Mfw a prequel spin off series becomes the best horror franchise in decades

>mfw a prequel spin off series becomes the best horror franchise in decades

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this movie looked like shit. convince me to watch it


effortless bait, -2/10

>silent scene
>suddenly BOO
>repeat this every 5 minutes
Why do people like this series?

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le spooky doll makes me pee my panties

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Maybe SöyHorror is more your speed

So this movie then? You fucking Reddit user

He's baiting. Nobody smart enough to solve a google captcha and post on here would ever enjoy a movie like this.

have sex

>better than soulful Conjuring

Conjuring was pretty dumb and only warmed up shit everyone has already seen a thousand times, but it actually did it well. It's an entertaining movie and not a total waste of time and braincells like the rest of the franchise

The only good scene in the whole series was in Creation where the girl walks backwards into the dark so you can only see the whites of her eyes and all you can hear is the crunching of bones as she morphs into the demon.
Everything else in that movie was absurdly on-the-nose (the rotating camera shot on the cross, "what do you want?" "*spooky head turn) YOUR SOUL" etc)

>LotR prequel trilogy sucked
>Star Wars prequel trilogy sucked
>conjuring prequel trilogy : KINO SUPREMO


>Everything else in that movie was absurdly on-the-nose (the rotating camera shot on the cross, "what do you want?" "*spooky head turn) YOUR SOUL" etc)
top kek I thought I was watching Evil Dead 2 for a second

>if you don't like jumpscare-infested shit you must like movies with no tension at all
why can't there be balance?

Why do redditors hate the conjuring universe do much

The first movie is alright, everything that came afterwards is incredibly bad and fucking embarrassing. It's everything that's wrong with modern horror. Nobody with one fucking braincell left could ever enjoy something like that.

The Nun was the worst "horror movie" I have seen in years. Redditors love that shit though, le spooky nun

Incorrect, redditors hate Le cheap jumpscares

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So its better than Us?

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I wouldn't do that to you.

>cheap jumpscares
I wouldn't even call it jumpscares. There's nothing scary about it, it's more a jumpeffect.

And redditors love that shit.

ok bend over I am going in dry