie lose?

It got an ending. Daniel is on his way to assembling something that resembles a life, the people responsible were punished.

Rectify was incredible.
Atlanta, Succession & My Brilliant Friend are the best current shows imo


yeah that's a pretty dumb take

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But I did say it got an ending?

Does Leftovers have unironically best soundtrack among tv shows?

his bootyhole was invaded

Friend, you’re asking for information we both have, that could easily be googled. What’s your endgame here?

What so you think being unwilling or incapable of actually answering specific questions because you're aware of the socratic method, makes you right, and not just unwilling to admit that you're wrong?

you're very retarded

Stop arguing with jews, stick to your original assertion and make them stay on subject.

I never knew there were so many versions of “Where is my mind” by the pixies.

the finale is perfect, you're an idiot

Again, the point is it doesn’t matter how much information a person has about a loss, ultimately it was meaningless. As it’s not like the pretend family is now going to live forever in a state of pure joy and happiness.

Ah-hem... Not so fast.

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Or maybe they will, as the situation is completely pretend. Which are the only situations where meaning exists.

Season 1 is my favorite but you're an idiot if you can't see what Season 2 was doing. The characters were trying to feel content in the world after they came to terms with their loss. The last episode was even titled "I live here now"

So for something to have meaning it must cause a person to live forever in a state of pure joy and happiness?

Are you a nihilist? And if so, why does nihilism apply specifically to loss, why not to everything in general?

what's this show about and why should i watch it?

you just knew pure kino was coming when this music started

>da j00s are why I can’t win an argument!

The original assertion is there can be true meaning in loss/death. The counter was how you have to stop questioning a death/loss in order to “find meaning” in it.

>Season 1 is my favorite but you're an idiot if you can't see what Season 2 was doing. The characters were trying to feel content in the world after they came to terms with their loss. The last episode was even titled "I live here now"
I get that but it’s a little abrupt and doesn’t flow well, especially when they decide to move again to another location in S3

Forgotten food

The laugh track is a riot

Why did season 3 feel like a greatest hits compilation? Scott Glenn's episode was like watching a mattisode, I just wanted more Kevin episodes

See Saving people from dying now lacks meaning because they’re still going to die later.

Is not knowing that you were loved, the most meaningful thing?
And someone sacrificing their life to save yours and your child's a very pure expression of love?

Or say your view actions as give and take. Nothing without a cost. A zero sum game. Would not having your life saved, and a life lost, be meaningful, compared to something taken with no balance? Not objectively, but to a person who thought that way, as many people do.

>Are you a nihilist?

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So you’re dressing the insubstantiality if all human meaning in emotional terms...

The point I keep trying to impress upon you is continued analysis of any “meaning” you can come up with will bottom out on the hard bedrock of either meaninglessness or unanswerable questions, and the only way to be “happy” is to stop asking questions.

so it's sitcom?

Lack of meaning = unanswerable questions = god’s plan

>The event is nothing but a thin allegory for any sort of loss. Because all loss is inherently meaningless, senseless, and random. No amount of explanation or retribution fills the hole left by loss.

That's your original assertion user.

>Nope. The show (and the book) are about existential dread, loneliness and ennui in 'happy' middle class families, which are problems the characters repress, but nonetheless suffer from before the event.

>The event is not fundamental to any of the themes or issues, of any of the central characters. It simply illuminates them. Many of the main characters who suffer in the story do not even lose anyone significant in the event. The story is not primarily about grief.

There's mine.

I'm curious if anyone else ITT has an opinion on this because we're just going round in circles.

Pretty much. The sound track is used as an emotional trigger on a series that is nothing but pointless melodrama.

show made entirely no sense. nothing was explained.

>what was the story with the boat and everything that happened on it
>why did the MC have blackouts in season 1?
>what was up with the dreams, and the guy he met in the dreams?

alright, thanks mate for taking the time and answering!

Were not going around in circles. I’m explaining the correct interpretation a steadily increasing number of ways. You’re not understanding and restating your original assertion.

