Is this the end of his career?
Is this the end of his career?
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Clint is indestructible
why would he or georgia give a fuck about some retard celebs boycotting a state. when its the production companies that want to save money.
Whatever. This confused old coot talks to empty chairs.
clint is too profitable for greedy and desperate hollywood to ever drop him
>Be libtards
>Refuse to film in a red state because “muh dystopia, muh human rights.”
>Still sell and pander to China.
I don’t get it, are the Jews using this an excuse to get taxes slashed even further?
>Clint Eastwood
>End of career
Even when he dies, he’ll just get out of his grave and continue to direct movies for 50-somethings.
is there a bigger gigachad?
>Movie is based in Atlanta, Georgia
>Decides to shoot the film in Atlanta, Georgia
Why? He's one of few non-degenerates left.
Don't forget they film plenty of other places where humans rights are actually pretty shitty. Abortion punishable by death, or illegal outright. They also film places where gays are stoned to death in the name of profits. But Georgia is somehow hell on Earth now.
It's all a game to see who can out virtue signal each other.
>leftshits turn Commiefornia into an expensive shithole overflowing with feces and hobos
>go filming into red state
>start screeching that they want it to be just like their shithole full equality and social justice otherwise they will go shoot into another literally Hitler red state
Never change comrades.
He's 10,000 years old
He probably did it on purpose as a big fuck you to libtards.
Libshits care a total of 0 about actually improving the world, in any capacity.
What they care about is forcing Americans to bow down and abide by their decrees of degenerate leftist ideology.
What did he mean by this?
If he put a black man there he would have been called as racist.
Why the fuck doesn't he retire? He's like almost 90. Who still wants to work when they're 90? What drugs is this nigga on that he's still got the vitality to direct movies at 90?
This. Clint's been telling lefties to "fuck off" for more than fifty years. Based Dirty Harry gives absolutely zero fucks about them and their bullshit.
This, it's never about morals, just dollars.
When you enjoy what you do for a living it's not work.
Or so I've heard.
he made j edgar tho and that was propaganda trash even if it brought up the crossdressing and homosexuality
retirement is boring.
me on the right
Based and clintpilled
>Movie about 1996 Atlanta, Georgia
Can't they make an exception? Would you make a film set in New York City and film it in Phoenix, Arizona?
I don’t know who Richard is, but it Clint shoots him, then yeah, he’s going to jail.
When you get old, all you have is work to live for. It's pretty common for an elderly person to retire and croak within year.
This is true. I'm watching it happen to my grandpa right now.
Yes. Remember the anti-fracking Matt Damon movie a few years back? Funded by Saudi Arabia solely because fracking made the US independent from foreign oil. They have no beliefs beyond we're better then the dirty plebs.
>posting the edit
They give huge tax breaks in Georgia. I doubt it has less to do with keeping the setting as the story.
Jews gonna jew
he has a crotchety old man pass
Headline makes it sounds like he's gonna kill a dude.
Based Clint spending money in Georgia and helping the people who have nothing to do with law making
Clint was actually considered pretty liberal in his time. But as he grew older, his type of libertarianism came to be considered conservatism, and now most young people probably regard him as a fascist because he played Harry Callahan.
He's like 243 years old he can just do whatever he wants. Even if it turned out he raped and killed a girl he'll still be remembered fondly for the Dollars trilogy at the least.
>You see, in the good old days, we acted a lot quicker than this. A lot quicker. In the good old days, we'd rip you out of that seat so fast.
who is really even boycotting georgia? the same that said they would move to canada?
>Don't forget they film plenty of other places where humans rights are actually pretty shitty. Abortion punishable by death, or illegal outright. They also film places where gays are stoned to death in the name of profits. But Georgia is somehow hell on Earth now.
Didn't they shoot something like half the final season of GoT in Ireland where abortions are totally illegal?
Hell they started the first season in lots of Irish locations
How the fuck is abortion excusable? My friends always say “it’s the woman’s right to chose”, woman’s right to chose what? Kill a living organism with a heart and brain??
>Clint has always been conservative
>Make a fucking article about a conservative not giving a fuck about Hollywood's petty boycott over women not being allowed to kill their child on demand
Is it hollywood or like 10 b tier actresses?
Ireland made it legal.
Do you eat meat?
