wat do?

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Get out.

Check your dubs (Checked)

Attached: Tyler Checks Em'.jpg (1920x1200, 206K)

do a 180 and walk in

Watch Fight Club with him

>the glove
I always assumed he was sticking his hand up her ass

No it was a little joke pitt came up with

Do bros really walk around naked in front of their bros like that? Would it be gay if you stared at his cock more than his face?

>Do bros really walk around naked in front of their bros like that?
>Would it be gay if you stared at his cock more than his face?
Did you even watch the movie?

Sometimes but it really depends on the guy. It's not a set in stone thing. I was always horribly insecure about my body until my first roommate talked me into opening up and being naked more because he said it would boost my confidence a lot for when I'm outside of the apartment.


i mean... he's attractive
but is he hot?

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No thats actually what people in the 90s did because they were scared of AIDS but still degenerate as fuck
>Dude its ok I wore a glove

What's the joke?

but you would be walking the other way retard

Smells like summer

How do I body like this

>he fell for the counter bait

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That he have gloves on, implies dirty

Spank his ass and make soap with him

Prepare my anus

Be gay

250e test for 3 months on a carb deficit

you need to avoid eating anything remotely tasty and pray a lot, Mark Wahlberg had a legit fitness regimen that would attain this as long as you adhere to the spiritual aspect

PPL, lean bulk. thatä's it

>I was always horribly insecure about my body until my first roommate talked me into opening up and being naked more because he said it would boost my confidence a lot for when I'm outside of the apartment.
based oblivious user

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Bent him over and get it in.

Since Marla is so rough and dirty he has to wear gloves

>literally only workout delts, chest, and core
>be anorexic
>take test so that you burn fat more efficiently while holding on to lean mass
good luck. been my dream body since i was like 10 and have never achieved it.

Why not?
This guy gets it

or did he? >:)

Go vegan for 3 months and workout every single day

because it is gay

or did he?

There is nothing better then tag teaming a dirty whore with your bro. You guys are missing out

only non-virgins get it

Be a mesomorph/ectomorph and do calisthenics for 6 months.

purely genetics
anyone who says otherwise is a cis binary bigot


I like soap. Swap ass is gross.

Bro where are your pants? Haha if you needed some you could just ask, dude!

I hope everyone in the 90's died from AIDS.

If the joke is that he was gaping open her asshole and didn't wanna get shit on his fist, then yeah, there's literally no other reason to wear latex gloves during sex
>It implies she's dirty teehee
Are you guys children or genuinely autistic? Even watching porn you'd know the latex gloves thing is for anal, jfc

it's true
I told the same thing to my 8 year old niece and now she's always naked when she's around me

feed and seed him

Get in.