Message for the mods

Now that Netflix has Eva, all the little 15 year old shits who browse this board are watching it and posting their shitty first impressions here. Please start moving all these posts to where they belong, or where they really belong.


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message for OP
you're a faggot

Yeah, we can't have our titty threads getting pruned.

currently watching this right now, on episode 5; when does it get good?

Attached: it's time to stop posting.png (500x377, 131K)

>Zoomzoom run this board

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halfway through EoE

nah bruh we watchin Eva and it's hella lit

Somewhere between 13 and 18


Just endure it, it gets good at 16 and achieves full kino status at the movie.
It's all worth it.

There's no rule against animation here.

It turns into a different show just over halfway through.

Still better than /pol/ posting election redditfugees. Go fuck yourself.
Definitely here longer than you.

there is

Yea Forums - Anime & Manga
1.All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.

Unless it was added very recently, no there isn't.

We're on Yea Forums, not Yea Forums.

I'm 19 and I still like it.

Eva threads on Yea Forums are for animefags who've been watching this shit for 20+ years. I don't give a fuck about anime outside of Eva and a couple others, so the threads on Yea Forums contain far less weeb cringe for me.

>hurrr if I false flag 1 thread the paid marketing can continue.

>We're on Yea Forums, not Yea Forums.

>that underage faggot zoomer who has a Netflix subscription

Attached: misato.jpg (1589x2038, 1004K)

What do you mean "exactly"? Yea Forums's rules don't apply on Yea Forums.

So I can make threads about guns and cooking on Yea Forums. I mean it's not against the rules.
You, kind sir, have autism.
It's common sense that anime shit belongs on Yea Forums.

>le funny troll
haha you got me

>1. Content should pertain to television shows, movies, actors/actresses, film equipment, etc.
>2. All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.
>3. Global Rule 13 applies—all images of actresses should be accompanied by relevant discussion.
>4. Please make use of the spoiler image checkbox and spoiler tags. Purposeful spoiling of a series or movie is not allowed.
Those are the rules. Doesn't say anything about animation, but it does say that content shopuld pertain to TV etc. You could make a thread about gun or cooking-related TV shows.

>It's common sense that anime shit belongs on Yea Forums.
How's it common sense? Anime is TV and movies. This is the TV and movies board.

So you are saying Yea Forums's rule do apply here?

Better than endgame /avatar box office posting


So by this, we should be able to post threads about sports and the news. Cause after all, they are on tv.

I don't think "television shows" is intended to refer to sports or news. In any case, anime is totally on-topic here.

There comes a point in life where you actually have to use your brain to think critically. I hope you discover this skill before you reach said point.

No. Cartoons belong on Yea Forums so anime belongs on Yea Forums.

There's no rule saying that.

they do get posted though, fairly often

Try posting about cartoons here without your thread getting thrown back to Yea Forums by the mods.

There is no rules saying I shouldn't shit in the bath, but it's common sense that it's not where you shit.

Then it means the mods aren't following their own rules. The rules don't exclude animation.


Attached: The anime.png (2768x1808, 252K)

How is it common sense? Anime is television, anime is movies. This board is for television and movies. Go on r/television or r/movies and there's anime threads there too.

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Kek this shit is better than EVA

Maybe you should go back to r/television and r/movies then.

This is deflection. You have no arguments.

>anime is totally on-topic here
No it isn't. For the exact same reason sports and the news aren't on topic here.

Where do I discuss live action animes

What reason would that be? How is anime the same as sports or news?

I don't get it


>How is anime the same as sports or news?
All 3 have their own board to post on instead of posting that shit here.

That doesn't mean anime is off-topic here. Anime is TV/movies, this is the TV/movies board, and there's no rule excluding anime.

Then why do anime threads get deleted when the mods actually do their job?

thank you op

Biased, corrupt mods deleting stuff they personally don't like. They have no legitimate reason to delete anime threads. If they want to exclude animation from Yea Forums, all they need to do is add a no animation rule.

Im new here, I don't get the reference??

>Biased, corrupt mods
Or maybe they felt that having an anime specific board meant anime gets posted there.
They figured it was obvious enough not to make a rule about it.

There's no rule or principle against posting anime here.

He's trolling. Or has severe autism. Or both.

How is it trolling or autism to prove that anime is on-topic on Yea Forums?

There's no rule against posting sports or the news here but those threads get deleted.

Sports and news is not equivalent to anime.