>Throughout his life, he has always preferred to date women of small stature. (He calls them "little dollies," "squirts," "spinners," "shrimps" or "hip pocket rockets.") He once dated a woman who was only 4'8" -- 20 inches shorter than himself.
Clint! WTF man?!
Fetuses are literally parasites, user. Getting rid of one is no different than pulling a tick off your body.
It's agreed, then: livestock and fetuses are equal.
Only talentless morons are boycotting though, probably because they need excuses for a lack of work...
I honestly don't care about fetuses. But I would make it illegal because its dangerous for a woman's body and mind. Its not just doing and *puff* problems gone. Not to mention that despite having tons of methods to prevent impregnation like condoms and pills, we also need an operation? it teaches women there are no consequences for their actions. We become a weak society.
so thats why his son was cursed as a manlet
god tier face aesthetics though
It teaches women that they alone suffer the consequences. Let men faces the difficulties. See how long it lasts. Men who father unwed children should be castrated. Simple as that. Pregnancy problem solved.
Why don't Hollywood film in you know... Hollywood?
GOT is shot in Northern Ireland where abortions still are illegal.
A woman in Alabama was charged with manslaughter after being shot in the stomach while pregnant, you fucking idiot
Clint strikes me as a fella who doesn’t care what you believe in - even if he thinks it’s wrong. He’s a realist. If one state has an ass backwards abortion law, how does that affect how he makes his kino? Its just a bunch of Hollywood loud mouths just trying to sway opinion for influences sake - because its hip.
A place in Hell is reserved for you next to the homosexuals
we already have something like that. females can ruin a man's life with a kid. some do it to entrap rich men, lying about being on the pill and then getting knocked up. they always get custody of the kids, they always have to be paid money for those kids... laws exist to protect women. the more you study and read about laws and politics, the more you realise this. If you are interrsted in these topics, start with Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics.
You don't want more black babies, don't you? Blacks are the most ones that go to get abortions.
Nah. I'll watch it for exactly this reason. His films are 50/50 with me. I either love them or hate them. I am pro-abortion but also pro-state's rights so even though I don't like the ruling, I accept it. Still, fuck lefty boycotts. I'll see it if only because it will fuck with left wing brains.
Exactly. They'll never leave, they can't afford to shoot in Commiefornia because of horrific anti business taxes. If Georgia stands firm they'll all cuck and make some excuse.
Too much poop.
No she wasn't.
That Obama was a nobody.
Sadly he did a befuddled-old-man job of it. A slick performance would have sold it. Left portrays it the way they want. Everyone thinks what they want because media is theirs.
This. He plays his cards perfectly in that he doesn't give in or apologise - this is how they get you - and has earned enough respect in the industry to essentially do what he wants.
It doesn't protect them from an unwanted kid.
>muh the world is too nuanced for me to comprehend, so let's just blame it all on the joos
>end of his career
He's in his 80's dude. He can shit on the walk of fame for all he cares.
Did they ever catch the real bomber? Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Jewell.
Yes. Eric Rudolph. Also bombed abortion clinics and gay bars.
Parasites have to be different species by definition.
>consistently makes kino
>end of career
Eastwood is like the only good director left so I’m looking forward to it
He doesn't care about what the hollykikes, plebbitors or checkmarks say or do lmao
china is a force for good and you know it
Old enough for kisses
>Is this the end of his career?
>89 years old
surely this will stop him
He is a catholic of English descent and his sons are Chad's, he gets away with making /ourmovies/ like Mel Gibson. Furtherest thing possible
>despite boycott
Unless he announced he's gonna boycott Georgia himself this doesn't mean anything. Fuck whoever wrote this to make it seem like it's some official corporate boycott of Hollywood inc. or something.
>The newfag redditor doesn't even know
Too many shitskins
>... backwards abortion laws
Yeah, not letting demoralised/destablised degenerates abuse the abortion system and killing life is soooooo backwards. Only in ZOG States of Arabia
>Rick and Morty
You have to go back!
>how do I justify hypocrisy
>just call it nuance
He's an atheist libertarian, don't kid yourself
He's done much worse down south.
>Why would Georgia care about multiple productions no longer bringing in money for the state
>When Georgia has those tax incentives in place specifically to lure production into their state
Are you actually an idiot or do you just like to larp as one?
What if he's doing it because Georgia Tech made a new robot baby?
>be a literal god for half a century
>anonymoose poster on a website wonders if his career is over at the age of 90 due to politics