Are blacks human?

Are blacks human?

Attached: Diversity.webm (400x272, 1.92M)

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Isn't the answer a self-evident "no"?

>Yea Forums isn't a /pol/ infested shitstain

When will hiromoot delete fucking /pol/ bros?

Depends on how you define humanity
Sure, they have the physical makeup of a human being, but lack empathy, intelligence, restraint

she was asking for it

mootprime and meximoot tried that, it just infect the whole site - hence the containment board was brought back

that old hag disrespected those respectable men of african descent

Videos like this makes me racist.

rent free

tell em!

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you were racist efore that video, if you saw white men doing it it wouldnt change your view of white men in general, but one black acts retarded somehow you assume all blacks would do this.

The difference is blacks do it far more
If a lion killed your neighbour, and you feared lions after, would that be wrong?
Honest question

I agree, videos shouldn't make you racist, even if there are dozens of them. Personal experiences and living in a predominantly ethnic neighborhood should.

all blacks would do this if they had the chance though

are you saying there exists a video of a white man doing this?

13% of population
50% of crimes

but no goy it's just a coincidence don't be a racist white supremacist

>Viking do this for centuries and kill and rpe everyone around the place. they get an opera, tv shows dedicated to them and whites larp as them

>one black retard does this


/pol/ was a mistake.


Racism saves lives
That is a fact

It stops idiots like you or this father who let his son walk into black gang streets

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I also want this, more offtopic threads on Yea Forums

>medieval people did this so it's fine
lol you're braindead

I honestly dare you to find a webm of two white people robbing and then haymakering an old black woman from behind whilst inside a church.

Show me one video of a white person doing this



I mean if you really wanna bring up ancient history, strong evidence points to the fact that Bantus genocided entire, more peaceful African ethnic groups that history has almost no record of, were it not for genetic studies. Blacks of predominantly Bantu heritage still continue to be African nationalists, though.


Would you rather have your entire country be whites who act like niggers or niggers who act like whites?

>can't get laid because no girl wants you
>post racist memes on a cartoon image board

/pol/ ladies and gentlemen

>13% of population
>50% of crimes

ahhh so the entire population is committing crimes?

rent free


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>TL:DW version:
>firefighter and cops save life of OD'ing dindu
>cops say "you need to go to hospital, if you go to hospital there's no problem and you won't be in trouble"
>dindu refuses
>dindu opens fire
>dindu kills firefighter who saved his life, wounds a cop who saved his life
>dindu grabs civilian woman minding her own business and uses her as human shield
>cop kills dindu


imagine being so sheltered that you think only black people do crimes
>b-but muh fbi crime stats

i'm actually engaged and i hate fucking niggers
y'all leftists convinced yourself that only losers are racist for some reason

itt black fragility

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>no record of "massacre"
>actual records of whites massacring and enslaving blacks in africa
>b-b-but we're the good guys

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>But dude trust me
>instead of confirmed and detailed crime statistic took over decades of work by multiple governments

>containment board
this is the dumbest shit, nothing is being contained
ps fuck niggers

>implying people who aren't reactionaries stockpile gifs of assaults to prove a point about certain races
and then you'll proceed to take the lack of gifs posted as "proof" that you're right. absolute simpletons lmao

Seems pretty good to me

He wants to live around non whites

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>one black

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itt niggers and lefties seething


>medieval people did this so it's fine

t. white people "it was our culture!!"

thats pretty specific.
Too bad there isnt footage of that white kid shooting up a black church. I guess the FBI was right that white boys are the biggest domestic terror threat

whats your point?

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nobody here is black or trans or a woman, all the people making fun of you are just other white men who think you're a dipshit

I have no sympathy for old people. They've pissed away the greatest country on earth, fuck them.

just because they dont record their massacres doesnt mean they dont happen. we just like to keep score.

I think it's 50% chance that's the case. Either they are, or they aren't. Better be safe than sorry.

the funny thing is this guy still looks better than 99% of blacks

good question. italian mafia state or liberia?

Imagine being so far removed from reality you deny niggers commit most violent crimes. It's about as retarded as thinking there is no difference between the performance of female and male athletes.

>confirmed and detailed crime statistic

you mean like the ones from the same sources that claim whites are domestic terrorists?