Yea Forums
4.The discussion of "live action" television shows is permitted so long as they are distinctly rooted in, or based off of an anime or manga series.

How the fuck does someone just became a staff member on an user Korean weaving basket board.

because it isn't on topic

Show me a rule that says anime can't be posted here.

How so? Both are on tv. The same exact argument you are using for anime.

How is it not on topic? Anime is TV shows and movies. This is the TV and movie board. How is it not on topic?

Sports and news aren't the same thing as Sopranos or Evangelion. Sports is just directly broadcasting something that's occuring. News is just reporting on events that are occuring. Neither of them has much to do with television, television is just the delivery mechanism. Anime is obviously the same thing as a live action drama or movie.

It probably damaged Netflix's reputation because just about everyone including the pozed crowd hated the new dub.
The zoomers planning to watch it for the first time should better look for blu-ray rip torrent with decent subs.

Sports and news air on tv. Just like anime. Face it. Your argument is trash.
Anime is off-topic on Yea Forums.

It has it's own board you dumb shit. Even live-action based on anime is supposed to be on Yea Forums (but the mods will let you post about Hollywood western movies based loosely on anime if you don't bring up the source material. Once the thread has anime shit in it they will relocate it to Yea Forums).

I just told you what makes them different, and I just told you that anime is the same as live action dramas and movies. You have no argument. Anime is on-topic here.


>It has it's own board you dumb shit.
So? It's still on-topic here. A topic can span more than one board. Movies about musicians could be discussed on either Yea Forums or Yea Forums. Outdoor gear could be discussed on /k/ or /out/. And /k/ has regular anime threads that pertain to /k/ subjects.

There was no autism. You just have no argument.

Then show me a rule that says I can't post sports content on Yea Forums?

You keep repeating the same shit over and over, it's either autism or ocd.

>instead of ignoring the thread, I'll spend over an hour posting in it, acting like the teacher's pet rat that no one else likes

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>i wuz le troll all along urr durr

There technically speaking isn't a rule, but it's obvious that rule #1 refers to things like dramas, game shows, reality TV and documentaries.

I am forced to repeat myself and you cannot produce any proof to show that I have autism. Not a single person on this entire site can.

>There technically speaking isn't a rule
Thank you. Time to spam baseball threads to cancel out the Eva.

Read the entire post before replying.

>being this obtuse
I remember when I was 16...

You mean about the part that says "it's obvious"?
Just like its obvious that since there is an anime board that anime belongs on it?

I already explained to you what makes sports and news different.

>Just like its obvious that since there is an anime board that anime belongs on it?
No, and I've told you why.

Have sex and/or dilate

How about you actually post anime instead of complaining/arguing?

Then stick to only posting in the Evangelion threads on Yea Forums you stupid idiot. Yea Forums is not an anime board.


I didn't start this, and why would I just post some random anime in the thread?

have sex

Attached: Have Sex.png (855x655, 234K)

Because ut's a Yea Forums thread and posts should be about tv shows and movies?

Season 11 Episode 5

This is a thread about Evangelion, not a random anime thread.

i dont get it

24 and 25

TThen post about that Avengelion show and stop posting off-topic bullshit.

Evangelion is off-topic bullshit.

I didn't start this.

No, it isn't.

Then post about on-topic things.

Finish it. Post about Evagelian and ignore that other guy/guys.

But you're the one who keeps it alive, so it became your fault.

If you are so adamant about talking Evangelin or anime then why aren't you doing it?

I am not the one who is keeping this alive. You are shifting blame.

anime website shithead
oh and guess what, anime is aired on television
youre fucked

which girl has the best feet

Attached: misatofeet.png (320x218, 92K)


>They're not following the rules!!!
>How could this be happening!!!
>I must tattle on them to the mods!!!
You should apply to be a janny. You seem very suited to the job user!

>MC cries for 26 episodes: the series

no wonder it appeals to faggots. Sage

Because I don't know shit about it and wants to know if I should invest the time to watch it.


Do you feel in charge?

The faggot rises.

let's fix the capeshit problem first, and then we can talk

Shinji is such a gigantic sad gay baby mood, I love him

As the Leafy cousin to my main man CIA I must admit that this should not have happened. He was indubitably in charge!

>tfw no one to talk to about Eva even in a Eva thread

does that include Baneposting?

Of coursh not!

Then I agree

Only if they are posting about Asuka.

Attached: asuka fans.jpg (510x478, 64K)

I was wondering what was up with all of the threads today