Walter Murch (who did sound design and editing on many Copolla films) wrote in his book that emotionally manipulative music would be used to create an emotion. But sincere use of music was used after story and drama had already created that emotion in the audience, and the music would just heighten it afterward. So honest use of music is not as a trigger, but more to layer something.

And that every emotionally manipulative use of music weakens its effectiveness.

I don't remember how music is used specifically in The Leftovers but I think the distinction Murch draws makes sense and I remember being affected by the music in The Leftovers every time, so if it was emotionally manipulative useage, then I don't think that would have been the case.

>why did the MC have blackouts in season 1?

Oh that’s an easy one. See the main character was the only person acting remotely logically or rationally. That type of behavior doesn’t lend itself to pointless emotional melodrama. So the writer gave him a SO RANDOM alternate personality so he could force the character into pre-heated dramatic situations.

"it's supposed to be confusing, boring, meaningless and shitty, you are a brainlet if you don't think it's the best work of art of the century"

what do you guys mean by this?

I've tried to address your argument and convince you that you're wrong and give you the opportunity to convince me that i'm wrong. Which largely boils down to tedious nitpicking of single parts of your arguement because of how obtuse you're being.

You've basically been ignoring what I think. I don't think you're even vaguely willing to consider that you might be wrong, or that a different perspective on this story might be valid.

Kevin is cheating on his wife. Whether or not you think that's rational, it certainly causes conflict.

It means you have a subsaharan IQ and the best you can is a retarded strawman so you can pretend not to be btfo non-stop

>Were not going around in circles
>I’m explaining the correct interpretation [repetitively]
You’re not understanding and restating your original assertion.
>You’re restating your original assertion [repetitively]

so, going round in circles then?

The Leftovers are "the leftovers" of lost

shit show trying to replicate the success of lost, by subverting the one common trope of lost, in that instead of answering questions (which were received negatively back in LOST days) just tell audience to fuck off and "let the mystery be"

lindelof is a hack that ruined multiple shows, alien franchise, and brad bird career. he's pure cancer

Also I do understand what you're saying though. And you're not wholly wrong.

>>The event is nothing but a thin allegory for any sort of loss
>The event is a thin allegory for loss
yes, it's just not the central theme

>loss is often meaningless, senseless, and random. Often no amount of explanation or retribution fills the hole left by loss.
>loss is inherently meaningless, senseless, and random. No amount of explanation or retribution fills the hole left by loss.

Friend, I’ve directly supported my interpretation with the show itself, and how support of the correct interpretation precludes your interpretation.

But we’re talking about a show that was most popular with morons, and you’re just illustrating why.

There’s also the fun fact of how holy Wayne isn’t compatible at all with your interpretation.

>water is just like oil

How people deal with loss is the central thesis of the first season and book. The second and third seasons are just lindelof doing the same shit he’s always done.

Now I’m literally repeating myself.

Can someone remind me what happened to Nora after "machine"? She just were hiding in Australia for no reason while Kevin were looking for her for years?

Do you think, that The Leftovers is, in part, about existential dread, loneliness and ennui in 'happy' middle class families?
Not as central themes, but as themes?

They’re both a shitty writer writing shit. His explanations were shit, his lack of explanations were shit. He wanted both shows to be about characters, but he can’t write an organic character, so all he can do is drop plot on characters.

No, those are ancillary at best. Your focus on those themes and how you’re ignoring the theme of post-loss says more about you than it says about the show.

Not as central themes, but as ancillary themes?

they aren't treated as themes, but more as facts of suburban life. they aren't developed or explored. they just are.


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so you're irrationally upset and fat?

i have to go now user i enjoyed our silly bickering lol

judeo christian values.jpg

Anons kept praising this so I watched some of season 1. All that I remember about it is a guy with a lot of dogs acting wise, a woman in a cult and a ridiculous party with teens that enjoyed asphixia because that's hip and cool
It was all pretty boring too

congratulations, you're not a sheltered suburban teen.