>no arguments or evidence

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no. most crimes are committed by males, so you have to halve the 13% number. but then males also includes children and the elderly, so you have to lower the number again to just younger males. but then not every young black male is a criminal, so you have to lower the number yet again

basically a percentage smaller than 5% is responsible for over 50% of all homicides. and that only includes homicides for which there was an arrest. that's how violent blacks are

wheres the old lady getting sucker punched in the back of the head?

And that's pathetic. It's very understandable to defend your tribe, but larping is cringe and unbased.

Cant post evidence if they dont record it user.

Cry more nigcel and keep begging for that white aid.

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>it's 50% chance that's the case.

learn to statistic retard.

yeah fuck stats and data

>most crimes are committed by males
and yet you never hear you people talking about "around men never relax"

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nigger retard

nobody ever claimed to be those things, you claim that they are those things because you can't understand people who are like you not having your shit opinions

When I was a youngster I used to refer to the black man by the term of “nigger.” At the time this seemed like the natural, uninhibited term to use. As I became older, went through college, and was exposed to a liberal education and the mass media brain pollution programs, I changed to the more “respectable” term of “negro.” Today, I am most emphatically again using the term nigger.
In so doing I have been rebuked and criticized by some people that this is being low-brow, uneducated, crude.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that I have passed through the “nigger” stage, the respectable “negro” stage, and have finally advanced to the “nigger” designation again, because I have found, from a lifetime of experience and from a lengthy study of the subject, that the term nigger is by far the most correct and proper term to use.
Furthermore, in looking up the word in Webster’s dictionary I found the term “nigger” very descriptive: “a vulgar, offensive term of hostility and contempt for the black man.” I can’t think of anything that defines better and more accurately what our position toward the nigger should be than what the dictionary said. If we are going to be for racial integrity and racial purity and for supremacy of the White Man, we should and we must take a hostile position toward the nigger. We must give him nothing but contempt.

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This is racist, is Yea Forums a racist site? Any normal site would have these types of things deleted and the users banned for a while. What a joke

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Based Spartan.

>guess the FBI was right that white boys are the biggest domestic terror threat
source on this, cucky?

i dont think you understand. we never said white dont commit crimes we said that blacks being a minority commits the majority of them. which is confirmed by crime stats took over decades of work.

you are posting these cherry picked images like they prove anything at all lmao

yeah except the entire feminist movement for the past 60 years

>one black

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its a slow infection now instead of a massive outbreak

BLVCK bulls commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, yes, but that's just a side-effect of being the alpha race. There are other types of crime that wh*tes commit more often, mostly crimes of cowardice and perversion, like being pedophiles.

We all know the reason you hate blacks, user. You see a BLVCK bull walking down the sidewalk and you sheepishly step aside so the BLVCK bull's path is unaltered. It's okay, little wh*toid. In a world that rightfully belongs to BLVCK bulls, even simpering wh*toid betas like you have a place. That place is to be humiliated and pushed over by BLVCK bulls so that wh*te women can laugh and hop on a BLVCK bull's cock.

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>3000 year old conjecture

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Absolutely based. Fuck Jesus worshippers.

holy fucking based

the point of the image is to show you that mexicans and the like are being classed as white when being arrested and that is inflating the white crime statistic

>niggers commit most violent crimes.


>5% is responsible for over 50% of all homicides.

somehow this reflects on all blacks.

basically saying all british people are violent because the IRA

>its the brainwashed by porn industry poster again

>this is a big dick according to black 'men'
Oh no no no

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Attached: OH NO NO NO WHITE woMEN.jpg (967x776, 153K)

lefties and niggers absolutely BOILING

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>can't get laid because no girl wants you
>post anti-racist bullshit on a racist imageboard

Get a life

forgets to add that his dick was augmented with synthol and he can barely use the toilet. or did you purposely leave that out to prove a point.

>having this factoid/image on standby because of how defensive you are over white penis size

>1995 + 24
>getting married

Oh no no no no

I would be less threatened by black women than by black men if that's what you're implying. Also male wiggers.

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cope cuck
mad because nobody is bigger in your blacked folder, cuck?

implying this doesnt happen porn actors


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The absolute cope of the sissy brigade

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>Dude, Charts.
Brainlet confirmed

Ok where does it say that it is a bigger threat than nigger violence? Get the bulls cum out of your eyes dumb cuck.

jesus christ, black people are not human